Thursday, May 23, 2019


Summer is fast upon as. Florida's short spring gets shorter all the time- not that there's any evidence of global warming.  Soon it will be the Fourth Of July, and then the All-star game; pre-season football; the dog-days of August, and then the fall...the blessed fall when temperatures dip a degree or two in Miami. 

For now we repair to our lair high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. 

Query: Are you staying in Miami or starting a summer vacation? 

Talbot "Sandy" D'Alemberte passed away this week at the age of 85. The accolades that have been written- that he was a giant in Florida's legal community and that he was one of the last true southern gentlemen-lawyers, are all true, and yet the kind words do not scratch the surface of Sandy D'Alemberte's life. Suffice to say that Sandy D'Alemberte was of a different time- a time when being a lawyer was an honorable profession and the law was a calling for people who wanted to change the world for the better. Sandy D'Alemberte was a lawyer's lawyer. He was one of the outstanding Floridian's of the last century. He was a man who made a difference and he will be missed. 


  1. Speaking of giants in the legal community, Benjamin Waxman was part of the team that yesterday secured a life sentence for Pablo Ibar in a triple homicide case. First Waxman handled Ibar's post-conviction motion, which the trial court denied. Waxman appealed the denial to the Florida Supreme Court, which granted a new trial for both the guilt and sentencing phases of the case. As your faithful readers know, a new trial for both phases in post-conviction proceedings is an extremely rare event.

    Waxman was heroic in his efforts to save Ibar's life. Well-done, Mr. Waxman, well-done indeed.

  2. I doubt that Sandy ever tried a case.

  3. Let me tell you something:

    RICK FREEDMAN is a champion. I have known Rick since UF Law School. He continues to impress me through the years as a kind and good man, in addition to being a very successful trial lawyer and as a leader in the legal community.

    As a Former Judge, I always encouraged him to apply to be a Judge as I thought that he had the intellect, character, experience and integrity needed.

    Now I read in the Miami Herald tonight that he, along with his beloved Kiwanis, gave enormous scholarships to two incredible students for their upcoming college. See the article:

    Bravo Rick. You are a true MENSCH

  4. 11:02 AM or should I just call you DUFUS:,amp.html

    Sandy was a great trial lawyer and he would have kicked your ass in court if you could even find the courthouse.

    Cap Out .....

  5. Put a mensch on the bench !
    Trivia. What former judge ran on that slogan?
    Who did he run against and beat ?

    A Rick Freedman Kiwanis scholarship to Maria’s Greek for the right answer.

  6. 11:02--Name one case Sandy tried to a jury.

  7. Harvey Baxter beat Ted Mastos
