Monday, August 14, 2006



Ms. Marino-Pedraza has taken a lot of criticism on the comments section of this blog for adding a hyphenated last name. The criticism is misplaced, as she is not doing anything dozens of other candidates have done. Unlike Mr. Alvarez, Ms. Marino-Pedraza has an answer to the question of why her opponent needs to be replaced: the comments section of this blog have been populated with comments criticizing the courtroom demeanor of Judge McWhorter. That is a legitimate reason to run against a Judge.

We believe that while the criticism has its place, it is not enough to over look the fact that Judge McWhorter is a fine judge who merits retention. Judge McWhorter has a compelling life story. Hailing from a very small “one stop-light town” in Florida, she worked her way from probation officer, to attorney, to prosecutor, to Judge. Along the way, Judge McWhorter worked as legal counsel for the PBA and sought work in a civil firm when the JNC told her that she needed civil experience before they would pass her name to the Governor for consideration . Judge McWhorter joined a civil firm, got the experience needed, and was appointed by Governor Bush three years ago. When Judge McWhorter speaks about her passion to be a Judge we think that her passion is genuine. We also believe the criticism of Judge McWhorter is misplaced. We do not think that those who criticize her are disingenuous. Rather we think that those lawyers may not have spent the time necessary to see that Judge McWhorter is a good judge who works every day at her job to be the very best Judge she can be.

Unlike Messrs. Alvarez and Gonzalez, This is not an endorsement against Ms. Marino-Pedraza. Rather, this is an endorsement in support of the belief that Judger McWhorter deserves another term. We wish them both well.



Joe Fernandez is running for County Court Judge. He took the time to write us and we forgive him for using wordperfect. However, his literature states he has tried 45 jury trials and many more before a Judge. Joe is known to most of us as a former prosecutor and defense attorney who concentrated in DUI defense.

We do not know the other attorneys running in this group. They are Cecilia Armenteros-Chavez,
and Michael Aaron Bienstock.

Ms. Armenteros-Chavez got off on the wrong foot for many of us by employing everyone’s favorite ex-JA Juan D”Arce who in furtherance of his apparent campaign of vengeance was able to convince Ms. Armenteros-Chavez to initially file against County Court Chief Administrative Judge Slom. Judge Slom is widely admired and respected and Ms. Armenteros-Chavez’s initial move was quite a blunder. She followed up that blunder by being quoted in the Herald that she needed to speak with her husband before giving out her number. However, we have since learned that Ms. Armenteros-Chavez is married to a law enforcement officer, and thus her concerns about her home phone number are legitimate ones. A quick search of Google did not reveal a website for her campaign, so we’re not able to say much more about her other than she currently resides North of the Border, and we wonder why she is not running up there? However, we do need to emphasize that any attorney who lacks the common sense necessary to avoid association with Mr. D’Arce , starts out with two and a half strikes against them. Ms. Armenteros-Chavez has done nothing to make up for that colossal blunder.

Mr. Bienstock is equally unknown to us. Having worked almost every day in the REGJB for neigh well longer than we like to admit (but less than Sy Gaer) we know most attorneys who have an even passing acquaintance with criminal law in Miami. We have learned that Mr. Bienstock works in the child support division of the SAO. A worthy job. But we cannot otherwise comment on Mr. Bienstock’s experience.

We are (happily) left to endorse Mr. Joe Fernandez. We know that he is well respected in our little corner of the world. We know he has the experience, ability, temperament, and desire to be an excellent Judge. We have no hesitation endorsing JOE FERNANDEZ for County Court.


  1. I'm still waiting for that file, Norberto....

  2. has anyone looked at patty whatshernamethisweek campaign reports it looks like a 3year old handwrote the reports

  3. What no mention of Mcwhorter's possible felony campaign violations? I am supporting Marino-Pedraza.



    The campaign in this Group is getting very expensive. The two candidates, Judge B. Miller and challenger G. Alvarez have together raised nearly $233,000 and have spent well over $150,000 to date.

    Incumbent Judge Miller has had a very successful fundraising effort. Her most recent filings show $151,929 raised (which includes $30k of her own money). She got those donations from 635 contributors.

    Challenger George Alvarez has raised only $20,967 from 121 contributors. He has tossed in another $60,000 of his own money for a total of $80,967.

    As for expenses, Judge Miller leads all candidates in all county court races spending nearly $92,000. This includes nearly $40,000 on campaign consulting. She has given Ruby Feria $5,000; Professional Networking (aka Juan Serrano) $1,110; Zaida Nunez $2,500; Josie Poitier $600; Stanley Shapiro $300; Daisy Castellanos $750; and Quantum Results (aka Al Lorenzo) $30,000. YES, $30,000 DOLLARS !!! In addition, Quantum Results has picked up another $10,000 for such things as palm cards, bumper stickers, telephone banks and voter list data.

    Challenger Alvarez, trying desperately to keep pace, has spent over $56,000. He has hired several campaign consultants and has paid them well. Vernon Clark $6,500; The Leonard Group (aka Jordan Leonard) $2,000; Penta Communications (aka Charles Safdie) $8,704; Stephanie Smith $80; Michelle Josephe $500; Belinda Sardinas $544; Elect Your Candidate (aka Federico Sarmiento) $1,000; and Small World Productions $1,500.

    CAPTAIN OUT .................

  5. Sorry, Rumpster, but you blew the McWhorther (as the Herald spelled it) endorsement. Does she have a nice life story? Yes, absolutely. Is she intemperate (i.e., does she have a short fuse)? Absolutely as well! On the county level especially, we need judges who connect with people, lawyers and non-lawyers alike, and makes them feel welcomed in their (the people's) court. She does not do this; in fact, she treats all much the opposite, with distain and an "attitude" (I guess you can say that at least she is consistent). While I am not a supporter of Ms. Marino's, quite frankly, she is unlikely to be worse than McWhorther and given her pleasant personality, she probably would be much better!


  7. her husband works for fbi

  8. Where is everyone? I cannot be expected to actually work all day. Hurry up Chris, Alan, Captain, HWMNBN, jason, and the rest of you rejects post some comments so I can laugh!!!

  9. Geraldo Rivera as Joan Fleishman

  10. About that McWhorther post ... since her husband is FBI and likely to learn my identity by (an illegal) justice department wiretap/investigation ... nevermind!

  11. I think chavis husband is the fbi not mcwhoter. Rumpole whats the answer

  12. Rump, you are right with Fernandez and wrong with McWhorter.

    Joe is a great guy and will be a great judge.

    McWhorter is rude and not respected.

    Patti is nice and will be pleasant.

    Not close to most of us.

    Why do you and so many do so much to endorse sitting judges unless they do something really bad?

    Really... why?

  13. because if the incumbent is comptetent, qualified and doesnt piss anyone off, they dont deserve opposition.

    let the others put their names in when a seat comes up. wait your turn and dont push to the head of the trough, er i mean line.

  14. We will NOT be endorsing every incumbent.

  15. HEY Would anyone be interested if we hosted an on line chat with Judicial candidiates one night next week?

  16. Why is Boy George sweeping streets in NYC?

  17. Even the PBA has decided not to endorse McWorter/McWorther.

  18. What does Lorenzo do for $30,000? Is he really worth that much?

  19. boy george called in a fake burglary and when the five 0 came they found some blow

  20. Sounds like Gina over Larry...what do you say Rump?

  21. I think Lorenzo and Levy take those 30K and wipe their ass with it.

  22. former judicial candidate in 2004 here. Lorenzo and Levy bust their asses for their candidates. If you are wondering what they do for their fees, keep in mind that most of your client's wonder the same thing

  23. Yes really, the only thing Judge McWhorter is good for is following the law and giving fair trials, who needs that? I prefer a polite Judge who is nice to me because I only plea everything out. I cry, beg and kiss everybody's behind in the courtroom, that's the way law should be practiced!Right?

  24. Funny how a judge can commit a misdemeanor by accepting donations over 5oo bucks and not get prosectued but, our stupid clients drive a truck to work with no placards on the doors and end up in jail.
