Friday is Pi day. For the less mathematically inclined readers (or those who wear black robes at work) Pi is 3.14159 et. sequ. and Friday is 3.14, so nerd out.
Here is what we love about Pi.
Pi is an irrational number, which means it cannot be exactly expressed. The ratio that produces Pi goes on and on, generating digits and never repeating a pattern nor ending - like the new speedy trial rule in Florida.
Yes folks, unless you have been under a rock picking our your brackets, the Florida Supreme Court amended the Speedy Trial rule which now states that upon expiration of speedy trial the defendant may redeem their speedy trial expiration for a half price six-inch Subway sub at all participating Tallahassee Subway retailers.
When speedy trial expires, nothing more occurs. When you move to discharge you will be sanctioned for filing a frivolous motion. You must read Barker v. Wingo and be prepared to meet a constitutional speedy trial threshold.
So not only is Pi an irrational number because it never ends, but so is the right to a speedy trial in Florida. It is theoretical and never ends.
If you get a speedy trial discharge henceforth you will automatically vault to the top of the against all odds award potential recipient, since it will be against all odds (including Pi) to get a speedy trial discharge.
Pi is the ratio between a circle's circumference and its diameter.
Speedy trial is the relationship between the time arrested and the time a trial begins.
Both cannot be definitively fixed in time or space. They are, in a sense, Einsteinian in nature. Relative to the ratio of the two fixed items.
You can fix a circle's circumference. You can fix its diameter. But you cannot definitively fix the ratio of the two.
You can fix the date your client was arrested. You can fix the date of the trial. You cannot determine if a speedy trial violation occurred no matter the lapse of time and distance between point A (date of arrest) and point B (date of trial). Like spacetime, there is a curvature to the distance between A and B that cannot be seen but can be proved.
Pi is a transcendental number, meaning it cannot be the solution of an algebraic equation involving finite sums, integers, products and powers.
Speedy trial is a transcendental number/time period, meaning it cannot be a fixed time period, the expiration of which will set into motion a series of events resulting in the dismissal of the case.
Pi is....Speed trial is.....we could go on and on and on and on.....3.14159265358979323846.
Enjoy your weekend, which unlike Pi and speedy trial, is not never-ending.
Might is right. Ready to join the J6ers?
Poetry in chaos
Rump you should really post comments before jumping to a new story.
Really ? Whose rule is that ? Not mine. And last I checked this blog is mine.
The REN (a venue a) always served organic boysenberry pie with home made peach ice cream for Pi day. Plus a small farm coffee from Puerto Rico. Miss those days.
Really good.
Rump, the new speedy trial rule is like watching a pot of cold water coming to a boil.
Time as you know can be relative, like watching the water boil.
Both high speed( ie near light speed ) and intense gravity can slow or expand time . Remember the old example of twins, one on earth the other in space traveling at high speed. The earth bound twin ages at a faster rate then the twin in space.
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