Wednesday, February 26, 2025



How's the price of eggs these days? 

How's crypto treating you? 

A child just died of Measles in Texas. The Measles. But vaccines don't work. Although I cannot recall hearing of anyone dying of measles in the United States in the 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s. 

You know what they say " MAGA doesn't kill people. Measles from Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton and Hunter's laptop kills people." 


  1. open this link and take a look. The new Trump Gaza. Pre-construction on sale now.

  2. President Trump has assembled and appointed the greatest Cabinet in American history according to Elon Musk. Things are moving forward according to plan.

    Rumpole - give this process a chance. We will have peace in the world, a balanced budget, reduced debt and all Americans will be very happy.

    1. The budget framework they approved has a 2.5 TRILLION dollar deficit. Is you dumb?

    2. Try more debt, a world war, and more hatred and division in our country. You’re blind. He’s ruining America, from the constitution on down.

    3. Now that Trump, Vance and Rubio have emabarassed the country and themselves do you think we should give his process a chance. They ahve had their chances and failed miserably. What has God wroth upon this country?

  3. Replies
    1. It does look really nice in that video.

  4. The measles outbreak in Texas has mostly hit the rural Mennonite communities where they don't believe in vaccines. The outbreak is believed to have begun in rural West Texas in an under-vaccinated Mennonite community in Gaines County, where 80 cases have been identified. They believe in faith and in divine protection and healing for illness. What are you going to do? Wrestle an Mennonite to the ground and force their kids to be vaccinated? That is their belief.

    1. Does that explain why a Palmetto High School student has now tested for measles? Highly unlikely that he or she is from a rural Mennonite community in Texas (or anywhere else).

  5. United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Anthony Demichael, Defendant-appellant, 9 F.3d 1554 (9th Cir. 1993)

  6. Vindicate Alex Micheals!

  7. I’m curious what ASA was forced to resign for doing the right thing?

  8. More resignations at the SAO?

    1. Just one and it wasn’t a resignation. It’s was a termination.

  9. Rumpole - you need to get out of the blog business. Turn it over to a successor.

    You are too smart. Too talented. Such a tremendous writer.

    You need to write a book or a movie. It would no doubt be a best seller.

    1. Not as quick as Kathy and her chiefs needs to get out of public office.

  10. The commenter at 8:08 has it exactly right. The measles outbreak in Texas has precisely nothing to do with "Maga."

    The question is whether Rumpole knew that, and posted what he did anyway, or didn't know, and simply gave in to his reflex that "everything bad is Trump's fault." Either way, it's a shame.

    What his opponents have always failed to understand is that by going after Trump for things he DIDN'T do/say/think/advocate (many of the allegations being as easily disproven as this one), they strip themselves of the credibility required to oppose him on the many objectionable things he ACTUALLY does. Likewise, by imaging that, and acting as if, all Trump supporters are toothless racist high school dropouts from what they sneeringly call "flyover states," those who oppose Trump are always vulnerable to being countered by the many, many folks who both support Trump and know how to reason, fight and prevail.

    He is back in the White House for these reasons. Folks like Rumpole have only themselves (well, and Joe Biden) to blame.

  11. Rumpole is absolutely devastated that his brand of Boomer Liberalism, in which public schools provide an*l sex comic books, tens of thousands of children chemically castrate themselves due to having the "wrong body", the US promotes war interests across multiple fronts, and opposition politicians get raided and threatened with imprisonment, all while inflation runs amok, is soundly and terminally defeated by a multi-racial coalition of working Americans.

    It's over Rump. You're not getting your war with Iran. Youre not getting the Biden family holding sinecures in Ukraine. Youre not getting CIA employees holding porno group chats. Youre not getting populations the size of Chicago crossing the southern border each year. History will record Obama as merely a prelude to Trumpism, and Biden as a weird disastrous interregnum of a dying generation. It's done. A new figure as historic as Lincoln or FDR has arisen, and you've completely misunderstood him, his context, and his import.

  12. Epstein files start getting released today. Another Trump promise will be kept. Exactly what I voted for.

    1. Who’s on the list………….

    2. With all references and photos with Trump deleted …

  13. Hang in there Rumpole, the darkest hour is just before dawn!

  14. Dis was BULLSHEET! Dis was vindictive prosecution of best lawyer! Miami needs truth why Alex Michael’s was target. I’m best lawyer. Prosecutor know Alex Michaels wins.

  15. Prosecutor abuse of power: Vindictive prosecution occurs where the prosecution is pursuing charges against a criminal defendant out of spite, retaliation, or a desire to punish them for asserting their rights.

  16. Love to see all the cult members exercising their right to free speech while they can.

    1. Free speech isn’t going anywhere cupcake.

    2. Just like Germany in 1932. Look it up dimwits.

    3. Right out if the Trump/Cohn playbook. Call people names when you have nothing else. Pathetic.

    4. Oh please go type your motion.

    5. Scathing retort. AI?

  17. Where is the SAO files??

  18. SAO is in the gutter folks. It’s officially the worst working environment in the country.
