Monday, December 27, 2010


We're not going to even bother to do the math. Suffice to say that we feel like the last time we picked a game right Neil Rogers (RIP) was on the radio saying

MNF: The Saints are better than the Falcons. Simple as that. Saints 500 +2.

PLUS a 200 Parlay Saints-Eagles.

TNF: The snow is cleared and the Eagles are primed for the first NFL game canceled for snow since 1923. Lay the two TDs. Eagles -14 ....lets see if we can win the MNF game and then we'll pick a number.

UPDATE: 150 on the Eagles.

ps- to paraphrase Neil, if these dumb-asses on TV call the Falcons QB "matty-ice" one more time, I won't know whether to scream or eat a banana. Puhleeese. The last time I saw this putz he was throwing a pick in OT against the Steelers on opening day.


  1. Rump- impress me with your football knowledge. I find it irresistibly sexy. It turns me on.....


    we want cowher
    cowher is power
    we want cowher-power

  3. rump- there was an early shumie time attempted on the so fla lawyers blog for the whole week if you can believe it. The call was challenged and reversed and there's been some griping since then.

  4. Not to appeal to your prurient interests, but here's a little appreciated fact that often will pop up in a game:

    when a team punts the ball, if after the punt a player on their team touches the ball and muffs or fumbles it, the player on the receiving team can safely attempt to field the ball as that player cannot, by rule, fumble the ball. If the player fields the ball and also fumbles it, the play is dead at the spot of the fumble. You will see well coached players on special teams make that play often, but it is a rule the common fan does not know.

  5. Muffs?

    and you said you didn't want to appeal to her prurient interests. hahahahahahaha.

  6. Henne is much better that Matt Ryan.

  7. OK Rumpole- need your help big time. Miami atty- 29ish. In NYC on a big case, get stuck in the Snowstorm at the W. There are worse places to get stuck. I'm the gm working out and I see this MILF and we're smiling at each other and finally I start talking to her and I recognize her as a pretty famous national TV journalist for a big cable network. I back off. Then I see her in the bar having dinner with some of her crew. They drift off and then she comes over to me and buys me a drink!! One thing leads to another and it ends up being a wild night- one to store a lifetime of memories.

    I told her I had a steady GF and she told me she was married. The next morning after a few repeat performances she mentions she is separated and wants this to continue. She's at least 48. I tell her that despite our romp I want to stay with my GF. She replies something to the effect of that she's not looking for a new husband and just wants me to be her boy toy!! She will pay for flight and hotel rooms as long as I commit to two weekends a month!!!

    Any ideas? I am considering it.

  8. 8:12 what's your question?

  9. @8:12- this blog has gone from cutting edge legal news to a sports blog and now Dear Abby, err- Dear Rumpole.

    BTW- 8:54- DUDE!!!!!!! (That, that) Dude looks like a lady
    (That, that) Dude looks like a lady
    (That, that) Dude looks like a lady
    Cruised into a bar on the shore ..

    -fake steven tyler

  10. Pondering...while it seems that you have a worth while and exciting possibility with this MILF...don't do it. If you really care about your GF take your romp as crazy adventure and leave the MILF alone.

  11. 8:12 -- go for it. to paraphrase my friend ferris, life moves pretty fast. if you don't stop to smell the roses and milfs once in a while, you could miss it. if you decide to marry the GF, then you can tell the rich milf it was fun. Till then, enjoy!
    Rump -- well done on the saints pick!

  12. Rumpy, what you got to say about the awesome Heat victory on Christmas? I say they win again tonight! Let's go Heat!

  13. @8:12am
    What cable network and tell us more about the scenario. I think I probably know her....

  14. Hey Pondering! Pretty interesting story. Say your best friend came to you with the same story and knowing all that you know about how you may feel about your GF and what this may or may not become, what would you tell him to do? Then do that. In my experience instant gratification leads to a lot of pain down the road. But you decide if it is worth it to you. Maybe good for your career to get a couple free interviews out of it.

  15. I do not know if many of you are aware of the natural disaster that has been going on in Colombia for the last several weeks. Large parts of the country are under water over 2 million people have been displaced from their homes and they need food and supplies. According to the news the devastation has been so great that the map of Colombia will have to be redrawn as much land has been wiped away. If you feel moved please make a donation through many of the international relief organizations.

    Diana Gonzalez

  16. Rumpole- first let me say your answer made me so very hot. I actually needed to stay away from the blog for the day or I would not be able to concentrate on work.

    Pondering- as I am a bit older than the young 24 year old school girl who passes the bar, but probably younger than your recent roll in the W's hay - I have to say that you MUST take great sex where you can find it. The mere fact you had such a great time with her tells me what you didn't say- that your GF was not fulfilling all your needs. Honey- overlooking problems in the bedroom at the start of a relationship is the surest sign that it will not last.

    Pound this babe as if your life depended on it and enjoy every moment and when and If it ends go get yourself another U of M chippy to marry.

  17. Is Diana Gonzalez the reporter you were talking about? If she is Colombian, run for the hills.

  18. Why is it every disaster in the world is OUR problem? (No disrespect meant to those in Colombia or anywhere else)

    Has anyone looked around Miami lately? We got all kinds of local disasters too but, you don't see any telethons in Russia to help us out do you?

  19. Pondering:
    You're a slime ball for cheating on your girlfriend.
    Break up with her now and save her from having to deal with you.

  20. not the reporter, i am an attorney and my family is colombian.

  21. @8:41--"Pound this babe as if your life depended on it....."

    hot new esq-- your comment proves you are a dude.

    Agreed @ 9:48 we gave to Haiti and things there have yet to improve. America needs helping out. Check out the poverty in our own backyard.
