Monday, December 05, 2005


Well, now we’re big time. The word is out.

As to the article:

1) We are deeply sorry if we ever conveyed the thought or idea we would reveal a personal confidence about a Judge or attorney that would affect their personal life. We would not do it. Ever. Even if a Judge was dating a lawyer who appeared before them, we do not think (however unethical that might be) that it is our place to report that. That is not the type of blog we want to be. However, as we have tried to make clear, if that Judge was showing up late, being rude to lawyers, taking people into custody for no good reason, we would report our colleagues feelings in the matter.

2) As to the comment about the Judge in Dade County with twins. That was written by us in response to the Broward JNC asking a candidate who is a single mother of two children if she could balance her family and professional life. We NOTED that there is a very successful and respected in Judge in Dade who happens to be the single mother of two children. Because we respect this Judge’s privacy, we did not mention her name. Hopefully our post was very very clear that the inappropriate conduct was from the Broward JNC, and not the Judge in Dade.

3) As to APD Rory Stein. When we mentioned in our post about Brummer’s cozy little fiefdom with political cronies cashing big checks. Well, if the shoe fits.... But nothing that we “reported” about La Affair Du Brummer was incorrect. We are not reporters. But we do our best to try and confirm any facts or tidbits we are given. If we are not sure, we say so. We are 100% sure of the facts we stated in our comment BRUMMER BUMMER and we challenge Mr. Stein to either put down his coffee and danish and state otherwise, or to a ping pong match at dawn-loser leaves town (we are great at ping pong and we don't believe in violence).

Lately we like to end our comments with “See You In Court”, but as we believe it has been decades since Mr. Stein has tried a case, we cannot say that as to him.

4) We need to amend out comments about being outed. We would not be embarrassed if our identity is determined. We think the feedback about this blog has been positive. The comments about Judges are mostly in fun, and the serious criticism will be dealt with seriously. We are not ashmed of this blog at all.

By remaining anonymous, it gives the site a little “pizzaz” as people can (and have been doing at an alarming rate ) speculate about who we are. But we need to make this clear: WE ARE NOT REMAINING ANONYMOUS SO THAT WE CAN SLANDER OR MALICIOUSLY ATTACK ANY JUDGE, PROSECUTOR OR LAWYER. THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS SITE IS ABOUT. WE WILL NOT ALLOW OR TOLERATE ANY TYPES OF POSTS THAT ATTEMPT TO DO THAT.

We are wary of our fellow blogster David O Marcus and his comment to the Daily Business Review. It is clear any subpoena to our email account will out us. But we hope, that since we are not violating any laws, no subpoena will be issued. You see, Mr. Marcus operates in the Federal World, where the Patriot Act allows for subpoenas to be issued at the drop of a hat, so he has a right to be suspicious.

So, in closing, if you have found this site, check in a few times a week. You may like what you read. If a Judge has a severe case of Judgeitis, leave a comment or send us an email and we will print it. If something funny happens in court-let us know so we can share in the laughter.

And if you see Rory Stein in court- run outside and look up, because the Moon will be blue.

See You In Court.

1 comment:

  1. Love that last line. The moon will indeed be blue when we see mssrs Stein, Weed and some of the other wildly overpaid members of Brummers kitchen cabinet in court.
