Saturday, May 28, 2011


OCCCRC ...........

The Office of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel was established in 2007. As many of you who accept conflict cases know, it changed the way we do business in the State of Florida when it came to the PD announcing a conflict.

In 2007, the Governor appointed the five Regional Counsel positions to run each of the five offices; (the offices encompass the geographic boundaries of each of the five District Courts of Appeal). In the 3rd, Joseph P. George was appointed to a four year term. During the past four years the office has grown and now takes 75% of the conflict cases from the PD's office; the remaining 25% of conflict cases end up with an attorney from the Registry ("the wheel").

In February, the Supreme Court JNC asked for applications for the new four year term to be appointed by Governor Scott. In the 3rd DCA region, the applicants were:

James Ermacora
Joseph P. George
Steven Lieberman

Mr. Ermacora also submitted his application to be considered for the 2nd, 4th and 5th DCA's; I guess he didn't care much for living in Wakulla.

Mr. Lieberman, currently a General Magistrate assigned to the Juvenile Dependency Division, has also submitted his name to the local JNC for consideration to become a County Court Judge and his name was on the desk of the Governor (along with four others) for an open County Court seat until yesterday when Governor Scott chose Dawn Denaro as your new County Court Judge.

Earlier this week, in Tampa, the Florida Supreme Court JNC interviewed the prospective candidates for the five positions of Regional Counsel. Their responsibility is to nominate up to three names and send those names to the Governor. Gov. Scott chooses one name subject to confirmation by the Florida Senate.

In the 3rd DCA region, the JNC chose to nominate:


Instead, their decision as a Committee was: "To be advertised again in order to see more candidates".

We do not know what went on in the interviews of the three candidates and maybe someone with knowledge of that can provide comments. From what we have heard of the OCCRC office run by Mr. George, like any new office, it experienced growing pains during the first couple of years, and then started to blossom with qualified attorneys handling conflicts throughout the Gerstein Justice Building. I believe that they currently employ Eugene Zenobi and Phil Reizenstein to handle their capital death cases.

So, the question now becomes, if Mr. George is not to be nominated to another four year term - then who?

On a separate note, congratulations to our new County Court Judge, Dawn Denaro. She is 44 years old and has spent her entire legal career with the State Attorney's Office. She takes over for Judge Gayles who was appointed to the Circuit Court.

We hope everyone enjoys their long Memorial Day Weekend. Please remember why we celebrate this weekend and take some time to honor the men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice in protecting and defending our freedoms.



  1. Adreed. Good coaching and good team play will produce winning basketball. Precisely why the heat has and will continue to win.

  2. congrats to Dawn she will make a fine judge. has good judgment and has lots of trial experience

  3. Me thinks Angry Gurl need to meet a man. she is a bit too angry over nothing

  4. The Governor is looking for a former prosecutor to run the Conflict Counsel office.

    He has also hired former prosecutors to oversee his committee on the homeless, his advisory board on mental health issues, as well as his maid and food taster.

  5. me thinks angry gurl needs the high hard one.

  6. I laugh at Angry Gurl because there are ZERO good female criminal defense attorneys.

    So have fun in the gym, because you suck at your job.

  7. The Captain Reports:

    North of the Border ......

    Current 4th DCA Regional Counsel Phil Massa interviewed to be re-appointed. The JNC sent three names to Governor Scott and Massa's was not one of them.

    CCCRC (4th DCA): Debbie Maken, Anuraag (Raag) Singhal and Algeisa M. Vazquez

    Cap Out .....

  8. So, aomeone do tell us what Mr. George did that was so bad?

  9. Nearly able to walk againSaturday, May 28, 2011 9:57:00 PM

    I know none of you will believe this, but I know Angry Gurl. And you don't want to hear this, but I can tell you she is an unbelievable lay. All the gym work and tanning is not a waste.

    She does stuff in bed that would make a Saigon Whore blush. She does things that normally you have to go to Thailand for. I mean she literally drained me. I had to drink a 32 oz Gatorade just to be able to blink my eyes afterward.

    I actually had to burn my sheets afterward.

  10. *** Point of clarification on my previous post. The only good female criminal defense attorneys handle appeals. There isn't one that can actually try a case; the few that are passable work for the PDs.

  11. So here it is, Sunday of our three day weekend. And you Rumpole have let the cretins out of the box after my little rant yesterday. So just to rub it in that I have a much better life than the swill that laps up your pablum, yesterday, while your readers were busy stuffing themselves with hamburgers and hotdogs and french fries and busy telling themselves that their coronary was not on the way, I was at the gym running five miles on the treadmill. Then I went into the Pilates room, through whose door most of your readers could not fit. After a half hour of ab and core work, I went for a steam and then a shower. Then home to my beautiful condo, and as I looked over Biscayne Bay I hat some wonderful navy bean vegetarian soup, a few crackers, and a wonderful salad and a glass of Cab-Opus One 2007.

    Today, back to the gym for a yoga class, then the pool, for some tanning and reading my book. You might want to post some pictures of books so your readers can figure out what I am talking about.

    Meanwhile, how many of you slobs waited on line to see Hangover II? Or is that today?

    See ya...most definitely wouldn't want to be ya.

  12. 605 n 11pm
    Edith Georie, Liesbeth Boots, Lisa Lewis, Carol Ferrero...
    We at PD11 have Wonderful Ladies trying cases who are GREAT Attorneys. Even more I didnt list. DS

  13. judge silverman

    nice try trying to taint the jnc....

  14. angry gurl--trust me i could make you my bitch in a courtroom. i know who you are and you aint that great.

    am intrigued that someone says you are great in the sack, however.

    btw didnt go to hangover, didnt eat a hamburger either and went to the gym as well.

  15. Angry gurl at 8:22 a.m., after eating all those navy beans, you must have made a significant methane contribution to global warming. That's environmentally irresponsible and politically incorrect.

  16. To the person whose comment I will not publish-there are things occurring that I have learned that you do not know. Your comment will unintentionally mess that up. Just watch and wait. I have the entire situation monitored.

  17. Other great female defense attorneys:

    Rae Shearn, Janice Sharpstein, Aleana Abreu, Silvia Gonzalez ... just to name a few and they aren't in your face telling you how great they are. Quality speaks volumes all by itself and you don't need to advertise literally and figuratively.

    And about Angry Gurl being outstanding in bed, this is the South and I'm sure anything other than the regular is outstanding. I seriously doubt that Angry Gurl would deviate from her selfish life style and personal life and become very giving in a physical way. Just can't cut it, so you need to talk about it!!

  18. It is the Opus 1 that gives her the guts to do that thing with her tongue that saved me the trip to Thailand.

  19. Please.... Enlighten yourself. Women from other cities are quite different from women in Florida.

    Some of that stuff is SOP and so old we wonder if that's your first time at 40-something or 50-something but I'm glad you got it before you had to put it on your bucket list.

  20. The Governor made an excellent appointment in naming Judge Denaro to the bench. She is bright, hard-working, has a sense of humor, a fine sense of self-deprecation, and I believe will be very fair as a judge. I am sure that she will be missed by the SAO, but for those who think she will be a prosecutor in a robe, I suggest that you do not know her very well. She will also be an excellent example of the judiciary and the system at its best for the many people whose only contact with the criminal system is with a county judge.

  21. Joe George has no business running that office. He might be good at other things, but not his current gig. An average PD with 5 years of experience would be more effective

  22. FACDL list serve leakerMonday, May 30, 2011 11:29:00 AM

    Excellent! Another young, female judge who has only ever prosecuted people. Who has an understanding and mindset formed by and limited to that particular mix of youth, gender and prosecutorial inclination.

    But this is not enough. Let's not stop there. I think the JQC needs to seek to remove from the bench any judge who came on the bench over the age of 50, any judge who has a Y chromosome and any judge who, before coming on the bench, ever defended anyone in criminal court, or who ever saw the inside of a civil courtroom, or who ever had any private practice experience at all.

  23. At least Angry Gurl is spelling "cretins" correctly now, which shows she is capable of learning. I like that.

  24. Teresa Enriquez, Amy Weber and Madeline Acosta as also excellent trial lawyers. There are many women in our community who handle criminal defense work who are exceptional at every aspect of their practice. And the PDs office is lucky to have quite a few of them.
