Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Judge Matthew J. Perry of the South Carolina Federal District Court, who was South Carolina's first black federal judge, has passed away. His obituary is here. Working as a litigator for the NAACP, Matthew Perry brought cases that desegregated hospitals, colleges, beaches, golf courses and restaurants. He was a real American hero.

The DOW finished down over 600 points Monday. If you want to know how to make money in the stock market read what we wrote yesterday, but the bottom line is this: do the opposite of everyone else. Not an easy road to hoe, but take our advice and in five to ten years your account will have a very healthy balance.

Here is the New Times article on Federal Inmate Elroy Phillips. Convicted of selling a few rocks of crack, Judge Joan Leonard slammed him with 30 years. Now the case appears to have fallen apart. Who will step up and assist Mr. Phillips?

Tell you what. Some lawyer takes on his case and Rumpole will take you to dinner. Your choice of restaurants. We will order the wine since we know more about that than you.

Want to know what is not funny? The current post on DOM's blog about the swearing in of Judge Kathleen Williams. Either the guest blogger or Judge Moreno thinks they're a comedian. But they're not. Leave the funny stuff to the pros like us por favor.

The problems with "Knock and talk" consent searches very ably explained here by attorney Gary Ostrow on the JAA Broward blog. It would be nice if a lot of attorneys read it. It would be GREAT if a few Judges delay their Tee time a few minutes one afternoon this week and read it.

See you in court.


  1. OK for those of you screaming in emails for a stock to buy check out BOA- bank of America. It got slammed yesterday. But check out its balance sheet (and if you don't know where to get a balance sheet and don't know how to read one, what on earth are you doing investing in stocks???)

    It has something on the order of 340 BILLION in cash reserves. That means if everyone who had a short term obligation called it in BOA has more than enough cash to pay them off within a few minutes.

    BOA has closed to another 250 billion in well collateralized performing obligations.

    The stock is undervalued and the company is on solid ground.

    Here's what worries me: You have institutional investors upset at the down grade of the US and worried the US cannot get its financial house in order- what are they doing? Buying US treasuries. You have people selling their bank stocks and putting the case in the same bank.
    I could go on and on.
    In summary you have people acting scared and caught behind a fast changing world wide financial environment in which they have not realized the old rules have changed. The change is scaring them but they are still acting under old models.
    In other words, people are acting irrationally but they don't see it yet. This is an opportunity, but you have to look very very carefully to find safe ones.

  2. rumpole - if i take on judge joan lenard and take elroy's case - you say you will pay for dinner and wine ... i am going to file a notice of appearance today.

    MENDY's tomorrow night @ 7pm? Chateau Petrus 1981? Just soup?

  3. I'd go with HD (Home Depot) with a good P/E ratio and very good fundamentals, and trading near its 52 week low, I see good upside.

    Also, F (Ford) has a very low P/E, also good fundamentals and also trading around its 52 week low.

    And, as for the wine, I'm holding in my hand right now a bottle of Opus One, 1980, Mondavi & Rothschild's second year of the Opus One vintage.

    Cap Out ....

  4. You already have a bottle in your hand before 11 am??

    Sir, you may have a problem.

  5. Opus One can be grand. Of course if you carefully listen to what I write you would know I avoid it. Why? because everyone who knows a little bit of wine wants an Opus One and as I repeatedly say, the key to success in life is to determine what everyone else is doing and do the opposite.

  6. George tried the old opposite thing. Remember: "If every thought I have is wrong, then the opposite must be right."

    Worked out at first, then tanked big time.

  7. Problem with HD is that it is too dependent on factors that are and will remain negative- mainly construction, new housing starts, home sales, etc.

    I love FORD. Of course I've loved it since I bought it before the government bailed every other car company out but Ford. What an extremely well run company it is.

  8. Figarola is new Circuit Judge.

  9. Rump -

    Any word on the Broward case of a 79 year-old man who allegedly shot a 12-year old? The wound was non-lethal and the man was charged with aggravated battery with a firearm, but he is being held without a bond after two bond hearings.

    What's up with Broward continually denying bonds to people charged with bondable offenses?
