Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Mirror Mirror on the wall...

If you are observant and have been snooping around the courthouses the last few days then you've noticed something different. Things are quiet. Going smoothly.  Why? 

The Judges of the State of Florida are in town for ….Supreme Court mandated.... 

Gimme a D....D....


Yes the D word. Diversity. Judges have to have training within three years of becoming special human beings.  But wait you ask- "If a lawyer becomes a judge, aren't they already fair and sensitive to diversity issues?" 

Surely you jest. 

What occurred at the D training? We don't know. We couldn't get a judge to talk to us on the record. Actually, we couldn't get a judge to talk to us off the record. A few loose-lipped bailiffs and JAs spilled the beans when we asked where everyone was. 

Here's how we envision a lecture...

Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity is typically a measure of variation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem level. Terrestrial biodiversity is usually greater near the equator, which is the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity. 

Oh wait. This is about race and gender....

This is George Stinney. On June 14, 1944 he was executed by electrocution after he was wrongfully convicted of the murder of two white girls. 
The trial lasted one day- including jury selection. 
The jury deliberated ten minutes. 
There was no transcript of the trial. 
There was no appeal. 
George Stinney was executed 83 days after he was convicted. 
When he was executed he was five feet tall and weighed 90 pounds. He was too small for the electric chair so he was made to sit on a bible in the chair. Good Christians they who executed the fourteen year old boy. 

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? 
Not the American Justice system, often touted as the best in the world. 

You want to talk about race and diversity in the criminal justice system? 
Tell it to George Stinney. 


  1. Yeah, they made a tv movie about it.


  2. I am gay and had a judge make a gay joke in court. Yes, they need to be told to shut the fuck up.

  3. When you say he was wrongfully convicted, when and how was he exonerated? I am not familiar with this case.

  4. I am so thrilled to have received a written invitation for the opening night celebration of The Caliphate.

    Anyone else attending? Rideshare together perhaps?

  5. "No one can justify a 14-year-old child charged, tried, convicted and executed in some 80 days." --Judge Carmen Mullen, who vacated Stinney's conviction on December 17, 2014.

  6. I’m a gay lawyer too but, I’ve had mucho judges and lawyers go out of their way to be sensitive about gay issues. Yes, I know who the insensitive judge is. He’s in broward. He’s not in criminal court anymore. He’s the idiot who at a side bar in a trial discussed a gay teen football player witness and asked if played “wide receiver or tight end” His first name is Jeff. The ASA said it was not appropriate. Good for her.

    Most respectful and sensitive judge is Andrea Wolfson. Truly a class act.

    Least sensitive in Miami is: %^%$#@#%%%^

    I know rumpy won’t let me say who.

  7. "Sensitive". Ugh.

    1) Let's not be assholes to one another.

    2) Life is hard. Don't be so soft.

  8. must have skipped broward. i heard judge diaz read out a PC form the other day and decided he should use the "n-word" in open court by reciting verbatim.
