Wednesday, August 25, 2010




Samantha Ruiz Cohen 121,015 - 70%
Peter Camacho Adrien 51,806 - 30%

Monica Gordo 105,841 - 64%
Robert Kuntz 59,164 - 36%

Edward Newman 88,567 - 53%
Manny Alvarez 80,138 - 47%

Michaelle Gonzalez Paulson 90,941 - 57%
Flora Seff 69,652 - 43%

All in all, as expected, except of course for the Paulson victory. The voters of Dade County have spoken and they have elected an eight (8) year "veteran" attorney over a career prosecutor than has spent 30 years practicing law. Did Flora have that "Loree Schwartz Feiler Fever" and turn off enough attorneys that appeared before her, that that reputation trickled down to the voters in our community? Was the Gonzalez name the primary reason why the voters elected someone with only 1/4 of the experience. And they didn't just barely elect her; this was a 14 point loss for Seff. I have no doubt Judge Seff will land on her feet and find another calling in the law where she can use her experience and talent to improve the practice of law around her.

And, now that Ed Newman has faced a serious opponent and has almost lost, will he change his ways on the 6th floor? Likely not. He believes that he is running the show up there the way it should be run.

Good luck to all the winners.


20 races and not one incumbent lost. Yes, you heard it right. Despite the ravings of the JAABLOG to throw the bums out and to challenge the current structure that has been running the courthouse for so many years, all of the challengers to the incumbents lost. And they lost BIG. The winners garnered 71%, 55%, 58%, 69%, 64%, 65%, 56%, 70%, 71%, 60%, 70%, 67%, 75%, and 70%.

There is one race that will go down to the wire and may result in a recount.

Circuit Judge Carlos Rebollo - 60,166 - 50%
Challenger Bob Nichols - 59,206 - 50%

What happened to the strong ethnic "Jewish" vote that used to carry the day for anyone running in Broward. Either they are all dead, stayed home, or the electorate got much more intelligent in the past few years.

By my count, there were 12 races where an incumbent Judge faced a Jewish challenger. The final tally: Incumbents 12 - Jewish Challengers - 0.

Gillespie beat Parker
Williams beat Schneider
Rodriguez beat Goldstein
Lebow beat Rafilovich
Destry beat Jakovich
Rebello is beating Nichols
McCarthy beat Bernstein
Luzzo beat Levine
Porter beat Seidman
O'Connor beat Sokoloff
Skolnik beat Steinsaltz
Merrigan beat Golburgh
Hurley beat Donoho
Pratt beat Berkowitz Carpenter
Robinson beat Breslow

Congratulations to former APD Sandra "Sandy" Perlman who destroyed County Judge Lee Jay Seidman in an open seat on the Circuit Court. Perlman had filed 18 months before the deadline. Seidman filed 18 minutes before the deadline. The voters chose Perlman 68% to Seidman 32%.

Congrats go out to APD Mindy Solomon as she won an open County Court seat by beating Roshawn Banks, 68% - 32%.

Congrats to Ken Gottlieb (former Hollywood Commiss, former State House Member) as he wins a seat on the People's Court by getting more votes than Steven Schaet, 65% - 35%.

Run-offs in County Court:

John Fry - 41,745
John Howes - 41,311


FJ McLawrence - 43,411
Mardi Anne Levey Cohen - 39,824
(Yes, she adds one more name after each election loss)

So, not much change "North of the Border"

See you in Court.



  1. Such a shame that Monica Gordo was elected. The bench deserves better. Hopefully, she will be assigned to Juvenile where her cop-pandering and lack of truthfulness will not do as much damage

  2. Did the Herald fail to report these results? I searched the paper and couldn't find them.

  3. While JAABLOG called for challengers in some races, they actually supported many incumbents in other races, and many of the incumbents were minorities. So its a win for those who wanted to have a more diverse judiciary not be destroyed by political hacks and bank rolls.

    Of course seeing an incumbent like O'Connor win, was disappointing.

  4. A very sad day for Miami-Dade County. First, Judge Seff should have remained a judge. The truth is the public RARELY knows or can understand what goes on in a courtroom. Thus, you can say all you want about Flora being a nasty person on the bench, but the truth is this was won by a Latin last name. Second, Monica Gordo should not be on the bench, as she is not a nice person. However, to monica's credit, I am confident she learned enough at the SAO to be able to be a good judge and put her stubborn bi*chy personality behind her. Monica, we know who you really are, show us you can be nice....or I will put someone up to run against you next time and make sure he/she is funded well!!!

    Finally, Samantha will be an AWESOME judge, Monica take lessons. And, Ed, I am happy to see you remain on the bench.

    It is very troubling that it takes being a former professional athlete to be able to beat a Latin name. I think it is time to move out of Miami and let the Cubans enjoy Miami....lets see where it is 10 years after we give them control of the town. Maybe we have a new Castro, named Dorta!

    Love, "End of the World"

  5. sandy perlman is the best!!!!!!
    Jason Grey

  6. Captain
    Why is it that any time a candidate runs for office, there is reference to their year of practice? For instance-Seff-Gonzalez? Just because Flora has over 20 years over Michelle, that does not necessarily make her a better choice...I for instance have been practicing for over 8 and I have faced 30 year lawyers...and still managed to defeat the way I am defense attorney. We live in America...we the young have a right to run...isn't that the reason my parents came here for...And its up to the people to figure out who the choice is...and if they fail in the choice-you end up with a Castro in power or Seff on the bench...sooner or later their term ends...its just taken Castro a little longer!!!! For me I have no future in the campaign trail...but I will certainly support the right to do it...The interesting thing is that all those that run, usually approach me to be on the campaign or to get their a bit of hypocrasy...since they think someone who has practice is too young to run, but someone with my connections is perfect to be allied with...Good luck to all the newly elected...just be respectful to those who appear before you...

  7. Rump,

    I know I voted for Paulson because Seff is a disaster who treats PDs and defense attorneys in general as pond scum. To her, we are just necessary tools in her effort to make sure "justice" is done. And justice to her is convictions and jail. As far as Newman is concerned, I like Newman. He treats poor clients like rich ones and doesn't tolerate cops showing up late. If a cop is late, then it is a nolle pros. Sure, he might take out his ego on defense attorneys, but he doesn't take it out on our clients and that is what matters most.

  8. 8:24 AM--I agree with your comments that experience does not always equal wisdom/quality. I have been out there since the mid-90s, and the sword cuts both ways. There are attorneys with much experience who are less than stellar, and some attorneys with less experience than me whom I consider to be excellent. But a certain level of experience is required to be on the bench.

    Also, as a young ASA, I won trials against far more experienced defense attorneys, and the reverse has proven true on occasion now that I am on the defense side. You can control a lot of things as a lawyer, but you cannot control the facts of your case.

    As for Broward, although I am disheartened to see that certain judged got re-elected, I am happy that they attempt to "old boy" Hispanic and minority judges failed. I am particularly happy for Judge Elijah Williams, who would make a fine judge on any bench.

  9. 7:21, that is an insensitive classless comment about Dorta. You could have made your point with out linking him to an individual whose existance contradicts the very ideal which was challenged in the contested election. Whehter your were supported one candidate or the other, you should be thankful that you have the opportunity to make the challenge and participate in the decision process. You would have no such ability under Castro, and suggesting that Dorta would act like that vile human is revolting.

  10. I voted for Newman and for Michelle Gonzalez-Paulson. I've met MGP and she would be a superior judge to Seff because she has the judicial temperament and perspective that Seff lacks. I've been in front of Newman many times and, under those quirks that make some attorneys mad, there is an excellent judge.

    If you claim that you are never in county court, then you shouldn't be offering opinions in these races, because, by your own self-definition, you wouldn't have practiced in front of anyone involved in the county judge elections.

  11. Hey 8:24,

    This term, the bench has added:

    Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat, who hasnt practiced law since Reagan was president.

    Michelle Gonzalez-Paulson, who doesnt have a jury trial.

    Those are the two that will be presiding over jury trials in January. I understand that the Latin name is the cool thing nowadays, but cant we ask a little more from our jurists? Say what you want about Milt Hirsch, but I'll take him over these two any day of the week.

    Doesnt matter anyway, Rodriguez-Chomat will get buried in Juvenile and Paulson will get buried in North Dade branch.

  12. If only Judge Jackie Schwartz gets the message from this election and the loss of Judge Seff ... be nice or be gone, your choice.

  13. 7:21, news flash: we are and have been running this town for sometime now.

  14. Good by Flora Seff and Peter Adrien. They will not be missed.

  15. 8:24........I find it frighteningly naive that you and others seem to think that experience is meaningless. YOU may be well qualified to be judge (assuming you read case law regularly and tried as many cases as you suggested), that doesn't mean other people are. MGP's age isn't an issue in and of itself; her utter lack of experience is. There are people who have "practiced law" for decades who, like MGP, don't have the experience to be a judge.


  16. Bye, Bye Flora Seff- You just made my day by losing to someone I don't even know. However, I voted for the person I don't know because even a law student would do better up there than you.

    Peace out.

  17. To 10:01 ... if you've ever tried to go up against your friend's protected people ... you would probably think otherwise. Its unfortunate that their mentality and "tactics" are comparable - and that, I find, "revolting."

  18. To that person who said that the Cubans run this town, good luck and stop asking the Federal Government to keep supporting you and keeping you aflot!.
