Every now and then we do some good. So do our readers. Thank you.

Thank you to all who have shared such wonderful stories about my brother on this blog. I was just made aware of it yesterday and was deeply moved by this discovery, as were my mother and his son, Lucas.
My brother was a humble, discreet man so it wasn’t until his diagnosis and passing that many friends and strangers shared with us stories of how he helped, advised, supported or simply made laugh someone who needed it.
We feel an immense void in our lives and are struggling to accept this great loss. Since we were kids, he was always the life of the party and mature beyond his years. Reading all of your stories made him come alive again in such a wonderful and much needed way. We can’t express how lovely the discovery of this blog has been for us. We sat around sharing Eric stories after reading yours which was uplifting and helpful.
Lucas, Anolan y Melissa

Thank you to everyone who has shared such great stories about my brother. Today, I was made aware of this blog and shared it with my mother and his son, Lucas. We are moved beyond words at the sentiments shared. My brother was humble about his accolades so it wasn’t until he passed that we found out how many lives he had discreetly helped, impacted or delighted. We miss him terribly. His knowledge, wisdom, and advice were always at a level beyond his years since childhood. But what we miss most is his wit. To paraphrase someone above, even a smirk or raised eyebrow said more than a thousand words.
Thank you for sharing on this blog and unknowingly making us, his family, who are struggling to make sense of this loss, feel like he has come to life is once more.
We are deeply grateful.
Ask yourself … “what will the Blog say about ME one day … maybe soon?” Did you live a life worthy of mention, praise, goodness, admiration, inspiration, integrity and kindness? Was your “handshake” your word?
Go ahead. Sit for a moment and answer those questions. And reflect. You still can live HONORABLY. And with LOVE.
So sad that Eric passed away , so nice that your blog gives next of kin a source of comfort. Keep up the good work
In response to the family, I say, we are really glad if we made you feel better at such a tough time in your lives. Looking at a photo of Eric reminds me how kind and decent he was.
Breaking News. We have a new Justice on the Florida Supreme Court.
Chief Judge of the 6th DCA Meredith Sasso was today named our newest Justice.
What do you need to know about her. She’s a Member of the Federalist Society. Shocker.
She previously served as Chief Deputy General Counsel to Rick Scott. She was then appointed to the 5th DCA before being reassigned to the 6th. She is a graduate of both UF undergrad and law school. She has been a licensed attorney in Florida for
15 years.
Captain Out …..
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