Sunday, July 14, 2024


 We will give him this...his actions after his ear was hit by unfriendly fire were           Reagan-esque. Although The Gipper walked into the ER with a bullet in his chest quipping to Nancy "Honey I forgot to duck" and telling his ER surgeons "All in all I'd rather be in Philadelphia" , while 45 whined that he didn't want to leave his Buster Browns behind. And isn't that going to be the real conspiracy theory to come out of all of this- what was he doing speaking with his shoes off? 

Let's examine for a moment the issue of an assassin getting withing 300 yards of a former president, on a roof, with an AR 15. Putting aside that the secret service missed the man aiming a gun at the former president, wasn't 45's solution to school shootings to arm teachers? 

So if Donny Boy had a Sig 45 strapped to his waist, and if, as any MAGA moron will tell you, the right of Americans to own an assault rifle is in the bible  "And it shall come to pass that in the land between the waters they shall be armed with AR 15's sayeth the lord, and neigh shall anyone take them from them." Numbers, 21;3, then what pray tell would that gun have done if Lee Harvey 2.0's bullet had traveled a few millimeters to the right? Nothing. 45's head would have been blown off on television, making him a MAGA martyr, and Joe Biden, who clearly has Parkinson's disease,  (masked face, stilted gate, arms don't move when he walks, slow blin rate, jumbled speech...) would have moved back ahead in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia- three states he needs to win. 

Guns don't kill people, they just shoot their ears off. Duh. 

Where have you gone Abraham Zapruder, our troubled nation turns its weary eyes to you. 

No election should be decided by an assassin's bullet. We are glad he missed.  And listen closely when we tell you this folks, this is just the beginning of what is going to be the wildest presidential election yet.  

This race is far from over. 

Tis a long road that has no turns.

And now, because only his wittle bitty ear wuz hurt, some presidential assassination trivia. 

Name the last two presidential candidates to be shot before the conventions. Hint- one was a democrat, and one was a nut job. 

From whence did the expression "His name is Mud" come from? 

Miami was the scene of the attempted assassination of what president? 

Out of which assassination did the only female ever to swear in a president arise? 

This sitting president was attacked twice with guns within two weeks. 

These two presidents are linked because President 1's secretary had the same sur name as President 2, and President 2's secretary had the same sur name as President 1, and both presidents were assassinated one hundred years apart.

Which former president was shot in the chest while giving a speech and did not seek medical attention until he finished his speech? 

This president was shot at a Washington DC railroad station in July and died in September. Name the president and his assassin. 

When Lincoln passed, his Secretary of War Edward Stanton was reported to have said 
"Now he belongs to ___ _____". 

Leon F. Czolgosz, a man in desperate need of more vowels, shot this President on September 6. The President died on September 16. Czolgosz was prosecuted by Michael Von Zamft, (Who had some of the vowels Leon needed) and after discovery was quickly turned over, executed on October 29 of the same year after being found guilty. 

That's it, and thank you for playing Presidental Assassination Trivia.  


  1. Dude , someone was killed apart from the wittle bitty ear 👂 another seriously injured. Sorry for u that they don’t get it guy but show little compassion for the “ deplorable “

  2. PS

    Family members identified Corey Comperatore as the rally goer who was killed Saturday in an assassination attempt on former President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

    Comperatore was a former fire chief for Buffalo Township, local news station WPXI reported. He was shot and killed when Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump from a sniper's perch some 130 yards away during the campaign event. Two others were critically injured in the attack, authorities said.

    The victim's sister, Dawn Comperatore Schafer, wrote in a Facebook post that Corey "was a hero that shielded his daughters."

    "His wife and girls just lived through the unthinkable and unimaginable. My baby brother just turned 50 and had so much life left to experience. Hatred has no limits and love has no bounds. Pray for my sister-in-law, nieces, my mother, sister, me and his nieces and nephews as this feels like a terrible nightmare but we know it is our painful reality," Schafer wrote

  3. “ … both presidents were assassinated one hundred years apart”. You were close. It was actually 98 years and 7 months.

    The more important question you should be asking is how did the Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, get her job.
    Prior to her appointment, Cheatle served as Senior Director in Global Security at PepsiCo, where she was responsible for directing and implementing security protocols for the company's facilities in North America.

    So she went from guarding Gatorade and Cheetos to being in charge of protecting the President and other senior elected officials as well as candidates for president. How does that happen.

  4. Nope, you’re being an idiot. You maga people are the ones who want everyone carrying an AR15 because the lord gave you the right to do so and it makes you feel so powerful when otherwise you are powerless. I don’t want any assault rifles being sold. And you have fantasies of fighting Hillary Clinton / Hunter Biden security forces who show up to take your home away and give it too migrants which is something you saw on Reddit they are planning to do once Biden is reelected and then makes Clinton co president
    I mourn for the man killed. You and maga and Trump shrug your shoulders as you did every time school children were slaughtered and you listened to radio hosts who told you it was all actors and fake.

    So take your fake outrage to the Fox News blog and stop reading mine please. You could care less about the man killed and soon enough you’ll be saying he was a Hunter Biden Venezuela migrant plant. F off.

    1. The bleeding heart is palpable

    2. Yeah. In 2009 the Democrats had the White House, the House and a 59-40 majority in the Senate. They passed NOTHING regarding your gun control issue. But you blame whoever you want.

      Bottom line here “because only his wittle bitty ear was hurt” completely minimizes a shooting of an ex-President and current candidate and the death of an innocent private citizen. Yet you remain in attack mode. It’s no wonder so many people dislike criminal defense lawyers. Because of your comments, good ones have to work extra hard. I know this just gives you an opening to say how great you are, but really who cares?

  5. RFK and George Wallace

  6. Teddy Roosevelt. He belongs to the ages.

  7. Not hard to see this coming, miracle it didn't happen a long time ago. When he started three weeks ago about having a military tribunal go after Liz Cheney that may have been the straw that broke the camels back. And Cheney was VP when the fraudulent presentation was made at the UN about weapons of mass destruction that justified the March 2003 invasion of Iraq and our presence there for 20 years. Bush took us to war over a botched assassination plot of his father who was head of the CIA before 8 years as VP and 4 as POTUS. Our country does not like facts and the media are so dishonest I don't know where to go for accurate factual reporting, a damn shame. AND THIS QUALIFIES AS ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING. Trump shot, 3 in crowd shot-one killed. Over 300 mass shootings this year and over 600 from 2000-2023. Maybe now assault rifles will be outlawed, I am not impressed by someone who needs 30 shots to take down a doe.

  8. In continuing the theme of this post, here's "my shot" at some of your trivia questions:

    Name the last two presidential candidates to be shot before the conventions. Hint- one was a democrat, and one was a nut job.
    I think one was George Wallace. No clue re the the other.

    From whence did the expression "His name is Mud" come from?
    Samuel Mudd was the doctor who treated Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth. His reputation was destroyed - hence the phrase "his name is mud."

    Miami was the scene of the attempted assassination of what president?
    Gerald Ford?

    Out of which assassination did the only female ever to swear in a president arise?
    Kennedy assassination - LBJ

    This sitting president was attacked twice with guns within two weeks.
    No clue.

    These two presidents are linked because President 1's secretary had the same sur name as President 2, and President 2's secretary had the same sur name as President 1, and both presidents were assassinated one hundred years apart.
    Lincoln and Kennedy

    Which former president was shot in the chest while giving a speech and did not seek medical attention until he finished his speech?
    Good old Teddy Roosevelt!

    This president was shot at a Washington DC railroad station in July and died in September. Name the president and his assassin.
    Garfield was the president, don't know the assassin.

    When Lincoln passed, his Secretary of War Edward Stanton was reported to have said
    "Now he belongs to ___ _____".
    The Ages

    Leon F. Czolgosz, a man in desperate need of more vowels, shot this President on September 6. The President died on September 16. Czolgosz was prosecuted by Michael Von Zamft, (Who had some of the vowels Leon needed) and after discovery was quickly turned over, executed on October 29 of the same year after being found guilty.
    William McKinley

    So what did I win?

  9. Rump sorry but you are being an idiot with your comment not the commenter, fake outrage?? This is sick and you should say it is. This isn’t about guns. He would have gotten it anyway. Nice deflection…

  10. “You couldn’t care less,” my good sir.

  11. “only his wittle bitty ear“ gives color to it’s author

  12. How we appear overseas:

  13. 633 you didn’t win anything. You got several wrong. For example RFK and George Wallace were the two candidates shot before the convention. And Ford was NOT the president attacked in Miami. He was the president attacked twice within two weeks.
    And to finish the quote - now he belongs to the ages is most likely correct however there is controversy that Stanton said “now he belongs to the angels” and that was the answer I was looking for.
    So 4:55 you are wrong in your answer.

    1. The President attacked in Miami was Franklin D. Roosevelt.

      “On Feb. 15, 1933, amid the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt stood on the backseat of an open car and delivered a speech in Miami's Bayfront Park.

      After Roosevelt finished speaking, he slid down into his seat when a "deranged, unemployed bricklayer" named Guiseppe Zangara fired five shots at Roosevelt from close range, according to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.

      A bystander deflected Zangara's hand and the bullets missed FDR but four others were shot, including Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak, who later died of his injuries.

      Zangara was arrested and, upon Cermak's death, charged with murder. He was convicted and executed in Florida's electric chair on March 20, 1933.

      As to motive, Zangara reportedly said, "I don’t hate Mr. Roosevelt personally, I hate all officials and anyone who is rich," reported.

    2. Less than 6 weeks from commission of murder and attempt to kill FDR to execution of shooter. Those were the days….

  14. Working on stats. Publishing an article how many defendants plea out at arraignment. Did I mention Kathy is the best? I love Kathy so much.

  15. I love TRUMP.

    He will be the next Reagan. He will shut down Iran and their terrorist funded proxies. He will bring Saudi Arabia to be Israel’s greatest ally. The war in Ukraine will end by February 2025. The southern border will be sealed on day one. Deportations of illegal criminals will begin. Taxes will go down. No wealth tax. He will slam progressive left politicians. Crime rates in big cities will be controlled by hiring more police. Teachers salaries will go up.

    And finally our judiciary will be filled with very fine Federalist qualified judges. No more of our unqualified silly no trial experience jurists. You will need to have been a prosecutor.

    Happy days are coming again.

  16. Kathy is a lame duck. No more elections. Has her chiefs running the office to the ground.

  17. The Miami answer is FDR . Thew attempt occurred at the old Bayfront Park ( think Bayside) .
    It was unsuccessful but Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was shot and killed in the attempt.

  18. I am old enough to remember Squeaky Fromme and Sarah Jane Moore, two would be assasins of Gerald Ford. Fromme was a Manson devotee. Moore is the answer to another trivia question. What would be presidential assassin did a Playboy interview? And you can look it up. FDR was almost killed in Miami. Giusseppe Zangara was the culprit. Truman was almost kiiled in 1948 by PR nationalists. And here is one for the rumor mill. The outer fringes of assassination esoterica still believe that Warren Harding's wife poisoned him.

  19. What scares me most about this assassination attempt is that Trump is already an erratic and dangerous demagogue with erratic and dangerous followers (I'm not talking about rank and file republicans voting for Trump, I'm talking about the crazies at Jan. 6 yelling about hanging Mike Pence, and that ilk), and something like this might just make him even more erratic and dangerous.

    It may come to nothing. I'm not making predictions. But this could be the first page in a chapter in a British history book titled "Trump's Second Term and the End of American Democracy - How it Started."

  20. To the person who sent the comment about purple hair. You re sick. Making fun of children who were murdered. Really ill. Get help.

  21. Kimberly Cheatle has been in the Secret Service for over 25 years. Look beyond her most recent employment.

  22. Imagine being so incredible and lie so much that an assassination attempt happens on LIVE TV and half the nation think it’s staged… BTW we can dislike Trump and have zero sympathy for him while still having sympathy for the deceased rally attendee. As well as the deceased shooter. I feel the for shooters family and sending my thoughts and prayers to them. The classmates of Thomas, the few that could even recall who he was, said he was bullied everyday. It’s pretty tragic that a 20-year-old young man would feel so strongly against Trump that he would attempt to assassinate him. Perhaps Thomas saw in Trump what he personally experienced throughout his life — he saw a bully, a coward who stoked fear and violence in people. In my humble opinion, Trump (and those that act like him) created the person who attempted his assassination and killed the man in the bleachers. So, for all you right wingers getting up in arms, there is blood on your hands.

    “I could stand in the middle of fifth ave and shoot someone and wouldn’t lose any voters” 1/23/2016 during campaign rally

    “We have to get over it.” 1/5/2024 on Iowa school shooting

    “You had very fine people on both sides.” 8/15/2017 on the deadly Unite the Right white supremacist rally

    “You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore… if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore.” 1/6/2021 minutes before insurrectionists invaded the Capital; four dead on 1/6, five officers dead in days following - 4 by suicide

    “…in the process of the second American revolution which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts - group orchestrating Project 2025 on 7/3/2024 less than 2 weeks before the attempted assassination

    “They admitted they were guilty. The case settled with so much evidence against them.” 10/6/2016 on the exonerated Central Park 5

    “…when the looting starts, the shooting starts.” 5/29/2020 on protestor in wake of George Floyd murder

    “When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of paddy wagons, you just see them thrown in, rough. Please don’t be too nice to suspects.” 6/28/2017 in addressing law enforcement officers behaviors when arresting people… in 4/2015 Freddie Gray died after being thrown into a paddy wagon, shackled and without a seatbelt.

    “Enemy of the people!” Numerous dates RE media and press

    “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pussy. You can do anything.” 11/2005 on how he believes he can sexually assault women.

    I invite additions! And please let me know all the times democrat nominees and presidents have made such disgusting comments…. I’ll wait…

  23. 8:48 am

    Send me ur address and I will send you a wambulance !

  24. Trump is having a good couple days ….

    Get ready to resist !

  25. “It’s going to be a beautiful 4 year dictatorship. The most beautiful dictatorship ever.”

  26. All because of the failure of a municipal officer, as the Secret Service deferred to local law enforcement as to the rooftop where the gunman was. Heads will roll.

  27. Judge in Young Thug’s RICO Trial Recused After Spat Over Secret Witness Meeting

  28. Trump just got unlimited funding from Elon Musk. It’s over.

  29. Trump almost got the ultimate Shumie. As Maxwell Smart liked to say, "missed it by that much" (thumb and forefinger held slightly apart).

    For those of you MAGA morons aghast at the humor, how many of you laughed at "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

    And we know this- if it was Biden who was nicked in the ear, Trump world would have been apoplectic over conspiracy theories about Clinton and Hunter arraigning a failed assassination attempt. So where was Mike Pence when Trump's ear was nickered?

  30. Demands for alibis have been filed!

  31. What’s with the insults calling “MAGA morons” assuming that if it was Biden there would be conspiracies. You don’t know that? The left really brainwashed most of you.

  32. You know this assassination attempt could have been Biden’s fault he did say to put Trump on the bulls eye and the fake news media ran it a billion times.

  33. Maybe our country needs an autocrat/dictator. It will test our democracy and separation of powers. Hopefully, but unlikely, Trump will have moderates and Democrats in his cabinet and administration. He MUST have some people around him to dissuade him successfully from his temper tantrums and worst impulses, carried out by trained killer chief of staff general in his first administration. If he does not do this then you were right, take a bow.
    A country with 45000 gun deaths a year, the number 1 cause of death is homicide for children, rampant homelessness and housing shortages and unaffordability and, wait for it, are you ready? the military industrial complex wherein we bomb some nation every other month (terrorist camps) and have give the Ukraine and Israel close to a trillion dollars in the last 2 years. Fact hurt. add that to my file!
