Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 On the second day

And G-d said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And G-d made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And G-d called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Genesis 1:6-8. 

And on the second day the president said let there be a firmament in the midst of our country and let it divide the people, the poor from the rich, the white from the black, the citizens from the immigrants, the capable from the handicapped and let it be said there shall be no diversity, equity or inclusion programs throughout the land. And the evening and the morning of the second day. And the president saw that the downtrodden and different were marginalized and excluded and the president said that was good. 

Item: President orders all federal DEI employees to be places on paid leave pending being fired. All their email has been blocked and shut down. 

Stories here and  Wash Post and Forbes 


  1. Paid leave? Nice! Paid to search for a new job

  2. Who cares Rump. What about local news?

  3. Genesis 1:27 (On the sixth day)
    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
    Just wait for day 6

  4. Good Riddance to DEI. When accomplishments based on merit become worthless because people are promoted purely by physical attributes or diversity quotas, it takes away the drive and ambition of others to achieve them. When employees lose their incentive to perform, they won’t, and that will ultimately crush corporate performance. It is hard to disagree that firing or not hiring someone because of their race, religion, gender, or orientation is discrimination and is illegal. Yet, when someone is treated preferentially in the workplace based on those same characteristics, it is called ‘diversity & inclusion?’ Logic suggests that preferencing candidates based on these qualifications mean that others are intentionally discriminated against based on the same criteria. How would you feel being told that you weren’t hired or promoted for a role because you weren’t the right color/gender for a role you were otherwise completely qualified for? No one would outright say that to you because it's illegal and a lawsuit would surely ensue, but it still frequently happens secretively because of preferences/quotas often established by DEI initiatives. When a company is known for discrimination toward anyone, people don't want to work there, which limits access to top talent, and the company suffers. It also increases the chances of being sued for discrimination, which is not only costly but creates incredibly bad PR.

    1. you do realize that giving (even "secretive") preferential treatment / establishing quotas in the workplace based on race, religion, gender, or orientation is already illegal, right?

      a quick google search returns several scientific studies that support the conclusion that workplace diversity improves organizational and financial performance.

      if a business "secretively" discriminates through DEI programs, then how is it "known for discrimination?"

    2. Tell the SAO it’s illegal. Talpins “the stats guy” must have some records.

  5. Cleeney Hearing on Friday

  6. Same arguments for/against DEI as were made by DEI’s predecessor, Affirmative Action .
    It’s disliked and ‘tasteful’ phases are used like ‘preserving our culture/ heritage’ really meaning let’s go back to Jim Crow. Want to get around Brown vs Board of Education, just give every student a state paid scholarship and say it is competition or parental choice to destroy or bankrupt the public schools.

  7. Such a shame the SAO has been run to the ground. On the ASA level and on the support staff level. Everyone knows the situation with ASA’s but no one talks about how the support staff are mistreated. It’s almost illegal what they go through every day.

  8. You know who is demanding DEI be abolished? Those who relied on discrimination to keep their jobs. They couldn't hack it, so they made sure that those who could would be kept now. Now they are on the outside looking in, and want the pale color of their skin to get them back in.

  9. You should be hired by merit. Nothing else. Not even how big daddy’s check is …wink wink……SAO.

  10. For Decades, He Has Regretted Sending a Man Away for Life. Can He Fix It?

    1. I wonder how Judge Areces sleeps at night… he sentences young men to life every day.

    2. Or rather mrs. Areces
