Thursday, December 29, 2005



The Christmas Epidemic of poetry continues:
You need to read this carefully. Its sort of a Dr. Seuss book on our little world.
Say- “The Grinch who was arrested before Christmas”; or "Green Eggs in the Dade County Jail."

(we figured almost all of the abbreviations- see the code below)

Speedies fell from the skies with glee,50 days to Christmas week!
The PDs slept with thoughts of jury pardons;
While ASAs cried about the promotions.
“I will not come…you can’t make me do it."
“But you won’t let me give the guy PTD!”
“Get a continuance, Judge X, loves us.”
“You don’t understand, 3.191 says no way.”
A poor ASA with no wits to go forward,PDs circling like waiting vultures.
What to do to save my record?I’ve never lost a case…I want to stay like Mr. Reiff (just kidding Mr. Reiff, please don’t hurt me).
So up the chain the ASA did go;
First his DC says “CYA it ain’t so!”
Then to HP for candy galore….If you have ________, better leave open the door.
Oh damm you’re the wrong body type,What about Don, he could help set things right.
Oh? DH has reprimands to deliver…Some ASAs forgot leave slips for Christmas Dinner.
KFR will surely have the answer!All I must do is mention the paper....
What’s that, she will not take my call?But why not, I donated to her campaign dole.
There are dinners to do, cocktails to drink, Wine to taste and friends to thank.
It is something the SA must do;Stay away…that camera’s for me!
But the cop refuses to come and say,Why he took the guy to jail that day.
And if he doesn’t than I must do,The KNP dance before Judge (you know who).
What’s that? I should have set it earlier?
But the AV said he would deliver.I should have called just to make sure?
What the hell is CJIS for?
Now a reprimand I must take,Due to the filing decision I did not make.
Don and Lorna, they stood side by side,To make sure the HR file hurts my pride.
And what happened our famous leaders?A pound cake, a pay raise…a personal driver.
CYA is the name in the office today;It is kind of sad for the poor ASAs.

  • HP= Howard Pohl?; DH= Don Horn? KFR= Kathy Fernandez-Rundle fer sure.

  • AV=???

We really have no comment.

By the way: your posts and emails about how boring Senseless Sentencing was, have been read.

Happy New Year.


  1. Hey, I 110% agree with the last few comments. This blog has great opinions and this is why I continue to visit, thanks! Ms. California criminal law
