Thursday, August 02, 2007


ITEM: Attorney General “I cannot recall my first name at this moment” Gonzales has admitted that his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee was confusing.

In his two-page letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Gonzales sought to clear up the confusion.

"I am deeply concerned with suggestions that my testimony was misleading, and am determined to address any such impression. Both the President and I agree that we could care less what you think. Furthermore, what don’t you understand about the word NO? I sincerely hopes this clarifies my testimony as I am committed to working with you. " Gonzales wrote in the letter, a copy of which was sent to the panel's top Republican, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.

"I recognize that the use of the term 'Terrorist Surveillance Program' and my shorthand reference to the 'program' publicly 'described by the president' may have created confusion. Perhaps I should have referred to the program as the “Spy on everyone” program or the Legal Intelligence American Review program which we in the White House often refer to by it’s initials. " Gonzales wrote.

“In any event, in order to avoid further confusion, please let me reiterate that your committee will get the answers it wants when hell freezes over, and that I and the President are both committed to fully cooperating with the committee, the American Public, and you personally."

Your new best friend,

“As soon as I recall my first name you’ll be the first to know” Gonzales.

PS. Next week, based on the imminent terrorist threat and our chartreuse/brown/green alert status, we will be asking the Supreme Court to disband Congress and cancel the upcoming Presidential elections until Osama Bin Laden is caught. I know I can count on your support.


  1. Rump:

    Your post is more evidence - not that it's needed anymore - of the fact that the security of this country can't be left up to liberals.

  2. "I don't recall" Where have we heard those words before? Oh yeah, Alberto Gonzalez, H R Haldeman, John Ehrlichman and Ronald Reagan. What do all these people have in common. Oh yeah (again) they were all part of Republican presidencies testifying as to scandels within their administrations. Now if Gonzalez could just not recall where he works we would all be better off. In case he has fogotten, we can give him a one-way plane ticket to Texas with a map on how to get to the airport.

  3. New: When you look up an attorney on the Florida Bar Website, it now tells you whether that attorney has any discipline history for the last 10 years. It's interesting to look up attorneys that you believe may have been disciplined.

  4. That's ok -- Cheney didn't remember whether he sent the Torturer-in-Chief out to the hospital that night either.

    Sheesh, these guys need some gingko biloba, bad.

  5. The beauty of Senor Gonzalez is that he distracts us from Rove, Cheney and Bush.

    On the plus side, I think Arlen Specter is close to becoming the first Senator to publicly identifying a sittting Attorney General as "shit-bag."

  6. Funny, but belongs on federal Blog.

  7. Oh, who will help this poor fellow? Q? E? L&L? Catalano? Best? Phil? Someone, please give this man a helping hand.

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