Saturday, January 25, 2025


 Thought of the day: When you give a narcissistic sociopath power, do not be surprised when they act in petty and vindictive ways beneath the dignity of the office they hold. See below. 

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

And the president heard that Iran and foreign enemies wanted to kill his former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. And both had criticized the lunacy of the president's action in the prior administration. And although President Biden had provided them security protections because they were former government employees who were being targeted by foreign enemies because of the actions they endorsed whilst protecting the United States and doing their job...

And the president said let them go forth without their security details so they can feel the wrath of telling the truth about how unhinged and inept and dangerous I was and if they are killed for their service to the United States let it be on their own head. 

And the president looked and saw that Dr Fauci was also getting security protection because of the lies the president spread as Dr. Fauci worked to save lives during the pandemic by promoting vaccines that saved millions of people lives. And the president knew that unlike himself Dr. Fauci was intelligent and dedicated and did his job supremely well. And the president said let the doctor go forth without protection and suffer the wrath for showing the world that he was smarter and more competent than I was. 

And the president looked around and fired most inspector generals of the administrative agencies- the people responsible for making sure agency officials perform their jobs as required. And the president saw that his new Secretary Of State suspended all foreign aid. And not caring that the United States's investment in foreign aid pays dividends of perhaps ten times the money spent for the influence it gives the United States throughout the world. And the president saw China and Russia celebrating the moves the president made in belittling his office, placing former officials in mortal jeopardy, and lessening the United States' influence around the world, and the president said I am doing just what I said I would do- destroy this country as a petty and warped narcissistic sociopath And the president saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning of the fifth day of darkness  descended across the land. 


  1. Thank you Rumpole. Well said.

  2. Still waiting for those stats! How many ASA’s fled the SAO?

  3. Good. Enough waste by the government.

    I see President Trump as a different character than on his first time. He is clearly present, focused and calm. He is following up on every promise made.

    He gives the press full access and wants the first amendment to be abided by.

    I’m in full agreement to not allow these monster savage gang members, here illegally, to be arrested and forced out of the country.

    Cut waste from our government spending with disproportionate payments by us to health organizations and NATO.

    Get rid of all of these ridiculous DEI programs already. The new pronouns for DEI will be “were” and “was”.

    President Trump is so calm and his demeanor is reasonable and polite now. He doesn’t use social media to post controversial comments anymore.

    He is transparent and will disclose all of our country’s hidden lies.

    I’m proud to be an American again. Finally. Trump, if this continues, will be on Mt. Rushmore one day.

    God bless America.

  4. TRUMP is your PRESIDENT

  5. On this one - you are wrong Rump. Trump is an inspiration and a winner. Your liberal cohorts are left short in this brave new world. Your hero Biden is the worst president to have ever served along with his loser VP Kamala. God help us if she runs for Governor of California.

    1. Let her she will lose like very big.

  6. I hear DOGE is coming down on the SAO. There’s a misappropriation of salaries amongst the chiefs. There’s a huge disparity with salaries. All those empty cubicles in division should be filled up.

  7. And on the sixth day and before the Fortnite , the god of comedy proclaimed - TRUMP is cool.

  8. Pretty sure grifters like Fauci and Pompeo - all multi-millionaires- can handle private security. In fact, Fauci has been doing it since November when his BIDEN(!) security ended. Not our problem, Rump.

  9. It’s a great day to hold exonerating evidence.

  10. “Thought of the day: When you give a narcissistic sociopath power, do not be surprised when they act in petty and vindictive ways beneath the dignity of the office they hold.” When I read this I thought it was about the Gang Unit chief.

  11. I think KFR, Talpins, Daisy, Bowman and Arrojo should take pay cuts.

  12. Rump is acting like CNN, MSNBC, etc., obsessed and nitpicking at everything Trump does. BREAKING NEWS: Trump has eggs for breakfast. We go live to the White House.

    Where was day one through year 4 with Biden Harris? Allow me to recap: zzzzzzzz, someone wake up Joe and make sure he holds on to the handrail, we don't need him falling off Air Force One.
