Friday, July 12, 2024


 Summer means beaches, or mountains, or pools, or boating, or just lying around the house, and all are great places to read a great book. 

Here is our Summer Reading List. 

You Like it Darker. Stephen King. Another superb collection of short stories. Do not miss "Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream" which, without spoiling it, has a lot in common with what we all do. It starts slow but once it gets going, it is impossible to put down. Also- "The Fifth Step" is a very short, very classic King short story. 

The New York Game- Baseball And the Rise Of New York City. Kevin Baker. You think you know baseball, but you do not- especially the origins. The chapter debunking the Abner Doubleday story as the founder of American Baseball is great- as are the chapters about baseball in New York in the early 1900's. 

I am Pilgrim, Terry Hayes. You want a summer beach thriller? You got it. Extraordinary fun. 

An Unfinished Love Story. Doris Kerns Goodwin. Our preeminent historian on her life with her husband,  Richard Goodwin, who among other things, was a trusted John Kennedy speechwriter. 

Takeover. Hitler's Final Rise to Power. Timothy Ryback.  If, for some weird reason you want to know how a dictator finally comes to power in an otherwise civilized nation, then this is as good a book on the subject as you will find. 

The Outlier. Kai Bird.  The best biography on our 39th President- James Earl Carter. 

Wilson. Scott Berg.  Great Biography of Woodrow Wilson. 

The Maid. Nita Prose.  You want to read a perfect fiction story? This is as close as you will get. A gem of a book and a great read. We listened to it on Audible and it was even better. 

Unrequited Infatuations. Stevie Van Zamft.  The autobiography of the guy who has been standing next to The Boss since the early 1970s as they started out on a journey that would make rock and roll history. And truth be known, this autobiography was better and more compelling than Springsteen's. 


  1. "I am Pilgrim" is a terrific, suspenseful read. Been awaiting a sequel for a long time.

  2. Second vote for "You Like it Darker." As an avid King fan since 8th grade, this collection feels like a throwback to his earlier stories. Readers will find an unexpected sequel to "Cujo" in "Rattlesnake" (which is set in good ol' Florida).

  3. Rump, your list doesn't include the smut/snuff book written by the SAO’s latest shining star.

  4. C'mon, you know better. It's Van Zandt! Don't be confusing him with that guy over at the SAO!

  5. You have the most boring reading list, old man. Can you be any nerdier?

  6. Chaingang all stars is amazing too

  7. This is BULLSHEET I’m dead now I’m vindicated. I said State corrupt. No one listen.

  8. DJ Esquire, haven't heard that in years.

    In addition to the photo of S&M Barbie, there had been a cartoon called "Biff does the 'Dirty Sanchez'" and a rapping, dancing young boy named "Gino the Ginny," who was cursing up a storm.

    Someone from the SAO, issued a statement saying the defense was engaging in a smear campaign. "The desire to smear a prosecutor and affect a jury pool is a reprehensible trial tactic," said a statement from the office of Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle.

    Richard Sharpstein had a field day with the lawyering disc jockey. The ASA stepped down, and Sharpie moved to have the case dismissed for prosecutorial misconduct due to some lack of or late disclosures about the victim and witnesses having been arrested, which was denied by Judge Barzee. Sharpstein moved for a second prosecutorial misconduct, relying on Grieco's actions profiting off his client's fame and reputation.

    The case was eventually resolved to dropping the felonies and Taylor taking the plea before Judge Lenny Glick to misdemeanor battery and assault, landing Taylor some probation.

    Sharpie's passing at the end of 2013, definitely caught everyone off guard. He is missed to this day.
