Sunday, May 29, 2011


UPDATE: If you're reading this Monday night, tune in to AMC and watch perhaps our favourite war movie: Midway.

The battle of Midway is fascinating because it is a Game Theorist's dream: nations acting on incomplete information attempting to maximize their military gains while minimizing their loss over a set period of time.

The battle of Midway occurred just after the battle of the Coral Sea which was at best a draw. However the US carrier Lexington was sunk in the battle, while the Japanese lost two carriers- one light carrier and one large carrier. That left the US with just three carriers to face the Japanese in the Pacific: The Hornet, The Enterprise and the Yorktown and the Yorktown was heavily damaged in the Coral Sea Battle. The carrier Saratoga was already out of action but not sunk and being refitted in San Francisco.

To make matters more intriguing, the US's greatest Admiral (perhaps ever) William "Bull" Halsey, was in the hospital with a bad case of shingles. Halsey choose Admiral Raymond Spruance, who had never commanded a carrier fleet to replace him.

There are fascinating volumes analyzing in detail the shifting fortunes of the battle which lasted over three days. There were attacks, counter attacks, and responses to the counter attacks. When the smoke cleared the Japanese plan to lure the US carriers into a trap had failed and the Japanese had lost four carriers and several other ships. The battle was "a" (not "the") turning point in the Pacific war. The battle has been called "the most stunning and decisive blow in the initial of naval warfare." We recommend Gordon Prange's seminal "Miracle at Midway" for further reading.

Remember that this day and this holiday weekend is about remembering those who have served and given, in the words of President Lincoln "the last full measure of devotion."



    "FLAGS-IN" ......

    I hope that everyone remembers to take a moment on Monday to say a prayer for the men and women who have performed the highest sacrifice in service of their country.

    Since the days of the Civil War, we have honored those soldiers that have fought and given their lives in service to our country and we do so on the last Monday in May.

    For the past few days and continuing until Monday, more than 260,000 American flags are being placed at each and every grave at Arlington National Cemetery.

    "Flags-In" is performed by the 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) who honor America's fallen heroes by placing the American flags before the gravestones and niches of every service member buried at Arlington.

    If you have never made the trip to Arlington, add it to your bucket list.

    And on Monday, fly an American flag at your home to honor the soldiers lost in wars past and present. And say a prayer for those fighting right now to preserve our freedom.

    Cap Out .....

  2. FAKE RODRIGUEZ-CHOMATMonday, May 30, 2011 9:19:00 AM

    Hey! Where is everybody? I have a calendar to call...I think.

  3. No need to call the Shumie right? It's a shumie day!

  4. Rumpole, you magnificent bastard, I read your book....I READ YOUR BOOK.

  5. Don not mock Rodriguez-Chomat. The 3rd DCA and Tallahassee beckons, and from there, the 11th circuit and perhaps beyond. The big RC rolls!

  6. Leave RC alone.

    He is a good judge. He works hard, treats people fairly and with respect. Many of the other judges in REG should take a lesson from him.

    As far as I know, he had no prior criminal experience. But given a choice, I would prefer to practice in front of him than many of the other "more experienced" jerks around that building.

  7. In my opinion, "Tora! Tora! Tora!" is the better movie. (has nothing to do with Jews by the way)

    If I recall, Midway was released in "Sensoround" a gimmick to make the movie more marketable.

    Anyway, your point is well taken regarding the importance of the battle, and the movie stays pretty close to reality in it's story telling. You are also correct in that the really interesting part of the story is the guesswork that the American and Japanese Admirals and Commanders engaged in, attempting to out maneuver, out strategize, an out guess the opposing forces.

    Luck played perhaps as big a part in the out one as any over factor. What a way to run a war!

    But for pure entertainment value, check out 1941 with John Belushi. Cheap, immature, and just plain stupid, but it grasps on the interesting subject of the fears of a mainland attack in the US. A true all star cast.

  8. Rodriguez-Chomat is a gentleman! He listens to everyone, treats everyone with respect, and actually tries to make good decisions. He has the best attitude of any new judge in the building, and better than many of the older ones.

  9. Thank You, Abuela at 5:55 a.m.
