Sunday, December 04, 2005


You have found your way to the hottest new blog in the Miami Legal Community.

You can peruse the previous posts to get a flavor of what we’re about.

Quick review of the rules:
1) Almost anything goes, but we strongly discourage ad hominem attacks. (Judges, go here for a definition:

2) Comments or posts that reveal personal information will be removed unless the individual consents. So, that juicy tidbit with the 40’s ASA and the 20’s PD intern at Mynt will be removed (despite our admiration for the ASA). No personal information about public officials will be allowed: its illegal. You can’t publish the home address of a Judge or Prosecutor. You can publish their personal web site, like

3) Witty repartee is rewarded.

4) Back-handed allusions to the diminished mental capacity of some our learned colleagues is appreciated. (See, the link to the definition published for our Judicial readers, above.) As our welcome to the blog states, we delight in taking down the “stuffed shirts” and self important people who practice among us, a notch or two.

5) We think the legal community needs an outlet to discuss Judges, Lawyers, Issues, without fear of reprisal. How can you complain about that Judge who’s been on the bench 30 days, and wants to start jury selection at 6:00 PM, without damaging your ability to practice before him/her? HERE IS THE PLACE. And just maybe, that Judicial Genius will be told about this blog, your comment, and someone will read it to him/her and they will change their misbegotten ways.

We’re new, but we’ve already have some pretty good lines:

1) “Say what you want about Judge Shelly Schwartz, but he is always dressed appropriately in case a Gin Rummy game breaks out.” SEE: TIS THE SEASON November 28, 2005.

2) Judge Larry Schwartz is a real pro. With a long stint as a State Court Prosecutor, and the social consciousness of a Green Peace activist, Judge Larry Schwartz brings fairness along with a great deal of experience to the job. Id. (If you are a Judge, go here to learn about short form cites:

3) Courage and Character. 55 years ago, one woman had enough to fuel a generation of change. Some days just cry out for the reverent, not the irreverent.December 1 is one of those days. PERIPETEIA, December 1, 2005.

4) Holla Back NYC here: which, [we are not making this up] encourages New Yorkers to Holler Back at people on the street who are annoying them. Just what those quiet and inoffensive people from NYC need: a little encouragement to be more aggressive. People in Miami know better than to “Holler Back” at people on the street. That’s why for the fifth consecutive year our murder rate has fallen. ) DIS AND DAT, December 1, 2005.

So you can see, we like smart comments. We like to comment about the absurb, and the topics of the day. But most of all, we encourage a sharp and witty exchange of ideas about the world we work in: THE JUSTICE BUILDING.
See you in Court.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the fact that some long standing judges have drawn opposition, will provide the bench with a wake up call. The message being: be polite, fair and respectful of attorneys and their time constraints. Larry Schwartz is a diffuclt judge to appear in front of (as evidenced by the collective groan emitted by both prosecutors and defense attorneys upon hearing of his return to the criminal section). He is often times mean-spirited and ill-tempered. Maybe both judges should have talk with Judge Klein, Stan Blake, or Ivan Fernandez on how to deal with attorneys.
