Monday, July 01, 2024


 You asked for it- you got it. 

Res Ipsa Loquitor. 

Amended Order Granting Defendant's Motion to Suppress - State v. Kim Clenney Deborah Clenney Courtney Clenn... by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd


  1. Wait a second, couldn’t “work product” also be considered trial strategy? If so, this is a complete invasion of the defense camp. I don't know what else these lawyers could have been discussing with the parents. Prieto ain’t no genius, either. It suffices to say that I don’t know any real lawyer who would go to get a laptop across state lines. What do you think Investigators are for, bro? UPS? FedEx? Get it together.

    Last, stop messing up the trial with press conferences, TMZ specials, blah blah blah. Y’all ain't celebrities. Y’all look thirsty. You are hurting your client. Real lawyers talk through court filings and trial. Leave the limelight to The Real Housewives of Miami.

    1. Exactly. Why wouldn’t the defense team play that angle? What’s the remedy for invading Prieto’s thought processes?

  2. A shared laptop… that we don’t have the password for?

  3. See it was abuse of power. SAO will go after everyone.

    Are you ready for another ethical week of doing justice ? Wooo woooo!

    Can I get a “state moving for pre trial detention” y’all?

    Let’s lock those suckers up.

    Can I get a “ please sign this warrant for a defense attorney’s phone” y’all?

    Can I get a simple “state objects” y’all?

    Now look at your zoom and let’s put our hands together for the most honorable, ethical former ASA now living in Georgia and chasing Georgia Peaches. The man the myth the chess playin discovery man himself … get on your feet and raise the roof for MICHAEEEEELLLLLLL VONNNNNNNNNNN ZAMFT Y’all!!!!!!!

  5. Like my new fav blog character by far since the Colby / Hansy guys left

  6. Hoagues personal disdain toward the clenny defense and her desire to protect Khalil at allCosts will not allow her to be objective in handling this case. Arrojo should be brought in to have a voice. Rundle hired him to clean up this mess so let’s see it happen.

    1. Yes, there’s a massive conspiracy theory at all levels of the SAO to protect a nobody line ASA. That makes sense.

      Or, to Occam's razor this like Wolfson, this kid found evidence by mistake. He stopped, told his boss, who said to refer it to the police, and he did.

    2. He didn’t stop reading, read the order….

    3. The order finds he didn’t stop reading. Is the judge also a liar now??? The more you guys continue to put out an absolutely false narrative, contradicted by the record and the judge’s findings , the more you make Rundle look like a dumbass liar and put every prosecutors cred at issue. if you believe he stopped reading, put him on the stand and do a rehearing to contradict the trial courts express findings.

    4. The order gets the timeline wrong. Cruz confused the July 2023 message with September - October 2022 messages. She describes it as all occurring in 2023 when that’s not what happened

  7. f the parents were originally offered pretrial diversion for this case, why is the state wasting this massive amount of time, resources and energy on this case. They complain they are short staffed, under paid and lack funding. Yet, let’s waste taxpayer money on Cleeny parents offered pretrial diversion. Let’s focus on the more important homicide case and the dead victim.

  8. This is not the order filed by the court; this was a draft. An amended order was filed this morning.

    1. Well, now we know who uploaded it.

    2. How could it be a draft when the order is signed? Who do you think uploaded it?

  9. This is not the order filed by the court; this was a draft. An amended order was filed this morning.

  10. I like Laura a lot but think she’s wrong here. I wonder if the State will appeal. Probably not, considering Jude donated to Kathy at the same time he came on to the case. I wonder what kind of background deal has been struck with him, or with the IT guy’s wife...

    It would be apropos that rich and connected defendants with high powered attorneys are treated differently on the same day the Epstein files come out from WPB.

  11. The same nobody line ASA who got caught inappropriately leaking information to the Herald in text messages and who the judge ruled “didn't stop reading” attorney client information - you figure out why his supervisor wants to protect him. She was being kept in the loop through it all and approved it all. She has to defend him at all costs.

  12. To say Laura is wrong is ridiculous when you look at this record and the Judge’s finding. Jude doesn’t need Kathy in his pocket nor does it have to do with any donations he or any of us have made to Rundle or anyone else. he is a respected defense attorney that can be an asshole in contested litigation as many of us are but he is a decent guy that recognizes Rundle is good for the defense compared to other options. Beat him in court with a good record and follow the law. Don’t cheat and cry when it blows up.

    1. I agree with everything here except that Laura got a lot wrong as it comes to the facts. Any one of us that were shocked by the State’s actions here, looked into it on our own, and followed along know that the July 8 message wasn’t “followed” by messages for passcodes, that the passcode messages predated the July 8 message and that Frank did not “immediately” collect the laptop and deliver it to the expert. From the warrants, the laptop was collected October 2022 and delivered to the expert on July 8, 2023.

    2. Agree my bad. I thought they were referring to Krasnoff. That first sentence was not referring to Judge Cruz.

  13. Good morning all. It’s true this wasn’t the final draft of the order. The final order was filed yesterday morning. Many changes were made, but the ultimate findings are the same. I did send the actual order to the blog to be uploaded for those who are interested.

  14. Daisy is not reading blogs but she def talks out of both sides of her mouth, manipulates and tells untruths to get her endgame accomplished; she is known to put people down privately to Rundle and others to raise her stock as if she is La Madrina and she is not. She does not have the respect she used to and troops and defense bar know to be very suspect with her. Sad but true folks. Arrojo needs to realize it quickly and fix it. Be very careful when you deal with her. She is one of the slimiest snakes in that office and many know it.. If she was that great Rundle would not have needed to bring in Jose to clean up the mess they all made of this administration. I hope someone is relaying this blog to Rundle word for word and not in cheesecake comments.

  15. You muppets commenting for the state are amateurs and ridiculous. Pay someone to help your image please. Misconduct was found. The ASA did not immediately stop reading and report to his boss, he continued to read. The Judge made that express specific finding in her order. Not only are the defense liars but so is the court. Great strategy State and supporters of the state. Your narrative is slowly falling apart bit by bit because of your absolute incompetence, even at a cover-up.

    1. It’s so incredibly frustrating that there needs to be accountability and instead of people talking coherently about cases and issues we have people mocking everything and yelling “LIAR” where people are bringing up nuance.

      All of the following can be true: the State inadvertently discovered the messages, referred them to police, the messages were protected, and the court misunderstood facts. The court’s misunderstanding of the facts might not make the texts any less protected, but it doesn’t mean it’s correct. It also doesn’t mean anyone pointing out the error is calling anyone a liar. Unlike the person that said this is simple, I think this whole thing is far more complicated than it seems.

    2. Perfect, put Kalil on the stand and let Jude cross him. The record will be complete.

    3. You know what else can be true? (And this is being generous): that a poorly trained and ignorant ASA on sophisticated legal issues like attorney-client, work-product, and crime-fraud exception, who was promoted to handle serious felonies way too quickly due to pervasive staffing shortage, came across messages involving lawyers, and he immediately assumed malfeasance (because inexperience usually doesn’t allow you to see all sides of an issue), and referred his misguided suspicions to a detective with far less legal acumen, who will undoubtedly rely on the ASA’s gut feelings (the blind leading the bold), and this set in motion a series of events that should’ve never been handled the way that they did. Because there was a better way. A more lawful and ethical way. A way that would’ve preserved the integrity of the evidence. But this other way was never in the ASA’s radar because that would’ve required him to have a level of legal sophistication and knowledge that simply wasn’t there. And then that ASA, counseled and supported by another ASA who’s infinitely more experienced (a supervisor) became emboldened when that supervisor lacked the courage to tell him that he fucked up and failed to encourage the ASA to look for an ethical and gracious way out, and so the ignorant, emboldened ASA doubled down and went on to put on a shit show of a hearing, and this lead to the only possible outcome when ignorance reigns. The end.

      Of course, it can also be true that everything the ASA did was intentionally corrupt.

      So, there you have it, two other likely scenarios. But thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

    4. Drew @12:22, stop being so upset you got caught with your pants down. You’ve been doing shady stuff for a while, as far back as when you were a prosecutor.

  16. Rundle is desperately trying to clean up her stained and dirty reputation with the chief judges who already think she is an incompetent and untrustworthy clown as are Steven and Deisy. The more you SAO higher ups post in defense of her, MVZ, Mitchell, Hoague, Khalil “anonymously” and with false information that everyone can verify, the more the judges will laugh at her and you, and the more her legacy will be absolutely destroyed. The public may not yet be aware of it all but that’s coming. Pearson and Corbin are now involved and so is Crump and others who will destroy her with a single statement to the public. You are fools to continue down this path but most of you have always been arrogant fools who have never gotten caught but you’re caught now and scrambling like little rats to survive and keep your ridiculous unearned and unentitled salaries. #BringBackArrojo

  17. Yes, Rundle has been working tirelessly to fix her reputation with Sayfie and Wolfson, who she still trashes relentlessly and they both know it. How does everyone think this is helping her? Trash the parents third degree felony case instead of trashing Sayfie, Wolfie, Tink and De La La La La and focus on the murder everyone knows was committed. Fa la La La La! Hershey Bar Ministry of Magic: who is one of the two new satrapies on the case. Would you trust that slippery little satrapy sausage if your life was on the line?

  18. “Higher ups”. All snakes. All about power retention.

  19. No chance in hell. Office is tarnished with a corrupted reputation. She can thank her trusted chiefs who run circles around her. They lie to her and run the office to the ground. If Kathy had balls she’d fire all the Chiefs.

  20. Does she actually work? I’d like her to stroll floor to floor and talk to people. The little people on the 2nd and 3rd floor. Ask them how they are treated. SAO is a slave factory.
