Sunday, May 26, 2019


Perhaps it's the long hours 10-2 work hours and low pay. Perhaps it's the chambers that resembled what a remodeled Greyhound Bus Assistant Manager's office looked like in 1979. Perhaps it's that the job no longer gets you freebies and or even a seat in the back dining room at Joes unless you're on the 3rd or the federal bench. Maybe it's the incessant sniping from obnoxious and anonymous  bloggers.

In any event, no one wants to be a circuit judge. There are three vacancies on the Miami-Dade circuit bench and the JNC (motto: "read Ayn Rand and join the federalist society before you even THINK of applying")  for THE SECOND TIME has extended the deadline for applicants. 


MIAMI – In order to broaden the applicant pool, the Eleventh Circuit Judicial Nominating
Commission hereby extends the application period for applications to fill the vacancies created
by the elevation of Judges Monica Gordo and Rodolfo Ruiz, and the resignation of Judge Maria
Sampedro-Iglesia. The Commission requests that interested candidates submit an application for
consideration. Applicants must meet the qualifications for circuit court judges described in
Article V, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution. Applicants must submit three copies (3) of their
application by 5:00 pm on Friday, May 31, 20191 as follows:
(1): The original unredacted paper application shall be delivered to:
Breckenridge Dewey

Dewey Cheetum & Howe
200 S. Biscayne Blvd. 39th Floor
Miami, FL 33131-2399

The only people who are applying are county judges who resemble Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter: 

Our take (which is what you tune in for) is that we have a Governor driven by ideology- but it's an ideology neither he nor his legal counsel understand. They want members of the Federalist Society to be judges. But what they do not understand is that the real principles of the federalist society (not what is discussed in the local Miami chapter where they sit around and say that if they were a judge they would just call balls and strikes and would not legislate from the bench) are based on an understanding of the epistemology of the political philosophy of laissez faire capitalism. 

They think a conservative judge defers to a legislature that enacts laws based on conservative Christianity. They don't understand that the founders of the federalist society embraced the philosophical principles against altruist-collectivism- something that is embraced full bore by Trump and his "Trump-Judges" - a more miserable group of collectivists we have rarely seen. 

So maybe potential candidates are disheartened about being forced to abandon their principles. Maybe possible judicial candidates just find it abhorrent to be told how to be a judge and a lawyer by the governor's legal minions who have never tried a case. 

Maybe it's just us.  "Avoid doing something that gets you on the blog" is something we have heard all new judges are advised to embrace. (Why doesn't Judge Soto like us? 😟  ).

In any event.... the Governor has hung out the help wanted sign. 

1 comment:

  1. Parts I and II of the discovery and police reports in the infamous Memorial Day Incident at Christy's is now available from the clerk's office for digital download.
    It's not pretty reading. In fact I'd call it disturbing. The cigar wielded by a local bon vivant who is now well known for running the Ren (A venue) is a difficult read. The yelling. Name calling. The attempts by Al the Maitre'D to calm things down and buy everyone a drink is compelling. Al emerges as, if not the hero, then a tragic figure. He was never the same after the night; skipping work; drinking more; over heard at speakeasys downing Gin and muttering about cigars and mashed potatoes until he just up and disappeared. He's have to be in his 80's now- a broken old man, his reputation ruined by the elite of Miami society.

    There are the other famous figures whose names are taken from the reports in the Miami Herald AND the Miami News. Porsche Guy- who roared away in his 911 before his identity could be confirmed. He's alleged to have thrown the first glass of red wine.
    Umbrella Woman- the aging Miami socialite who miraculously produced an umbrella from her purse and saved her family. Hector from the Kitchen who doused the flames caused when a piece of baked Alaska was improvidently tossed. He moved to Texas and was rumored to have returned to Cuba. And of course- Lady Godiva who either took her dress off after it was covered in Mashed potatoes or had it ripped off in the melee in the parking lot.

    Part III that covers most of the actions of throwing food including the infamous mashed potatoes, is not available yet, and part IV, about which the late Judge Harold Solomon said should not be read except by professionals trained in crime scenes and "the dark side of human nature" is scheduled to be digitized and available by mid-2020.

    There's a book in all this. And then the Netflix video- "The Night Miami Died" or some other title. "The Dark Side of Miami" or "Miami Vice, a true story of the underbelly of the elite".
