Monday, September 09, 2024


UPDATE: As per MDPD he wasn't thrown to the ground, he was "redirected" to the ground. Oh. That makes a difference. It's bullshit cop Orwellian speak for they grabbed this black guy from his expensive car and threw his ass to the ground because he had the temerity to speak up.  

A relevant portion of the body cam footage is below. 

Way back in 1987, star Dolphin wide receiver Mark Duper missed a county court criminal traffic case court hearing necessitating a relatively new county court judge to have to issue a bench warrant for one of the most popular Miami athletes of the day. 

Demonstrating his ability to both adhere to the law while recognizing the impact of his decision, Judge Federico Moreno, who would later be elevated to circuit court, the federal bench and nominated to the eleventh circuit by president George Herbert Walker Bush (the nomination stalling when Bush lost his reelection bid) wrote on the bench warrant (judges wrote on paper back then)


 Wise words which the Miami Dade Police Department should have adhered to this past Sunday when they threw Dolphin star wide receiver Tyreek Hill to the ground and cuffed him over a traffic stop. 


  1. That is what made Judge Moreno so great. He had some compassion and a sense of humor in addition to being a very astute jurist.

  2. He wasn’t thrown to the ground, he was “redirected”…because, apparently, this makes a world of legal difference in stupid, meaningless LEO jargon. 🤦‍♂️

  3. That’s nice for “celebrities” but what about others?

  4. I sincerely appreciate the piecemeal BWC released. I’m still waiting for the documented speeding and the handcuffing of a second dolphins player. You’d think if he was speeding, that would have been the first video released. But it only keeps getting worse for MDPD.

  5. I’m glad the cops released the body cam video - tells a whole different entitled story….


    BWC footage of the incident.

  7. Instead of the Miami Dolphins urging swift and strong behavior against the police, perhaps they should urge their players not to believe they are above the law. They all do. It’s disgusting and embarrassing.

  8. He’s a woman and child beater that always thought the law didn’t apply to him. 🤮

    1. Guess what? IRRELEVANT to the traffic stop. IRRELEVANT to how the officers treated him.

    2. But not irrelevant if you’re a win-at-all-cost ASA. They’ll still sneak this irrelevant argument into a trial for a speeding ticket. Cuz that’s the way they roll.

  9. Watching that video burns me up. So many cops are such tremendous shithead bullies. The cops totally escalated what could have been handled with a ticket in the mail.

  10. This much we know. If it was a white player, the Latin cops would never have dumped him on the ground

  11. Regrettable incident, but at least the rest of America gets to see how Miami's finest behave. NPR coverage here:

  12. I believe MDPD keeps bodycam for 90 days. Anyone stopped in the last 3 months who believes they were mistreated by the officer, cursed at by the officer, or worse should immediately request a copy of the officers bodycams for themselves. If, after reviewing the video, it is appropriate they should complain to the police department with a copy sent to the local news.

    1. Great idea!!! They take MONTHS to provide the BWC in a public records request and then they even charge you for it!! Unfortunately a lot of people don’t have the follow through. Hopefully some righteous attorneys help them.

    2. Hire Michele she’s fantastic!

  13. This is horrible. All of those cops are assholes and should be fired.

    1. Tyreek deserves a public apology from the officers

    2. Tyreek needs to stop being an arrogant and entitled asshole. These guys thumb their nose at authority and their agents and coaches encourage it.

    3. Oh typical ASA… “respect authority or get your rights violated!”

    4. Screw authority. In a free country the people are the authority. Our obligation is to follow the law, not to bow and scrape before government officials. Tyreek (who is probably not a good person, but also not relevant to this conversation) was speeding. He got pulled over and appears to have provided his license, registration, and insurance card. That's it. Cops should have run his tag/ID for warrants etc., written him a ticket, and sent him on his way. If in the process Tyreek wanted to mouth off and tell the officers to suck his D, tough. That's life in a free country, and it's his right to do so. If you're a LEO and don't like, find another job. You weren't drafted.

      This book is probably out of date by now, but it's probably still a worthy read.

  14. HA HA at prosecutors in the comments STILLLLL DEFENDING this behavior! No one said Hill was 100% in the right, but my God were the cops 100% wrong. Disgusting.

  15. How much evidence is the state going to hide?

  16. Is the State going to with hood evidence?
