Friday, May 20, 2011


(A few quick posts in a row, so make sure to scroll down and check the post from Thursday night on the BBC's expose' on the Miami Jail.)

So this is how it all ends. Not with a bang, but a
webpage by some nut named Harold Camping.

Rumpole revealed?

No. Nothing as earth shaking as that. Merely just the end of the world. A/K/A The Rapture.

"Rapture 2011", "end of the world" etc., are currently the top Google searches as radio shows, billboards and other advertisements promote the belief that Saturday ends it all.

Query: What would Jesus Tweet? Would you friend him on facebook? Can you get into his Linkdin?

What does this mean for you?

1) All you fools predicting the Heat winning the NBA championship? HA! Shows we know more than you. With the world ending, they have no chance. (PS- sorry for those of you who pre-paid for a full championship run of tickets. Refunds could be a hassle.)

2) At least you got to see the final of The Office on Thursday night.

3) No NFL for sure.

4) Those of you dieting? Sorry. Ditto gym rats and those of you with fat IRAs and no balances on your credit cards.

5) Vic Tobin could have waited to make his announcement and gone out on top.

6) You finally got a reservation at Raos for Sunday? Woops.

7) Don't spend money on a full tank of gas today.

8) You graduated from law school and think the job market is bad now? Just wait as all those souls come back. Talk about rush hour congestion.

9) Arnold may have had the right idea about infidelity. Ditto for those foreclosure firms that advised you not to pay your mortgage.

10) And finally, how bad will it be with everything ending and you don't get to know just who Rumpole is?

Stay tuned. If things get rocky Saturday morning, we will give up the ghost so to speak before the internet goes down.




  1. The end of days may be upon us according to that site, but don't you love how he's still trying to make a buck with all those ads on the site?

  2. You're missing the part about how he predicted the end in 1994, but got his calculations wrong. I'm sticking with the Mayan calander, thank you.

  3. Many will die tomorrow (people die everyday) and hopefully those whose time it is tomorrow will be prepared to meet God. Remember that even though it will not be the end of time for everyone, it will be for some. If you are a believer, you should be prepared for your day whether you share it with the rest of the world or not.

  4. Govenor Rick Scott:

    You could save about $30 million if the courts go paperless but apparently you want to save and put the burden on those who don't vote yet.

  5. Dollar Bill Barzee steals away from the federal financial fraud trial for a few hours to get the IMF guy out on bond. NFL waiting for double B to finish trial so he can litigate their case against the players.

    Obama eyes him for head of SEC or 11th circuit seat ...OR BOTH!

  6. So the end is here tomorrow. On the bright side, no more endless voir dire from my friends in the defense bar. No more continuances. Ha!

  7. ssssssshhhh


  8. OMG just saw City of Miami Police press conference on Shooting on 73rd Street. They had the victim's 10 year old boy crying on cam. NO NEED for this circus, talk about putting the kid through abuse. Go to 7's website and see it and listen to to City PD spokes women's comments w/ the kid there. OUTRAGOUS.

  9. Do not confuse about the situation going on today's world. What Jesus says in the Holy Bible about the End of this World and the Second coming of Christ..You need to Read more References in Holy Bible but one thing is True and that is only the Father(God) knows about the End Time. you need to read Holy Bible: Matthew 24, then you will get perfect idea..
    If you want more perfect idea about the End Time of the World then read my Blog..

  10. Let me tell you what I'm doing. Went out tonight. Ordered the mac daddy Opus One 1997. Out of sight! Double steak, fries and potatoes, and the chocolate souffle. Let the end begin.

  11. Slip into a Slim CoffinFriday, May 20, 2011 10:43:00 PM

    First sign of the coming apocalypse-

    Randy "Macho Man" Savage has died.

  12. oh come on 8:28pm, we already know what you eat on a friday evening kenny w....

  13. Crap! Still here. Man, this means I have to do that sucky hearing on wednesday with my pain in the ass client. I can't cut a break.

  14. Paperless? You moron!

    The people who say paperless is cheaper are the salesmen who sell the gear needed to go paperless. The cost of computers is far higher than filerooms.

    The point of the Final Judgment is that it is the one piece of paper we need to keep; the rest of the file is crap we can throw away.

  15. Rumpy, you are so wrong about the HEAT! You will eat your words when they bring the championship back to Miami! Did you see Haslem the other night? We can't lose!

  16. To 7:41 am. You have until six pm tonight. Enjoy your last few hours. Of course if you are not one of the lucky few, According to the Rapture, you still have five more months of hell on earth.

  17. To Former Judge...Last night's dinner consisted of: 1997 Haut Brion, Beet and Goat Cheese Salad, Porterhouse for 2(au poivre sauce), and asparagus. My friend brought the wine so the bill was palatable.

  18. Why does anyone give a rat's asshole what jesus would say or do?? Wake up.

  19. The beet and goat cheese salad is a Revelation. Perfect for the Rapture. Good choice Kenny.

