Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Gene Zenobi is your new Regional Counsel. Once again our embattled Governor has made an outstanding pick.

Mr. George is out and that comes as a big relief to those who have worked and suffered under what was widely reported as his oppressive regime.

The good news is that there is a real professional now running a state funded criminal defense firm and we will all be the better for it.

Congratulations Mr. Zenobi, there are very high expectations for what you can bring to the job.

Now, to paraphrase our Governor- Get to work!

See you in court, where we expect to see a smile on the face of every assistant Regional Counsel.


  1. Now just hold on one cotton pickin second. There is a little known codicil to the Faber College ...I mean the Florida Constitution which allows the Regional Counsel in times of insurrection expanded powers. For the last month, after I fired Gene Zenobi I also placed him on double secret probation. Mr Zenobi has not met my expectations and I was forced again, moments after the Governor appointed him- but- and this is important- BEFORE I was relieved of my duty, to once again FIRE Mr Zenobi. Mr. Zenobi was relieved of duty by me. I expect the Governor to call for candidates to the JNC. I will of course be a candidate. Within several months the JNC will interview all candidates and I expect to be nominated to the Governor and re-appointed. Until that time I remain in charge here. All is well. I am in command and the office will run as ordered or the people who screw up will be fired.

    Joseph P George IV, Regional Counsel Plenipotentiary Extraordinary of the 3rd Region, 11th Arrondissement, Florida.

  2. May I be the first to congratulate Gene on his appointment as RC3 head honcho. Gene has not only been a wonderful resource, always willing to share his knowledge and time, but he has been a loyal and fair manager. When he came to RC3, he immediately lent a credibility to the office that had been lacking. He met with judges, listened to staff and made necessary changes. He stood by his attorneys when needed and took a tough stance when appropriate. The office turned around and it was a pleasure to work for him. Thank God he's back.

  3. KellIE PETERSON FAN CLUBTuesday, October 04, 2011 9:06:00 PM

    Kellie Peterson Fan Club meeting tomorrow, at Mortons, on Brickell, 12 Noon. Free Wine for all who attend. A cabernet of course

  4. 9:04- you're fired.

    9:04 you're fired.

    9:06 You're fired.

  5. To know Gene is to like Gene. Gene is always there to help everyone. How amazing that this idiot governor has made some good choices.

  6. What a fine, fitting and graceful exit Mr. George.

  7. I don't follow this Regional Counsel Office issue too much but Gene showed a lot of class with his obvious improper firing.

  8. Excellent and best choice. Congrats GENO!! I'm starting to hate this Governor less.

  9. Congratulations Mr. Zenboi!! I sent prayers hoping you would get appointed and those prayers were answered! I am totally confident that you are going to make a great Regional Counsel with a new management team! The knowledge God has blessed you with is priceless and I look forward to learning a lot from you. Time to get rid of the cancer that lingers (Chief Administrative Director- Shiona Creary, trust me she is a snake!) in order for you to have a unified head to lead the office. May God continue to bless you!!! You have all of my support!!

  10. to 9:04 PM - you can be the second; see below.

    (Reprinted with permission from The Captain)

    The Captain Reports:

    It's ZENOBI .....

    Congrats to our friend and colleague Eugene 'Geno' Zenobi who was appointed today as the next Director of the OCCCRC.

    CAP OUT ....

    Tuesday, October 04, 2011 6:15:00 PM

  11. OMG finally some one who knows what he is doing. Gene will be a fine administrator and IS a Great Trial Attorney. Could happen to a more deserving person. Congrats.

  12. na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye, na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey goodbye. s. creary, j. george, r. joyce, and whoever else got 3 well liked respected attorneys fired. good luck gene zenobi.

  13. Gene, I don't know you, but congratulations on your appointment.

    Steve Jobs passed away. He lead a full life and was able to see his life's work come to fruition. We should all be so lucky.

  14. Shumie for RC in 2016!!!!

  15. Rump, post my comment on zenobi as to why he would take this job or I resign from this blog.

  16. Regional Counsel 2 In Distress HELP PLEASE
    *Polk County Sheriff’ s Deputy (Terry Roberts) gets paid by Regional Counsel 2 to scan confidential criminal defense files and move offices containing confidential information in Bartow. (See 1, pgs 7-11)click here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B1DSVj3voVytZmYxMGU4MzUtYzRlZi00MTk5LWI5OGQtMDkzZDNhZTM3NDVj&hl=en
    *Former Office Administrator for RC2 (Sharon Roberts) goes to jail and is being prosecuted for theft and fraud committed while working at RC2. (See 2 and 3)*Sharon Roberts resigns and confesses to Regional Counsel 2, John Hendry, and is promised no prosecution if she pays back the money. (See 14)*Vendor (Reliable Reporting) submitting fraudulent invoices and travel vouchers to RC2 is former employer of former Regional Counsel 2, Jackson Flyte’s spouse, Cathy Flyte who is now an employee of RC2. (See 4 and 4a)*Relatives (Cathy Flyte and Benjamin Davis) of Jackson Flyte, are employed at RC2 after falsifying SOF applications, both indicate that they have no relatives who work at RC2. (See 5-10b)*Per John Hendry, uncontrolled spending from the Due Process/Contracted Services budget of RC2 has left us out of money and forced employees to take leave without pay. (See 12 and 13)
    Please help me stop this administration! You were able to stop Phil Massa and Joe George. I have not been so successful. I was an attorney at RC2. RC2 was investigated by the OIG and that investigation has been reopened. Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto has called for an audit of RC2 by the Auditor General and it is ongoing. (See 11) Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott has concerns about RC2 and has asked the Governor to look at the appointment. (See 4) Hendry took over RC2 after the untimely death of Flyte. Hendry professed that he was familiar with every aspect of the business of the agency from the beginning and assisted Flyte in the day to day operations of the agency in all matters, including policy, budget and personnel.(See15,pg 13but see 16, pg7, line 9, page 4, line 14) Hendry continued the unethical, fraudulent, and illegal practices begun by Flyte. Hendry signed building leases for two and one half times the amount of comparable buildings (See 17, pages 19-21). When I called this into question Hendry hired a realtor to make it appear that everything was at an arms-length transaction (See 18). Hendry, at Flyte’s direction, hired Flyte’s nephew, Ben Davis(See 10b). After Flyte’s death, Hendry hires Flyte’s widow to be a fiscal specialist and oversee the billing of her former employer, Reliable. Cathy Flyte was formerly employed by Disney as a monorail driver (See 4 and 5).William Twyford is a candidate for RC2. Twyford spent considerable time with Flyte setting up RC2. Twyford and Flyte were friends from the early 1990’s. Twyford was in charge of the Bartow office of RC2 (Circuit Chief). Twyford had frequent contact with Flyte regarding the management of RC2 (See 22, page 11). Twyford also worked closely with Hendry. Twyford failed to criticize Hendry in his JNC interview (See 23, page 3, line 20). As to problems at RC2, Twyford responds this way in his interview, “I guess”, “I guess”, “I guess”, “I guess”, (See 23, page 5, lines 14-23), “I guess”, “I was unaware”, “I think”, (See23, page 6, lines 1-13). Twyford describes RC2 as “helter-skelter about how things are done”. (See 23, page 9, line 14) Twyford admits after almost four years of running the Bartow office that his staff are still “not on the same page”. (See 23, page 11, line 16) Twyford admitted that he “ knew what they (administration) were doing as far as it runs”. (See 23, page 14, line 12)
    Hendry is a hold over. Twyford is a candidate. Please help this come to an end!

  17. Last comment deserves a separate blog title.

    Massa, George, Hendry three friends to the end but their ship has sunk!

  18. RC-2 had a Sheriff’s Deputy scanning their defense files? What if he was the same officer who was on their case? How could he allow such a serious breach of attorney client privilege? Who is this guy? Didn’t his term end? No wonder he was not picked by the JNC why is he still in charge of RC2?
