Thursday, May 19, 2011


Welcome to The Gulag Miami.

The BBC has exposed the Miami jail. The title of the post links to the expose'.

Brutal conditions, "a violent gladiatorial code", "mandatory rec" (being forced to fight for a bed) and "gunning" (masturbation) are all covered in this article about the shameful conditions we force people to live in.

"In some cells inmates boasted that they had a policy of "mandatory rec" for new inmates - meaning any inmate coming into the cell had to fight (or "rec") for a bunk, unless he was known to other inmates in the cell, in which case he might be granted a reprieve."

The entire article is worth a read.

"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky.


  1. That was the least informative and least exposing expose I have ever read. Conditions in jail are harsh, disgusting, and dangerous. Shocking disclosure.


  2. They live like that on the streets!

  3. We don't force anyone to live in these "conditions". The things the author talked about are a result of the people who are in there.
    If you put one bowl of food in the middle of the room and turn off the lights and air conditioning; these are conditions we can control and would be forced on them.
    I've shared rooms with 12 people before. We didn't beat the hell out of each other. We didn't steal from each other. 3rd anon was right, these guys live like that on the street. That's why most of them are there to begin with.

  4. Rump, I understand your point, but............PAB is right. The author needs to get out more. The only thing stunning about the article is his naive interpretation of what he saw and heard.

    This setnence is a classic: "For reasons that remain to some extent opaque - perhaps because of the bleak conditions they live in or because of insufficient supervision by officers, maybe because they lack other outlets for their energies, or because of their involvement with gangs on the outside, or maybe from a warped jailhouse tradition - the incarcerated here have created a brutal gladiatorial code of fighting."

    Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that the folks on the floors he visited are the most violent and intractable offenders in the It's the officers' fault. It's the department's fault. It's society's fault.

    Yes, we do need much better jail designs and prison programs, but this article is pathetic.

