Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Many people are curious as to the exact process that goes into a Rumpole reply to a particularly stupid comment. Therefore, we decided to give you a peek behind the scenes and review the unedited text of a Rumpole response to an email, complete with our thought process.

In regard to the post the other day that mentioned a case before Judge Schlessinger, there were a few comments in the comments section, one of which was negative about Judge Schlessinger.

Then we received this comment:

Anonymous said...
Again, you let ridiculous nasty comments... this time, re: John Schlessinger through the so-called moderation. There's nothing wrong with John. I've appeared in front of him and his wife since day one; he is fair and just and he carries himself with aplomb.

Rumpole to ourselves “
Don’t these idiots get it? I don’t write the comments, and I don’t edit them. How can I convey my anger at this comment?”

Dear idiot? No, a little to strong.”

“Dear cretin”

“No, I think I need a thesaurus. Hmmmm…”

(Rumpole logs on to

One deficient in judgment and good sense: ass, fool, imbecile,jackass, mooncalf, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, simple, simpleton, softhead, tomfool, Informal: dope, gander, goose. Slang: cretin, ding-dong, dip, goof, jerk, nerd, schmo, schmuck, turkey. See ability.

Rumpole to ourselves: “Wow. Props to myself with the “cretin” pull. Had no idea. “Mooncalf" is a bit too obtuse. “Schmuck" too crude. Going to go with the old favourite.”

Dear Jackass:

Just what don’t you get about this blog in particular and blogs in general? Someone doesn’t like Judge Schlessinger and they posted their feelings. And you want me to censor that? I happen to like Judge Schlessinger. He was a very fine Assistant US Attorney and is doing a great job as a judge. But those are my thoughts. Should I run a blog that only posts comments that I agree with?

Here’s a scenario for your dimwitted mind to ponder as you count your toes tonight.

Lets say there is a Judge you love. Call her Judge A. And lets say I hate that Judge. And lets say you decide to write a long glowing comment about your favourite judge. Then you get someone who can read your writing in crayon and have them post it on the blog for you. And because I don’t like Judge A, it doesn’t get posted in the comments section. How would that make you feel? Kinda sad and mad, right? See how it works now?

Someone wrote something critical about Judge Schlessinger. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to leap to his defense and try and compose something positive. In this particular situation something tells me that the result might make Judge Schlessinger think that “with friends like these…who needs enemies?” But you get the point right?

A free discussion of the issues of the REGJB with as little moderation as possible. Almost anything goes, except for what are now well known Rumpole Rules.

Anyway, best of luck with your ABC’s and those new crayons."

Rumpole says: Really. Is there any support for me to moderate comments and only post those I agree with? Actually, don't respond to that because I don't care. I like things the way they are. I do not want to live in a world where there are only people who agree with me (although things would be a hell of lot more efficient, I can tell you that.) The blog is what it is and most people seem to like it.

Maybe it's the heat that has me so cranky.

Never did like Pat Riley that much.



    DUI bust- client wearing T-shirt that says "I'm not an alcoholic. I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings."

  2. Rump,

    Don't go changing to try and please us. Besides, you've called me all kinds of names and it feels good. In fact, my nickname evolved from just such an exchange. Please feel free to call me "mooncalf" next time I respond to one of your ridiculous comments. I'll be at Houstons.

    You continue to be da man, Rump.


  3. Paul Donnelly and Terence O'Sullivan got a Not Guilty Verdict
    in front of Judge Lopez today on a
    Kidnapping case.

  4. A Prosecutor is NOT law enforcement. A prosecutor's job is not to work for the police dept. There can be obvious, and serious, conflicts behind such an approach. Abe needs to reconsider his choice of accessories while on official duty as an ASA.

  5. Oh Please. A prosecutor carrying a bag that has a police logo on it is harmless. It's like a prosecutor having an FBI hat or coffee cup in their office. And quite frankly, as a defense attorney, I would love to see Abe or any prosecutor I am in trial with carrying a police logo briefcase. Many times very good prosecutors can and will distance themselves from poor police work, advocating justice and truth, and not on behalf of the cops. I can't think of one reason why a prosecutor carrying a police logo briefcase would hurt my case, and I can think of a dozen or so reasons why it could help.

    I would say "get a life" but "try a case" and "get some legal experience" sound better at this moment.

  6. Did YOU write that comment CK? That would be hysterical.

  7. I like Judge Schlessinger. He is smart like Emas, but not as feisty. I have Bloom next week . I have been looking forward to seeing the PD’s in there. Rumor it is worth the trip just to see the PD’s.

    To the person who wrote that the members of the Miami- Dade bar were like junior high boys. I believe the women of the bar are just as shallow as the men.

    Half the reason I read this Blog is for gossip and rumor. The thing I like best is when Rumpole comments on my comment. I know it is silly but it makes my day. I did not follow that complicated explanation of moderation, but is seem to me any comment that does make fun of how someone looks or does not falsely claim drug abuse should be in

  8. Complicated? Why you knucklehead. What two bit cheap law school accepted you in the first place? You can read case law but can't understand my blog? Take my advice, go back to McDonalds.

    (There, hope I made your day.)

    CK= Circle K clerk- another dear reader I got into a fight with, and upon which I bestowed that moniker which he now proudly wears. I have no idea if he is really Clay Kaiser.

  9. I have a rather handsome mug on my desk that says, Biscayne National Park Police... and I am a defense attorney....

    BTW... John Schlesinger is a rather nice guy and not a bad judge. He is state oriented but, many are.

    I like him.

  10. read case law? anything important will be in the headnotes. case law is for Appellate Lawers. coment one this and I am 3 and 0 tonight. You really did make my night night.

  11. To say Schlesinger is smart like Emas is a joke, a farce, and an incredibe insult to Emas. Schlesinger is far from a legal scholar. he is a partisan prosecutor in a robe who is not concerned with the law at all. That comment is a disgrace. Furthermore, in regards to the moderation comments. If I signed my name to this, my clients would never get a fair shot in fron of Schlesinger.

  12. Rumpole:

    you write:

    "Many people are curious as to the exact process that goes into a Rumpole reply to a particularly stupid comment. "

    I like your blog and enjoy reading it - but let's gets serious Rump - you really are starting to get too full of yourself. "Many people" are not losing sleep over how you ponder over your responses to comments. Most people really have more important things on their minds than that.

    Now just go back to being a good moderator and get some sleep.

    Good night.


  13. "Many people are curious as to the exact process that goes into a Rumpole reply to a particularly stupid comment. "


    "Many people are curious as to the exact process that goes into a Rumpole getting his fat head out of the house each morning (CAN YOU SAY EGO!)."

  14. Overheard yesterday in County Court: that beautiful and talented APD is leaving the Public Defender's Office to go back to private practice. Is this true? I am going to miss seeing her around the courthouse. She always looked so good, but was so nice. Maybe I'll have to go see this APD in Bloom that everyone is talking about.

  15. DL and others. You appear to be bright, long time and careful readers of the blog. Cannot you not discern when I am making fun of myself? Do you really think I believe this is anything more than entertainment. If I can make you smile and shake your head for a minute and chuckle then I have done my job. Stop taking yourself and what I write about so seriously.

  16. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  17. Yes, but, Emas can be very, very nasty when he is angry and he loves to push people around.

    John S does not do that.

    Both are rather bright.

    I like John better. He does not go crazy like Emas does when he does not like what is going down.

  18. Rump,

    Give me more credit. I did not post the comment about Abe and his bag.

    Give Clay more credit. He is not me and I am not him.


  19. more music found in Shumie's I-Phone:

    Take Me On by A-ha
    Barracuda by Heart
    Cold As Ice by Foreigner
    Money by Pink Floyd
    Come On Ilene by Dexy's Midnight Runners
    Eat The Rich by Motorhead
    Little Deuce Coupe by The Beach Boys

  20. Gee CK, it must really suck to be accused of being someone you are not.
