Friday, December 19, 2008


UPDATED BELOW: Stacy Glick writes in about her dad. 


Proving just how hard it is to blog 3,000 miles away from Miami, we eat a bit of crow here and announce, much to everyone's satisfaction we may add, that Judge Stanford Blake is NOT retiring. 

There was an announcement on the rarely used PA system this morning. Some have said that the announcement mistakenly said Judge Blake was retiring before correcting the announcement and saying that it was Judge Lenny Glick who was retiring and today was his last day. 

It was before dawn in our winter blogger's retreat in the cold and snowy  Sierra Nevada mountains when our email started buzzing with the shocking news about Judge Blake.  By the time we got back from a few snow board runs, the whole mess had been straightened out. 

Either way, we say: 1) Glad to have you back Judge Blake. And many more years to come we hope. 

2) Au revoire and farewell Judge Glick. You've really spent a lifetime in the REGJB. From a prosecutor in the old municipal court, to a Chief Prosecutor  under Janet Reno, to a long serving and greatly respected trial judge, we hope this next chapter in your life provides  you with happiness and fulfillment.   We will miss you, and we hope you return often as a retired judge, where your counsel and wisdom will be greatly welcomed.  Miami is a better place because of the service you provided our community throughout your entire  career.  Of course very few if any judges are afforded the wonderful and proud moment of retiring only to have their daughter replace them. You are a lucky man indeed. 


Tomorrow on the blog:  Janet Reno to return as State Attorney? 

The soon to be honorable Stacy Glick wrote on the comments section this about her dad: 

I am very proud of my father. I know he is looking forward to spending time with my mother in his retirement. He deserves well-wishes from all who practice in the REGJB. While it would be nearly impossible to match his 35-year committment and dedication to serving this community, I am proud and humbled to be filling his seat in the upcoming years. I hope he enjoys his retirement but I look forward to his return as a mentor and fine jurist. 

Thanks for writing in Ms. Glick, and just remember these three little letters , where applicable: " J..O....A."    Try it out. It's more fun than you may have realized as a prosecutor. 

See you in court next year. 


  1. "Glad to have you back Judge Blake" HE NEVER LEFT. Slow news week I guess?

  2. I have to share a fax machine with Judge Miller any advice?


    "Glad to have you back" in the sense that we had him out the door earlier in the day. But yes, technically speaking, he never left.

    What are you- a lawyer or something???

  4. Lurvey the Rumpled blogger
    had a very boring blog
    and if you ever read it
    it was like a slog

    all of the other bloggers
    used to laugh and shout and play
    they never let poor Lurvey join in any blogger games.

    Then one November night (Rumpole started in November and I remember that. Ain't I cool??)
    Lurvey came to say
    SHUMIE with your wit so bright
    won't you write for my blog tonight
    Then how the bloggers loved him
    and they laughed and shouted and said
    Lurvey the Rumpled blogger
    You'll go down in history.

    (A little ditty on how the blog started. Pretty close to the truth huh guys?

  5. glick was the greatest, loved having a judge who made defense attorneys cry like spolied babies becuase he didnt play the games the other judges do.

    good luck Judge Glick

  6. Do you want to know what the terrible truth is about the criminal judicary?

    If Glick and Blake both left the bench,there is no other Circuit judge who ever spoke to a jury in a major capital case while they practiced law.

    [Yes, I do not count the one or two judges who once handled a homicide case -- but not a high profile one -- in which the public pressure or the death penalty changed the dynamics of the case]

    How is that possible in a community of over two million?

    How can we expect the inexperienced to rule correctly on the multitutde of issues which those cases engender? As a citizen, should I not expect the judges to be near-perfect on crucial cases?

    I do not ask for 'favorable' rulings. I do demand reasoned judgement, without being intimidated by the issues, the litigants, the community pressure, or the potential of appellate reversal.

    Why is there no standard for the judiciary -- other than having passed the Bar more than 5 years before selection / election?

    I always hear the refrain: "Death is Different". It is most true because the vast majority of the people before whom those cases fall have absolutely no frame of reference to guide them.

    It makes as much sense as selecting your cardiac surgeon by an election among all physicians with 5 years experience. Would anyone sanction that method?

    Do I seem juandiced? Sorry. This is the 400 pound gorilla that no one will admit is in the courtrooms. It is the dirty little secret of those who battle daily for some quantum of justice.

    Shame on all of us for not being willing to speak out againt the diminution of the criminal Bench.

  7. Took the words right out of my mouth. And here's what we're going to do about it- some lawyer out there is going to start a PAC- LAWYERS FOR AN EXPERIENCED JUDICIARY. And the PAC will have certain basic guidelines for supporting and fund raising for judicial candidates or judges running for re-election.

    1) The candidate must be a member of the Bar for over ten years and over the age of 40.

    2) The candidate must have tried over 20 jury trials in circuit court criminal or civil.

    3) The candidate must have written one appeal.

    4) Preference will be given to a candidate that worked both for a state agency and was in private practice.

    add your own- the point being enough is enough with these judges who never tried one blessed case handling the most important matters we have in court.

    I just had a judge last week give me a hard time because s/he couldn't understand how I could not be ready for an extremely serious trial January 5 even though I was going to be out of town for three weeks. If the Judge had ever spent a week getting ready for a trial in private practice s/he would have understood. Instead s/he was some 90 day wonder appointed by the governor who we all know never tried a case in his/her life before becoming a judge.

  8. Abe:

    What about Judge Reemberto Diaz, who did numerous capital cases, including at least one that received enought publicity to warrant inclusion on a cable T.V. show? And what about Judge Diane Ward, who was one of the lawyers in the Bridgette Gibbs murder case that you yourself prosecuted? It is also hard for me to imagine that Judges Butchko, Scola, King Legan, Jimenez, Tunis, and Thornton--all accomplished attorneys in their pre-judicial lives--were not involved in high-pressure capital murder cases.


    I third the comments by Abe and Rump. One correction Abe, Reemberto Diaz qualifies as an attorney who handled many death cases, some high profile.

    And as I fortunately reported earlier tonight, Judge Glick will be sitting at the GJB as a retired judge to help out for those longer than a week homicide cases.

    Cap Out ...

  10. I stand corrected.

    Judge Diaz and I do have an interesting adversarial history.

    Wish that ALL judges had his ability to rely on personal experience and tactical judgement for guidance. His individual capacity to both understand + separate wheat from chaff is invaluable -- and too rare.

  11. If the governor is really serious about diversity let him put a Romanian on the bench. WOuld it surprise your readers to know that Florida has NO Judges of Romanian ancestry on the bench.


  12. I am very proud of my father. I know he is looking forward to spending time with my mother in his retirement. He deserves well-wishes from all who practice in the REGJB. While it would be nearly impossible to match his 35-year committment and dedication to serving this community, I am proud and humbled to be filling his seat in the upcoming years. I hope he enjoys his retirement but I look forward to his return as a mentor and fine jurist.

  13. rumpole you forgot that you and your defense cronies would require that any candidate for judge give away the courthouse and let you continue every case long enough so that it falls apart.

    those who dont do that always face the wrath of defense attorneys glick rothenberg are two prime examples. i mean you all tried to remove rothenberg from criminal bench becuase she was tough on defense attorneys

  14. Here's some good news. The Word of the Day Guys have turned down substantial offers from both the Key West Blog and the West Palm Beach Courthouse blog to remain right here.

    And we think 2009 will be the very first unveiling of "Fake Barry Wax" right here on this blog.

    Meanwhile, the Alan-Chris guys, who blog readers will remember left for a very popular Dept of Energy Blog in Washington DC where they are known as "Howie and Arnie" have not made a decision as to whether they will return to Rumpole's blog or remain in DC

    That's all for now.

  15. Stacy, will be a great Judge. I pray every day and thank GOD that idiot Mario Garcia did not win. The race was a nail biter on election night.

  16. Abe,
    With your know-it-all attitude, the correct spelling is "judgment".
    You have appeared in front of me, and I find that your demeanor, your tone and self-righteousness leave a lot to be desired. You may be a giant in your own mind, but you don't come across as such.
    In order to praise Judge Glick, there is no need to put down the rest of the judiciary who are doing their very best to do a difficult job with few rewards.
    Judge Glick is definitely a very experienced jurist, but, if you had a son charged with a crime, would you be jumping for joy if he fell in Glick's division?

  17. Abe Laeser wrote:

    I do not ask for 'favorable' rulings. I do demand reasoned judgement, without being intimidated by the issues, the litigants, the community pressure, or the potential of appellate reversal.

    That describes Judge Lenny Glick to a T. Plus he treated everyone in his courtroom with dignity and respect (unless the target proved they didn't deserve it). He will be missed.

    And Abe et al, I agree with your comments. But I think there should be a minimum of 12 to 15 years experience before one is on the circuit court bench.

  18. BREAKING NEWS: Lurvey accepts postion as Dennis Ward's go to guy at Monroe SAO. Former drinking buddies team up to fight crime. Good time to be a criminal in the Florida Keys.

  19. Abe, Rumpole, Captain and whoever else, the problem of not having experienced Judges with at least 10yrs as a member of the bar can be solved by having the Chief Judge issue an administrative order that ONLY Judges who have met certain criteria be allowed to serve in the criminal felony division. Yes this does not resolve the problem in Civil or Juvi Court, but at least those death penalty cases can be tried by who the Chief Judge decides to appoint to the REGB. Why not?

  20. Why do newly elected Judge's end up alomost always in Juvi and sometimes in Criminal but rarely in Civil?

    Juvi considered punishment?

  21. "...if you had a son charged with a crime, would you be jumping for joy if he fell in Glick's division?"

    Ummm...excuse me, Abe, ball is now in your court.

  22. 10:47...........amusing response to Abe. I share your feelings on him, but think your comment is ridiculously personal and unnecessary. Abe's point is well taken. You're shooting the messenger because you don't like the message. Abe's primary point.........that we have WAY too many judges who are too inexperienced.......... is spot on. Yes, we have plenty of judges who are excellent and many who put in long hours, BUT, there are WAY too many who are too lazy and unconcerned to be of any real value.

    We NEED top flight judges. Peoples' lives and sense of justice are in their hands. While most judges are fine, the large percentage who are not is unnacceptable. I'd think that if you were one of the good ones, you'd be complaining about the rotten apples as much as anyone.......they weak judges undermine the public's confidence in the entire system. Just as we ALL should be forever sickened by the Nifong's of the world (which also are way too numerous), we also should be sickened by the lack of judgment many of your colleagues exhibit. The VAST majority of judges with 5-6 years experience simply don't have the legal knowledge or experience to handle these cases. Abe is correct to point that out. The Bar SHOULD set higher standards.


    PS---as for Abe, he and I never were friends and never will be. NONETHELESS, you need to be adult enough to respect his great legal mind, dedication to this community and outstanding work as a prosecutor. While I have no desire to bread with him (or have beers with him, as seems to be the standard of the day), I do admire his work and wish him nothing but the best. He's earned that.

  23. 10:47.............

    ps----your question re who Abe would want if my son was charged with a crime is offensive. Are you suggesting that Glick would ignore legal precedent and allow in evidence that should be surpressed? Or impose an unduly harsh sentence? You criticized Abe for his comments re the judiciary, but then you gratuitiously attacked Glick. Very hypocritical.

    As to the answer to your question, I suspect that Abe's answer would vary. If Abe thought that the evidence should be suppressed, I'm sure he'd love to have Glick. Glick makes better legal decisions than virtually anyone. And, he has the guts to do the right thing irrespective of fallout (if Abe's son was arrested, it would be a huge media event........he'd need a judge that could be fair despite political pressure to hammer him). Of course, I'm sure Abe would prefer a do nothing judge who dumps cases rather than Glick if his son was guilty, there were no valid motions and his son deserved a harsh sentence.

    Glick is one of the best 2 or 3 judges the county has seen in the last 20 years. End of story.

    Very few judges can cut through the clutter the way he can. Stacy has similar skills. I think she'll be a great judge and will surprise those of you who think she won't suppress evidence or cut offenders breaks where appropriate.


  24. I actually prefer the alternate spelling of judgement. It seems acceptable to the people at Oxford Dictionary + was the choice of Mrs. Becker -- my teacher during the Bronze Age.

    P.S. Yes, I know that I can be self-righteous and pompous. I freely admit that I am human, and therefore, I am flawed. Perhaps even very flawed.

    I do, however, have a right to an opinion about the intellectual capacity and the temperment of those before whom I appear. I have intentionally avoided volunteering for cases based solely upon the capacity / rudeness factor of the judge. I would never do so because of the difficulty of the case or the quality of the opponents. Those are battles that with enough effort, I could fight and win.

    It is the very fact that a high-profile and important case may be tried by a judge who spent a few years saving up money while working in the library of a downtown firm, or has the right friends, or even the right minority/majority status that scares the hell out of me. It is that judge whom defendants should fear most.

    Lenny, Reemberto, and Stan all know which cases deserve their extra attention, and which have virtually no value + should not be tried. You cannot learn those distinctions while handling closings or hoping that the firm lets you actually go to court on a motion for continuance.

    To try a major criminal case for the PD, SAO, or on the wheel -- you must understand the nuances of those crimes.

    WHY DOES THE JUDGE OFTEN KNOW ONLY SLIGHTLY MORE THAN THE CLERK?? That is the evil that must be purged in order to get closer to the concept of true justice!

    Sorry if it seems like I am shouting.

  25. I worked in the justice building for 23 years and I am now 46 which means that I have known Lenny Glick half my life. And I have two sons, but since they are 1 and 3 it would take a lot for them to have to appear before Judge Glick, but I have hope.

    Anyway, my answer is that Lenny Glick is at the top of the list of any Judge I would want to preside over my client's case. He is tough - he is fair- he is knowledgeable and he has perspective- meaning he was a prosecutor and he knows what it means to ask for a long prison sentence.

    BTW and I don't know if this has ever gotten back to him- but when I was an ASA the word was clearly out that if you wanted a supervisor to approve your plea you went to Lenny Glick. Why? because unlike today, he had faith in the lawyers that worked in his office and if you had an opinion about a case, he almost always backed you up once he was sure your opinion came from working on the case and not because you were un-prepared.

  26. PS Abe- post that list of Judges that know slightly more than their clerks. I'm only at 4.

  27. Is four not enough? I can list about 7 or 8 with ease + new ones are coming in January.

  28. abe has a rather high opinion of himself. and that's ok because truth be told, he is a great trial lawyer. he also works as hard as anyone. however, he harbors negative opinions about a lot others. he also has a huge mouth and loves to gossip. But at the end of the day, the state attorney is lucky to have a guy like him on her side. She would be very foolish to let him go which is the rumor.

    anti q

  29. Alright -

    I want the names of the top 5 Judge's in the REGJB.

    I want the names of the bottom 5 Judge's in the REGJB.

    The buck stops here!

  30. Also post the list of the judges who know less than the clerks and those who let, or make, the clerk rule for them.

  31. 10:27:00 p.m., there are judges of Romanian ancestry in Florida. County Judge Myriam Lehr is Romanian and Circuit Judge Betty Butchko's maiden name is Romanian so, she probably has some Romanian ancestry somewhere.

  32. I would like to thank those who have been so kind with your praise for my husband Judge Leonard Glick. I look forward to the years ahead with him. We have been together since we were 18 years old and have literally grown up together. I will share him with you as a Senior judge, however, as much as everyone loves Lenny at the REGJB, I love him more. To each of you, Lenny loved going to work every day. He tried to make that samll change in the world, frustrated many times wondering if he was succeeding. He wanted the community to be one where the average citizen could feel safe. Lenny cared for all the personnel in the building. He spent 36 years there. I know he will be back. He loved being a judge and you will see him again. We are all lucky to have this man of such class, kindness, caring, and quality in "our" lives. I am proud to share him with you. I am proud to be the wife of Lenny Glick for over 43 years. Fondly. Dianne Glick

  33. I am a defense attorney and I respected Glick tremendously during the past 10 years during which time I have in front of him countless times. I fear for the REGJB with Stacy. While she was the better choice, that doesn't say much given the competition. She has a clear chip on her shoulder and she acts as if she hates defendants and defense attorneys. I hope she learns to reason the way her father did. The State is not always correct.
