Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Passing of Patti Talisman Hersch, ESq.

It is with tremendous sadness that we report that our colleague Richard Hersch's wife- Patti Talisman Hersch has passed away. 

The funeral will be at Temple Beth Am on Sunday June 28, 2009 at 12:00 Noon. 
5950 SW 88th Street
Pinecrest, Florida 33156

The family requests that in lieu of food or flowers donations be made to 
Voices For Children Foundation
1500 NW12th Avenue
Suite 1117
Miami, FL, 33136
(305) 324-5678


  1. Patti was a terrific lawyer and a great person. She will be missed.

  2. Our family has known Patti for many years. We know Patti as a mom, lawyer and friend. She was great at all 3. Patti worked on cases for me and even against me. I always enjoyed her intellect. I saw her as a loving mom and wife. She was a fun person to be around. She will be missed in our community but most of all she will be missed by her family. Our most sincere condolences to her beautiful family. with our love the Panter family.

  3. I've seen this family in court with their little girl. My heart breaks for them. God bless and give you strength. Good luck.

  4. I've known Patti and Richard for over 30 years.

    They had a remarkable marriage/friendship/partnership and grew more and more in love each day.

    My heart goes out to both sides of their families. Especially, to their amazing daughters who both inherited Patti's sweet smile and kindness.

  5. This thread is reserved for comments regarding the topic and a certain decorum is strongly advised.

  6. Those who knew Patty loved her. She was kind, gentle, a great person, a great mom, and a great wife.

    Richard, we are all very sorry for you.

  7. my sincerest condolences to Richard Hersch. Although I've never met his wife, I'm sure she couldn't have been far from the wonderful person that he is.

  8. Friends: I met Patty in the first year of my law career as she generously offered to help me write an appellate brief. She did not charge me or my client for her time and continued to give so generously to me up until the very end.Patty possessed a legal mind unlike any I had ever known. She could see things in cases, that I could not. She could reel me in when I was flaying out of control, with just the sound of her voice or by her smile.I began to rely on Patty more and more both as a friend and a lawyer. We soon started to co-counsel on cases. She would handle the pleadings and research and I would handle the clients and trials. Many times, I pulled Patty into some bizarre and unpleasant cases. She never said no, tho I am sure she must have wanted to many times.She also was my lawyer. Representing me on many occasions. Her defense, when I was charged with contempt along with her husband Richard Hersch literally kept me out of jail. Her written words, for sure have kept me licensed and solvent.Most importantly, Patty was my friend. I could and did tell her anything about my life, as she never judged me or criticized me. She was like a big sister without any drama.What I most certainly will miss about her, was her ability to make me laugh when I wanted to cry. No matter how doomed I thought a particular situation placed me or my client, she could always make me laugh at it. She would say, "oh you poor dear" or "how unfortunate" and I would giggle.Just last week, not knowing the extent of her illness, I asked Patty for help. She came running and sat in my conference room on a rainy Saturday afternoon as I spent an hour looking for a document I should have had at my finger tips. Rather than complain or criticize, she sat there, regally, elegantly and peacefully as I scurried on my hands and knees with my associate Lennon to find the document we never could.She gave me some advice on jury instructions, spoke patiently with my jury consultant and I walked her out to her car. I could see she was frail, perhaps in pain. She told me that she was sorry she was not more help and I told her she would never truly know how much help she has been on this case and every other case in my life. She smiled.I hugged her and kissed her cheek. Something she was slightly uncomfortable with as I was always more affectionate than her. I told her I loved her as I did after every one of our daily telephone conversations. And I meant it. I truly loved Patty Talisman, the lawyer, my lawyer, my friend and my guide. I miss her and will always think of her like a lost tribe misses their guide

  9. Richard and the girls,

    We are here for you.

    We all all very sorry for your loss.

    Patty was loved by all and will be missed by all.

  10. She was a very nice lady and Richard was lucky to be with her for the short time she was with us.

    Good luck Richard!

  11. I worked for Patti and Richard for approximately 4 years. Patti was truly an amazing attorney, mother and all around fantastic person. She was the best boss I have ever had. Patti will certainly be missed by all. Richard, Becky & Ellison, my deepest condolences.


  12. Patti was truly an amazing attorney, loving and warm hearted woman and a fantastic mother. She did it all with such elegance and grace. I worked for Patti and Richard for approximately 4 years and she was truly an inspiration to me as well as many other women in the community. My deepest condolences to Richard, Becky and Ellison. Patti will truly be missed by all. I was truly shocked and saddened when I heard of her passing. Again, my deepest sympathies and condolences to her family and friends.

    S. Villamor

  13. Pati,
    I will miss you for ever. I saw you as the mother that I always wanted and never had. Thank you for filling that void. Thank you for all the great advice you gave me and I will always think of you.....

