Monday, August 16, 2010


Good Monday morning. It's the start of another hot week in the Magic City.

Those new ASAs and Pds should be showing up at any moment. Let's give them a warm REGJB welcome.

President Obama weighed in over the weekend on the controversial Mosque that is being planned for near ground zero in NYC. We think the President is 100% correct. This is a nation founded on religious tolerance in which no religion is favoured over any other despite what the former Governor of Alaska may think.

On the other hand, had we lost a loved one in the WTC, we might think differently. Fundamentally we are at war with terrorists and not with Islam, and we need to remember that.

Everyone's favourite federal blogger, David O Markus with a K returns this week, and we can look forward to his insightful federal tidbits. David is already at it, noting that the Bloggo jury is still out in Chi-town, and Justice Scalia is ok after a spill.

If you didn't peruse our weekend posting, we offer this as a reminder- Dengue fever is running rampant in Browierd and you should avoid going north of the border at all costs.

Early voting has begun, and we have already begun to receive reports of candidates (those enrobed and those who want to be) acting up.

Candidates Beware- we have a team of cell-phone camera spies fanning out at various early voting polls. If you act up, we will make you wish you never took the LSATs.

See you in court.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.



    The DBR reports today on the latest controversy involving Judicial elections.

    The Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. Bar Association issued its endorsements and none of them are Hispanic.

    They endorsed Adrien, Kuntz, Newman & Seff; (and did not therefore endorse, Ruiz Cohen, Gordo, Alvarez, or Gonzalez-Paulson).

    CABA members including, yes, you guessed it, Hector Lombana, were outraged. How could they endorse a candidate, Adrien, "who the majority of lawyers say doesn't meet the qualifications" CABA President Manuel Garica-LInares stated. (Adrien was rated unqualified by a majority of respondents in lawyer polls by the DCBA & CABA).

    Lombana went further: "This raises the question as to what the motivation was for the endorsement, especially since the person who was endorsed happens to be black. This also raises questions about the credibility of their endorsement. Maybe they should just stop endorsing candidates".

    It appears though that some officers of CABA attempted to separate themselves from Lombana. CABA Pres. Elect Victoria Mendez & VP Vivian de las Cuevas-Diaz both said they understood the endorsements as siding with incumbents and that they did not see it as a matter of siding with race. Cuevas-Diaz noted Lombana "is just a member. That's his view. He doesn't speak for CABA. ... He no longer leads the organization".

    FAWL Pres. Kristy Johnson also weighed in over the weekend on Lombana. She was reacting to Lombana’s Op Ed piece published last week where he stated that FAWL had an informal partnership with CABA, DCBA and other bar associations “to maintain order in Miami-Dade judicial elections”. Johnson, writing a Letter to the Editor in the DBR today, said that “FAWL members who actively participate in judicial elections do so as individuals – not on behalf of FAWL”.

    Cap Out .....

  3. I guess you would feel the same if the German government set up a German military museum on the site of Auschwitz?

  4. The Wilke endorsement is an outrage but really no better than any of the Caba endorsements. Are they going to skip endorsing a latino whenever possible? Lets see them say NO to Gordo or Alvarez then I'll give them some respect. Gordo is nothing special in terms of intellect, personality or skills - just her husband is a bigshot Akerman lawyer and she's from Cuban money. Alvarez is a better lawyer but there is really no reason to vote out Newman. What credible defense attorney would want to get rid of him. My last breath reading case (.205) was nolle prossed the second time up when the cops didn't show up - and you want to get rid of him because he maybe is a little stern and rigid - get a fucking backbone boys.

  5. Lombana has turned into that caricature of the crazy relative who sits in the corner at family gatherings and who realizes that the times have passed him by and he's no longer the center of attention. As a result he spouts off with outlandish remarks in a desperate effort to restore his relevance.

    To maintain order in the legal community, FAWL, CABA, the DCBA and other bar associations should enter into an "informal partnership" to ignore Lombana.

  6. Rump, while I share your sentiment regarding the Ground Zero mosque, Charles Krauthammer's article regarding why he opposes it is worth reading. He makes a coherent and logical argument--totally devoid of any anti-Muslim hysteria--that has, frankly, made me have second thoughts.

  7. In re: Mosque - There is a difference, I think, between a) whether they have a right to build the mosque where they want, which certainly they do and b)whether it is appropriate/in good taste to put it there which it is not. the president's comments on friday miss the point.

  8. is Hector Lombana suggesting that he would not support (with maximum monetary donations and fundraisers etc) an unqalified, inexperienced, very young candidate who happened to be Hispanic against a seasoned, well-liked, and respected sitting judge? because if that's what he's trying to say - REALLY ???? REALLY ???? we all know that it is not true and that he's being hypocritical !! actions speak louder than words - talk is cheap

  9. 9:56: that analogy assumes of course that all muslims attacked us on 9/11, or that all muslims' annointed representatives attacked us. tell that to the hundreds of muslims who DIED on 9/11. Muslims didn't attack us, terrorists did. Now if Al Qaeda wanted to build a terrorist museum near the site, your analogy would work. As it is, your analogy does not hold water.

  10. Building a mosque across from ground zero is in bad taste. Obviously it can't be stopped but it is not wanted. Religious Muslims are not charming.

  11. To 9:56:

    It is not the government setting up a Mosque on ground zero. It is a private religious organization purchasing private property blocks away from ground zero at a former Burlington Coat Factory.

  12. "...just her husband is a bigshot Akerman lawyer and she's from Cuban money"

    10:24, you may want to get your facts straight before running your mouth.

  13. 9:56, way to compare apples to oranges. Germany doesn't have a pesky little thing called the bill of rights, we do. Mosque at ground zero is not govt. sponsored and finally but not the least, building a Islamic Center at ground zero is the best way to defeat these terrorists and their hateful ideology.

  14. to 1:53 pm;


    I am not a supporter, nor detractor, of HL. I just report the facts. You made a statement - and HL has responded:

    He was campaiugn treasurer for Eric Hendon (black) against Denise Martinez-Scanziani. He supported, along with several other CABA members, Browyn Miller, when she was opposed by George Alvarez.

    Cap Out ....

  15. "Building a mosque across from ground zero is in bad taste."

    It is not at ground zero! Let's be honest, it is in New York City!

    So, should we let those pesky Musslemen have a mosque in New York City? New York State?

  16. why is the Captain providing HL's response to the blog? How did the Captain know what response to publish? How did HL communicate his "response" to the Captain? that all seems rather strange - is HL the Captain? Do the Captain and HL have a relationship that we should all know about?

  17. Captain: With all due respect, I beg to differ with you. Eric Hendon was not in a contested election. Today we are talking about endorsements for contested elections are we not?

  18. I would feel a lot better about the mosque if Muslim religious leaders, like Christian and Jewish ones, condemned terrorists' acts when they occurred. Muslim religious leaders either sympathize with or are afraid to criticize such acts.
