Friday, September 20, 2024


This may be the greatest video in the history of the internet. The laughing is by the person recording it, not us. 



 We will update survivor pool as soon as this jury comes back (no we didn't violate our avoid Friday verdict rule- they went out Wednesday night...ughh.) 


  1. Best. Video. Ever. - It gets funnier and funnier the more times you watch it. Ahhooo!!!!

  2. Obviously it’s a DV case. The question is felony or misdemeanor? Will Felony Screening say he was threatening her with a weapon, to wit a metal
    Ladle or spatula?

  3. Seriously. After this Diddy hearing.

    About the U.S. Magistrate Judge job. Beside “yes or no” on bail and pretrial release - it seems like the easiest job in the world. Any decision they make is going to be reargued the very next day before their superior judge who may reverse it. Really no consequences to their decisions. No finality. Oh - and they get to preside over a federal misdemeanor? Why would smart successful lawyer or state court judge want that job? Do the district judges even go to lunch with the magistrates? Is it like how circuit court judges treat county court judges?

  4. Can someone publish the wasted amount of over time billing? I believe it’s public record. I mean it should be.
