Monday, January 28, 2008



It is a period of civil war. Rebel Court reporters, striking from their hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil galactic and Florida Empire, JAC.

During the battle, rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to JAC's ultimate weapon: the thirty six page request for reimbursement form. This form is complex enough to allow JAC to deny any and every claim for reimbursement, which strikes at the very heart of the rebel court reporters' ability to work.

Pursued by JAC's sinister agents, Princess Rosa Naccarato races to circuit court and manages against all odds to achieve a stunning victory that can save her court reporters and restore order and sanity to Florida's court systems.

But the Evil JAC will not rest.....

(The following is a memo obtained by Rumpole)

TO: PCAC or Indigent for Costs Counsel
FROM: Goldman, Naccarato, Patterson, Vela & Associates, Inc.

This is a brief but necessary disclosure from the available court records and is not a confidential disclosure. Circuit Court Judge David Miller denied JAC’s Motions to Dismiss and Motion for Change of Venue to Leon County on January 10, 2008. On January 14, 2008, GNPV settled its differences with JAC by Mediation Agreement so that GNPV remains a contract vendor with rights set out in the Mediation Agreement. Ultimately the pending cases will be dismissed. GNPV is hopeful that it can continue, in some places where it left off, to do the same type of work for which it was hired in the past. Now GNPV has complete confidence in its relationship with JAC and can assure its reporters and counsel of its new confidence and security in its JAC relationship. GNPV looks forward to continuing if not expanding its business.

Very truly yours, John R. Sutton


  1. Is it just me. I know the Miami Herald reads this blog. Why does this state not have the judicial branch of government receiving a higher percentage of the pie, the dividing of the state budget? It should be at least 5% and anybody who gets convicted of white collar crime, especially if they are mbas, jds, drs, stockbrokers, real estate scams etc. they should lose everything, the business, their assets, their home car etc. Why not try a decade of putting white rich people in jail and give the minorities a decade off. and while i am on the subject, does anyone even know what the attorney's generals offfice and statewide prosecutor do. has anyone ever been in court and someone from one of those agencies says i am here on their behalf, except for criminal appeals. that is probably 100 million in waste right there. a paralegal can take a complaint about consumer fraud so what do all these lawyers do.

  2. A Court Reporter in Miami Dade is Sorry for bad mouthing Rumpole...I’m sorry also that I called you a rhino-felching butt-pirate. That is unforgiveable. But I hope that you will forgive me and understand that it was nothing but anger and frustration that led me to refer to you several times as a baboon-humping mongoloid gorilla-fellator. Please forgive me.

  3. Rumpy, I used to bulls-eye wamp-rats with my T-16 back home, and they weren't much larger than 36 pages.

  4. is this post true, an attempt at satire, or just really lame?

  5. These aren't the court-reporters you are looking for....move along, move along.

  6. Flora Seff is the best looking ASA of the year!


    “Don’t settle for less than you deserve”

    That is the basis of the recently filed lawsuit by a Jacksonville law frim challenging the constitutionality (on First Amendment grounds) of The Florida Bar and their rules regulating lawyer advertising.

    The Plaintiff is a personal injury firm and they do lots of advertising. In 2002, when they submitted the phrase: "“Don’t settle for anything less”, it was rejected by the Bar as violating the rule that prohibited using language that appeared to promise a result, but at the same time the Bar told the firm that the phrase “Don’t settle for less than you deserve” would be acceptable.

    Since then, the firm’s ads have prominently featured that phrase, the lawsuit said, and it has become associated with the firm.

    Now, six years later, the Bar has decided that the term is no longer acceptable, saying that the ads characterized the quality of legal services - and that is a no no!!!

    So, once again, it's The First Amendment vs. The Florida Bar.

    I wonder who will win this round?

    CAPTAIN OUT ...........

  8. Are you just begging JT to post?

  9. Hey Rump

    How bout a peice about how the florida legislature keeps cutting the budget of the Public Defender's Office. How because of this the PD will not have to threaten to turn down cases and not accept clients. How because of that it will cost the state more money to appoint lawyers to those cases. How because of this the Public Defenders office going to bat for its clients and employees, and litigating against the legislature to say this is all unconstitutional. How budget cuts the PD office can't give any of its employees raises.

    How are people in Miami letting a bunch of know-nothings in tally affect their livelihood?

    peace love freedom

  10. 1:25

    Written with full command of grammar and all of the edufication of a true PD!

    Your fellow PDs should be proud of you.

    Maybe that is why the budget cuts are happening - to better fund our school system.

  11. Sunday, January 27, 2008 10:23:00 PM,

    What would they do with an additional 2%? Would we get more judges? No! They would waste it. Three percent is already too much.

    This ought to be something conservatives and readers can agree on; cut the judicial budget. The only thing the judicial branch should consist of is judges and well paid secretaries. (That is correct, the word is secretary. Ms. Rice is not the Assistant of State! Oh, and by the way, legal secretaries make more than paralegals; skilled, trusted confidants ain’t cheap like dime-a-dozen paralegals). State attorney, attorney general, public defender and their ilk belong in the executive branch. Mediators, Case Managers, Case Screener and their ilk belong on the unemployment line, where they won’t be driving up the cost of litigation.

  12. Ahem.... Testing testing...

    May we have your attention please.

    The Q is proud to annnounce that he is endorsing former Arkasnas Governor Mike Huckabee for president!!!

    From the endorsement: "Mike has the experience, temperment, and religious conviction to do the job we need him to do for all of us in Washington. Mike has the resources and respect to conduct a nationwide campaign. And while he may be trailing in the polls in Florida, I am supremely confident that he will emgerge from super Tuesday as the most qualified candidiate for president. Please join me tomorrow in voting for Mike Huckabee for president."

  13. Easy EE voting for Guiliani, natch.

  14. Interesting post Captain @ 11:55, but has NOTHING to do with any other posts as they are not First Amendment issues, as indicated. So when you say it's the First Amendment vs. The Florida Bar, not sure what you're refering to in actuality.

  15. 4 out of 5 presidential candidates believe the Q's endorsement is a good thing to have.

  16. Can anyone tell me what it means to be "Assistant General Counsel?"

    There is no such category in the Court's budget. Since Abby Cynamon is claiming to be an "Assistant General Counsel" I'd like to know if she's using a made-up title.

    How many Assistant General Counsel work for the 11th judicial system and what do they do?

  17. Predicting the Florida Bar wins this one is about as easy as predicting either the Patriots or the Giants will win the Super Bowl.

  18. 5:03pm

    for the record, i'm not a public defender. I'm not even a law school graduate. Just a citizen who reads this blog and is informed about what is actually going on in this state and in tallahassee.

    I apologize for my lack of grammar sophistication. Silly me, I was hoping the message would be commented upon, not if my punctuation and word choice was appropriate.

    Still waiting for your informed comment or reply....

  19. 1023. Great idea to put rich white people in jail. The only problem is - who is going to run the country if that happens?

  20. to 1023, Who will run the country if white collar criminals are vigorously prosecuted as opposed to poor drug users, small time drug dealers, and desparate peoople who do armed robberies? ok. i'll try and take a stab at it. If corrupt bankers who launder drug money and foster and encourage debt by credit card and disreputable mortgage practices which lead to foreclosure and bankruptcy, if insider trading, bribing government officials for defense contracts, kickbacks to politicians for construction projects like malls and condos, and the insurance industry denying legitimate claims and hiring law firms to fight people injured by things like unsafe products, chemicals, water contamination and known carcinogens then who would run the country. How about we try electing people who are not power hungry, I would suggest that the average 5th grader could do a better job than what we have now. What do we have now, a society of extravagance- people with more homes, cars, vacations, jewelry, furniture, electronics etc. than they know what to do with. private schools, 500000 dollar weddings and sweet 16s, etc. in a society where we still have over 20% of the population without access to medical care for fear of bankruptcy, rampant homelessness and poverty, 15% of the population of ADULTS illiterate, more people incarcerated in jails which most nations in the world consider babaric, locked in a cell 23 hours a day, rapes and murders. we also have 10000 handgun murders a year, hundreds of thousands of people a week who drive drunk, and insecure borders so illegal drugs can enter the country to cause the poor to become addicted ruinging their lives and insuring their absence from the corporate boardrooms. we also spend 500 billion dollars a year on the military industrial complex, that is the known budget, and we are engaged in a 5 year war with a country because they have oil reserves and we like to drive a machine called the auto whereever we want whenever we want. and we now have a choice of the following to try to change our country: 1 John McCain- a war criminal is fought in an unjust war and dropped bombs on peasants who never did anything to the u.s. 2. Mitt Romney- a half a billionaire who has had a silver spoon in his mouth his whole life, which less than 1% of americans can identify with, whose whole life has been about money accumulation, and is a pathological liar and flipflopper. Both of these REPUBLICAN candidates will continue the war in Iraq. 3. Hilary Clinton- a mean woman with no ethics who stayed married to an adulterer/rapist so she could be in the Senate. 4. Barack Obama- a career politician which means he covets power and is a liar-however this is about all I can say about him that is bad. It is my understanding he had a very troubled childhood, using and dealing drugs and committing felonies. President Bush had a dui and felony cocaine conviction and has done NOTHING to show compassion for those similarly afflicted-he has covered it up- he continues to preside over a nation that incarcerates people with drug and alcohol problem- mostly minorities. the only people deserving of such treatment are ones who committed acts of violence while intoxicated or were habitual thieves. There you go, I took a stab at it. If I were President I would spend the first year of my Presidency on the following: 1.I would immediately withdraw half the troops in Iraq in my first month in office and have our military on high alert during that process. 2. My first executive order would be that all homeless persons out in the winter cold SHALL be given housing and food. 3. I would order HUD to commence construction of 2 million housing units for the poor. 4. I would tear down old unsafe crime ridden housing projects where people have to sleep in bathtubs to avoid being shot. 5. I would convene an emergency session of Congress to deal with violence in america: on tv, movies, vidio games because of 10000 handgun murders a year.6.I would submit legistlation to congress to make bankruptcy almost impossible for people who voluntariy live beyond their means with credit. 7.I would raise taxes for the wealthy and have tax penalties for people who possess cars and homes and boats they do not need or use. 8. I would order energy conservation, fuel efficient autos, and regulate the auto and airline industry to cut down on needless travel and consumption of fossil fuels. 9. I would increase economic aid to Latin and South American and decrease aid to Europe which is doing just fine. 10. I would secure our borders with our military-transfer military from overseas to back home-and enter into business arrangements with the nations of mexico, columbia, haiti, etc. who have people flocking to our country illegally.These policies would have the affect of alerting the american people as to how far afield we have become of basic notions of honesty, hard work, pay you bills, live within your means, help others and not a society of arrogance, opulence and consumption. And we would still spend 250 billion dollars a year in case the rest of the world wants to interpret our return to values as weakness so if they want to mess with us we are prepared. we already have more bombs, aircraft carriers, planes and guns to blow up the world a million times over. /s/ THE ONION PEELER. P.S. This comment is political speech guaranteed by the first amendment to the U.S. constiution in the author's opinion.
