Thursday, November 08, 2007

11th Hour 11th Day 11th Month

This is why we have Monday off.


  1. If you want to read a really great book, buy "An Army at Dawn." It won the Pulitzer Prize and it recounts the US's first involvement in WWII- Operation Torch and the invasion of North Africa. Before Ike was Ike, before Anzio, and Normandy and Bastogne, there were American boys squaring off for the very first time against German boys. Patton's first command as a General in WWII was in North Africa. The first american paratroopers dropped into battle was in North Africa. A great book, obviously well written.

    As we approach Veterans Day, I cannot help but thinking of the rows of tombstones lined up in Normandy. Row after Row. And in the Ardennes Forrest. And on Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal.

    I guess the older I get, the more I cherish my life, the more I realize and find myself thinking about the sacrifice those boys made. No politics this Friday. Just a weekend of rememberance. 56 thousand Americans in Vietnam. Soon to be 4,000 Americans in Iraq. The only thing one can really do is pray that their sacrifice will not be in vain.

    That is my prayer this weekend.

  2. People who are excellent lawyers who I would like to see run for PD notwithstanding the fact that most are not Politicians or popular enough to win: 1. H.G. Smith 2. Rod Vereen 3. Tony Moss 4. Gene Zenobi 5. David Alschuler 6. Marlene Montaner 7. Greg Gonzalez 8. Michael Matters 9. former pd Scott _____ who used to share office space with Scott Saul 10. Mark Eiglarsh 11. Greg Brown 12. Thomas Peterson 13. David Markus 14. Russell Spatz 15. Mel Black. Please feel free to add to or comment about the list. Miami needs a new PD in 2008, 30 years is enought Mr. Brummer, time to retire and pass the torch.

  3. As a beneficiary of and member of the military industrial complex in the U.S. I, and my fellow board members would like to thank those who have died for their country in the war in Iraq so that Americans may have gas guzzling cars, independence from carpooling and public transportation and the ability to continue to travel long ways on the magnificent public highway system to imbibe alcohol, chase poon and attend sporting events and visit public parks. American Gravediggers Association, Vermont Granite and Marble, Tombstone Caskets, American Flag Makers (funerals and caskets division) and the Hearse and Limo Chapter of the United Automobile Workers of America. Thank you to those young men from impoverished backgrounds, poor communities with no job prospects, families without a strong father figure to dissuade you from going to war over oil, and of course our patriotic military recruiters with shiny belt buckles and especially the marine uniforms for being able to adroitly convince teens with substandard IQ to volunteer to have their life ended, multilated, or irreparably psychologically damanged to benefit the american dream of multiple homes, cars, vacations , and more tvs, clothes, shoes and furniture than you need or use. God Bless the Veterans, now its time to watch football and in honor of those who will die in Iraq this week over oil and gasoline prices we say, You Should Have Studied Harder in School to have the synapses in your brain work well enough to not believe everything the media and politicians tell you. Now go have a good meal and get laid before you get your head blown off so we can continue to make 250,000 or more a year.

  4. Pacificus asks;

    Rump why do we need a video about Canadian veterans to honor our own?

    Is it because the Canadian loon is now worth 10% more than the US dollar!

  5. Its a nice video that captures the sentiment that on Sunday at 11am we should all turn ESPN off for 2 minutes or we should all put down our bagels or pancakes and close our eyes and see those endless rows of white grave markers filled with 18 and 20 year old boys who died as men and remember and give thanks.

  6. Its a nice video that captures the sentiment that on Sunday at 11am we should all turn ESPN off for 2 minutes or we should all put down our bagels or pancakes and close our eyes and see those endless rows of white grave markers filled with 18 and 20 year old boys who died as men and remember and give thanks.

  7. Let's remember Sy Gaer.

    He was a wounded vet.

    I salute him.

  8. I loved that video.

    I applaud your posting it.


    Congrats to AUSA ...

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Gregorie of Miami will be honored today as the most outstanding federal prosecutor in the country. Gregorie, whose 30-year career has spanned from New England to Washington, D.C., to South Florida, will receive the J. Michael Bradford Award at the annual conference of the National Association of Former United States Attorneys.

    Cap Out ....

  10. Captain: Will Judge Lenard be presenting the award to Mr. Gregorie in the presence of the "Liberty City 7" jury?

  11. For those of us with children who have chosen to serve their country and are in the line of fire, I thank you for your thoughts. My prayers are not only for my own, but those who serve now and have served before.

  12. There is a problem in South Florida with lawyers agreeing to represent clients in high-profile cases for free just so they can get air time. Is this right? Who are some of the lawyers who do this? Come on. Give me names. Maybe an easier question is: What defense attorney hasn't done this?

  13. To 4:37 A.M.

    Take Eiglarsh off the list. He's one of those lawyers who solicits cases for free just to get the air time. We don't need a PD like that. He's worse than Ellis Rubin was.

  14. 65 million men from 44 countries fought in WWI, an heretofore unimaginable occurrence. Armistice Day arose to mark the end of hostilities, November 11, 1918. After WWII, it was changed to Veterans Day in America, Remembrance Day among the British Commonwealth. We honor not just the fallen and wounded but all who have served.

    I believe the 2 minutes of silence is at 11 a.m. on 11/11.

  15. Our beloved Sy Gaer served BEHIND enemy lines as a Marine in Korea. He saw the most brutal type of military action and like the true hero he was, he never said a word about. I will be thinking of Sy on Sunday.

  16. Rumpole, Miguel De la O today sent this around as his "Tip Of The Day" and it seems appropriate to post here:

    Email a Soldier

    Regardless of your feelings about the Iraq war, there are brave men and women risking their lives everyday in Iraq. This Veteran's Day, send an email to a soldier through Operation Dear Abby.

    Click to send a message.

    About Operation Dear Abby:
    Send a special message to our men and women in the military defending American freedom worldwide.

    In 1967, Sgt. Billy Thompson wrote Abigail Van Buren asking for a Christmas present for our servicemembers -- "Just a letter from home," American citizens have been sending their best wishes to the troops every holiday season. "Operation Dear Abby," has brought joy to hundreds of thousands of U.S. military personnel deployed away from home around the world.

    Concerns about regular mail delivery have prompted the military to suspend the letter-writing campaign...

    However, Dear Abby, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Department of the Navy's LifeLines Services Network are providing this private and secure online resource that will allow you to send a Sailor, Marine, Soldier, Airman, or Coast Guardsman a holiday greeting or message of support.

  17. rumpole

    followed your predictions about the market. i blew outta goldman at 243
    wfmi at 48
    goog ta 711.
    im on the sideline waiting for more blood on the streets.

  18. The Justice System, which the lawyers and judges who read and contribute to this blog, has at its core the idea of fairness, proof, persuasion, confrontation, competency and justice often leading to punishment and hopefully rehabilitation as opposed to recidivism. How does this relate to Veterans Day? As we honor those who have served in the military, whether the mission was just as in WWII in repelling the Nazis and avenging the attack on Pearl Harbor, or the wisdom of the mission is subject to a divergence of opinion as in Korea and Vietnam, we all honor and respect those who serve in the military. If it were not for our military we, like most of the world, would have far bigger problems and a much poorer overall quality of life than what besets most Americans- expensive car payments and mortgages, credit ratings, debt, saving money for college, health insurance etc. Most of the world worries about death, disease, abhorent poverty, violence, lack of equality and basic human rights, genocide, aids, imprisonment without proof or trial or representation. At the core of the court system is the hope that those who transgress do not recidivate which means a change in behavior, an admission of wrongdoing, contrition, perhaps abstention from alcohol, drugs, dishonesty, greed etc. We can and should do better. A failure to rehabilitate often is a failure of PRIDE, an unwillingness to admit wrongdoing and to have the courage to attempt to stop the behavior and become a member of society that does not harm others or society in general. This brings me to the point of this contribution to the blog. We , as a nation, suffer from an excess of PRIDE which has caused us to refuse to admit that our invasion of Iraq was erroneous, to withdraw from search and kill missions, to return to the control of the Iraqi people their country, to leave as soon as possible maintaining a military presence of less than 20000 for the sole basis of maintaining the military base we built there in case the region becomes unstable after we leave. If we cannot admit to the world community our error, ask for forgiveness, be contrite, and try to make amends and not recidivate by using our military imperialistically again then we can slowly regain our standing in the world community. Right now we are rightfully viewed as imperialists seeking control of one of the main production areas of oil, we have invaded a country, killed a half million people and displace millions more. the country is in chaos. The world has held back its criticism because of our military and economic power but make no mistake about it, our regime is on par with the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin but we are not doing it to our own people. The U.S. must drastically change its attitudes and lifestyle of consumption, excess, and wealth attainment and learn to conserve, sacrifice, and live a lower standard of living vis-a-vis electrical, gas, oil and energy consumption. WE MUST STOP SPENDING over 500 billion dollars a year on the military industrial complex. In 20 years the U.S. will no longer be the economic leader of the world and Americans need to start accepting that we need to start acting like a member of the world community as opposed to the dominator of the world community. PRIDE, we have too much of it which is why our military is still in Iraq, we have 4000 soldiers dead over oil, over 15000 grotesquely mutilated, and if we do not admit our error and show some humility to the world then in 30 years from now a monument will be built on the mall in Washingon with 50000 names on it, what a number-58000 American killed in Korea and 58000 in Vietnam. If we do not act soon the numbers will rise. How do I know that the military industrial complex will not show humility and remain boastful and Proud, because they now want us to fear and contemplate war with Iran. I hope and pray our troops are home soon, but more importantly I hope and pray that before I die I see a change in the mindset in this country which is addicted to violence moreso than oil. P.S. I am so fed up that I don't give a shit anymore who I piss off by speaking the truth.

  19. Question: If only Ruvin and McGillis qualify for Clerk of Court and Ruvin who will be 71-yrs old drops out for reasons beyond his control does McGillis win by default?


    Judge Rosa C. Figarola has filed and is now in the race for County Court.

    Scooped the Captain!

  21. The internet reception is iffy on my yacht here in a Florida back bay (wont say where). Someone complained about a comment and I missed it. Can you tell me again so I check it out. November is the best time to be on the water especially if you know some sweet grouper spots in the back bay.

  22. rumpole
    do you trailor your yacht on the back of your truck?

  23. 1) I have no idea what comment you are talking about . Give me a date and time.

    2)If you are who I think you are, while I frown on people bringing family members into arguments, based on your hissy fit two weeks ago and all the nasty names you called me, and all your threats, past and present, just give me one good reason why I should give a damn that something is bothering you.

    3) For someone who swore to me in an email that you NEVER read this blog, you sure seem to have a lot of problems with what is written. I guess just all your "friends" read it looking for your name, huh?
