Saturday, August 15, 2009


Business being a bit slow at Home Depot and Channel Seven, and mindful of President Obama's mandate to stimulate the economy, we bring to you:

SUNDAY EVENING UPDATES- The "CONES OF CONTINUANCES" ( (c) Rumpole 2009, all rights reserved) have been updated as well.

Keep your browser right here all week (The Girls Gone Wild South Beach website won't miss the traffic) on Miami's only LEGAL/HURRICANE BLOG.

'Hurricanes to the left of us, Hurricanes to the right of us....and here we are
stuck in the middle with you."

Tropical Storm BILL:

Tropical Storm Ana:


  1. Thank God. It's been boring around here.

  2. There are two hurricanes you say?(chomp chomp) Not just (smack chomp) one?

    Sounds like the state's got better things to do then negotiate voltage on my case...a state continuance seems in order.

  3. Dudes!!!! Surf's up!!!!

  4. yaaaaah ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhh
    wooop wooop wooooop
    woop woop woop......

    nyuk nyuk nyuk......

    Moe what's a hurricane?

    Moe: Come here ya knucklehead (hits curly with a picture of Bill Kamal) That's a hurricane OK?

    Larry: Why'd ya have to do that?

    Moe: (SLaps Larry) That's why

    Culry: Hey!

    Moe: (tries to poke Curly in the eyes but Curly uses the one handed defense) Why you...

    Curly: Moe...the roof is blowing off!!!!!

    (roof blows off house and stooges blow away)
    Cue: Three blind mice song.....

  5. LMAO..whoever wrote that.. you have talent and should be a writer not a lawyer.

  6. "Oh really" Come here.
    (Moe hits Fake Earnest Hemingway over the head with hardcover copy of For Whom the Bells Toll)

    try writtin now knucklehead.

    Larry: hey Moe, you can't do that to Earnest Hemingway!

    Moe(Hits Larry on head with shotgun taken from Hemingway) yeah? But I can do this to you!

    Larry. ouch!!!

    Curly: That's what I call readin and rightin....nuyk nuyk nuyk.

    cue: Three Blind Mice song.

  7. stop stop....too funny.

  8. That Curly and Moe stuff is really funny. Reminds me of Arthur Spiegel. Surely Spiegel was Curly.

    Nice page!

  9. I love it when some tool writes a bad joke on the blog and the ten seconds later props himself up for being funny

    at least wait ten minutes before patting yourself on the back

  10. Artie...update your links. The Florida Statutes are from 2004.

    Are you davening?

  11. '"CONES OF CONTINUANCES" ( (c) Rumpole 2009, all rights reserved)'

    now THAT, oh friend Rumpy, is FUNNN NAYYYYYY.

    keep it up.
