Thursday, November 01, 2007


Although the US Supreme Court has recently stayed all lethal injection executions in the US (leading to a severe case of depression among Judges in Texas) The Herald has reported HERE
that the Florida Supreme Court (motto: “We wanna be like Texas”) has given the old
okey dokey to hooking up convicts with a needle so long as “proper sterilization techniques are employed. While we find no constitutional prohibition against the State murdering its citizens, we do find it to be cruel and unusual to expose the convict to possible infection moments before putting him to sleep like a mongrel dog.”


There is no current attorney general of the United States.

The last attorney general endorsed the belief that anything short of organ failure was not torture, and that anything the president does or wants to do, is ipso facto, legal. Now comes the acquittal of former federal prosecutor Robert G. Convertino on charges that while he was prosecuting the US’s lead terrorism case in the US at the time, he withheld evidence.

From the NY Times: ARTICLE

The department, which has acknowledged that the 2001 case was bungled, will now face accusations that it also bungled a case it brought last year against Mr. Convertino and Mr. Smith.
In 2004, the convictions of two North Africans on terrorism charges in the original case were overturned amid the accusations of misconduct by Mr. Convertino, 46, who had been a federal prosecutor here, and Mr. Smith, 51, a former State Department security officer.
After his acquittal on Wednesday, Mr. Convertino told reporters in the federal district courthouse here that the charges of obstruction of justice were “a politically motivated prosecution that never should have been brought.”
“Somebody must be held accountable for this,” he said.

Rumpole called the DOJ and eventually was transferred to a Mr. Jerry Thomas, head Custodian for Janitorial Services at the Department Of Justice. "Mr. Thomas is the only current DOJ official available to accept responsibility for the DOJ at this time", according to a spokesperson at the DOJ who refused to be named because of the possibility that he may then become responsible for the actions of the DOJ.


The NY Times reports today
that the high profile NY State prosecution of Former FBI Organized Crime Agent Roy Lindley DeVecchio was about to be dropped today after a Village Voice Journalist surfaced with tapes yesterday in which the star witness (and only witness directly accusing Agent DeVecchio) was heard contradicting herself about DeVecchio’s role in the murders of several mobsters.

Agent DeVecchio had previously been cleared by the FEDS of the accusations of his participation in murders committed by the organized crime family he spent his career investigating. Enter the NY State Prosecutors (motto: evidence, schmevedence) who on the unsubstantiated word of a “Mafia Moll” indicted the agent for conspiracy to commit murder. After the Village Voice reporter, who had interviewed the woman several years ago for a book, came forward yesterday with taped interviews in which the woman gave markedly different accounts of the murders for which the Agent was accused, NY Prosecutors decided to drop charges. “Hey, we almost wrecked your life based on the unsubstantiated word of an unreliable liar, but no hard feelings OK? Thanks for your service agent. Have a nice retirement”

And finally, President Bush took the unprecedented step of inviting reporters into the Oval Office this morning to attempt to rescue the endangered nomination of Judge Michael Mukasey to become the Attorney General of the United States. The issue confronting and confounding Mukasey is his failure to repudiate the current administration's use of waterboarding as an interrogation technique.

When asked about waterboarding, the President said Millions of Americans enjoy the sport of snow boarding. Personally, I like two skis. But some of the younger guys get on that snow board and sort of surf down the mountain. Now if snow boarding is OK, just what is the problem about waterboarding? I mean it’s like the same thing, right, but on water? That’s what Cheney told me.”

And there's our President, on top of all the issues.

See you in court.


  1. That explosion many of you heard was the Broward Blog going up in flames. Oh the Humanity.


  2. Unfortunately Rump, the Broward Blog, unlike this one, had very little humanity.

    And far too few winning football picks.

    Next time you are North of the Border, submit a little ditty to the new blog about your experience in our mold-ridden courthouse.

  3. And to think that all the JAAB change seeking resulted in a blog! See , written by secret identity 'BA'. (Doesn't hold a match to our Rummy though!)

  4. This is a must see. I assure you that it's worth the 10 minutes. Enjoy!
    Mark Eiglarsh

  5. JAABLOG announces the departure of our President, Mr. Craig Esquenazi.

    Mr. Esquenazi resigned, effective October 30, 2007.

    Mr. Esquenazi, in addition to serving as President, is a founding member of JAAB. He has been an integral part of the team that has brought you JAABLOG, spearheading the technical aspects of the blog.

    We wish Craig continued success in all his endeavors.


  6. Who even knew there was a political hierarchy over there? President, VP, Speaker of the blog? Treasurer?

    Was there an election I missed? Campaigning? A nomination convention, with speeches?
    Were there signs up in Broward- "Vote Smith for VP of the Blog?"

    The whole thing is mindboggling. Now that the President has resigned, is there a constitutional succession issue?

    I think benevolent dictatorships have their advantages.

  7. Rumpy, Rumpy, of my dearest Rumpy sneaky you want to be, trying to hide who you are?

    Can anyone take a close look at the blog and figure out what is missing that Rumpy took down to hide his identity from us?

    You guessed it the visitor counter is gone at the bottom. Now why would the allmighty wish the vistor counter down? For starters is logs all the IP's of all the visitor to the blog. It also list the carrier (AOL, Bellsouth, Comcast) and the city of the visitor and much more.

    Did Rumpole get spooked when someone caught him via the visitor counter? As a side note what ever happened to Batman, Chris and Alan and the rest of the gang?

  8. While I admire your care and attention to details, you are Mon Ami, quite mistaken. Remember when the Blog got updated a few weeks ago? A bit of a different look? That was done at the request of Google and I was able to add some new features. But it removed both the Counter and the Ads, and I haven't figured out how to re-add them. I think I am now linited to Google's own counter.

    But while we're on the subject- someone very smart and very enterprising came THIS CLOSE to figuring it all out. How? They thought outside the box. How? They went to a particular place and when asked for an ID and password, they tried certain combinations of "THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX".

    Oh if they only knew just how close they were. Sad to say that I monitor such sites and upon seeing the attempt, I promptly changed the ID and password. And I sent them a private email congratulating them on what no one else figured out- that my constant refrain was literally correct- they needed to type 'THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX" and voila! They were in. Unfortunately, there was one small step to be included in thinking outside the box, and they came oh so close, but finally got frustrated and gave up. I only give one attempt at these things, so, I changed the password and log on. But very very well done indeed.

  9. to 4:40 pm Thursday; it appears you missed my post on October 23rd.....


    Judge Bach's resignation has something to do with her personal life and new marriage. I cannot say anything more than that for now.

    CAPTAIN OUT ......

    Tuesday, October 23, 2007 6:46:00 PM

  10. The "captain" is insufferable. Can we please kick him off the island and then sink his ship as he sails away?!

  11. Murphy's Corollary

    Sometimes (just for the record), what can go right, does.

  12. Rump,

    How about a little excitement over the $11 million verdict against the Westboro right-wing nuts? Their attempts to dishonor our servicemen and women will hopefully be over now! But who can stop the nuts?

    f/k/a CK

  13. I wish to be included as a JAAB delegate for the new Presidential nomination from the county of Rumpole. I endorse Gakey Garkerstein for President of JAAB

  14. Bach resigned because she wants to travel with her husband (who is loaded). Man...what a life!

  15. bach what was she doing with that annoying whiner jeff swartz?
