Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 It used to be cooler to Zoom with Pooler.

Not anymore. 

The Judge is going old school with no Zoom Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. 

Why the Zoom hate? 

Appearing by Zoom takes cars off the roads- not that global warming is an issue employees of the State of Florida can discuss. They cannot- even in the porno-novels they may write. 

Zoom makes lawyers' lives easier. Some of our colleagues do not want to drive from Broward where they live to hear the state announce a nolle prosse, or that a client was accepted into PTI. 

And more importantly, many of our clients work two and three jobs (something our          30- something DeSantis drones do not identify with) and sometimes the difference in them being able to pay their rent or utility bill is that extra shift they pick up at Starbucks making our 30 something DenSantis drone's double iced latte. 

So what's the problem with Zoom? Despite Florida's strict prohibitions about mentioning the heat or the weather, don't we all want to be Cooler In Pooler (via Zoom)? 


  1. Actually, Judge Pooler had zoom every day EXCEPT Mondays and Thursdays because those are trial and sounding days and it makes sense to have people in person. We get a lot more done when attorneys have to appear and speak to their clients. Judge Pooler is very kind and very accommodating to both sides so I’m not sure why, of all the judges in that building, she’s the subject of your complaints.

  2. Went to a criminal defense fundraiser for @ Carlos Martinez where there was a call for a ban on all criminal ct zoom hearings. Zoom has killed the energy of what was a great trial building.

    1. The fallout from the corruption at the SAO, and their lack of contrition and humility in response, has killed the energy in that building.

    2. 7:10 AM they are shady as shit but I don’t think this is that

  3. The Supreme Court passes a new rule and she not ONLY ignores it, she doubles down. Is she the ONLY Judge in Miami Dade who refuses to Zoom on certain days? When is her term up? I heard she was retiring.

    What is happening in Broward now that there is the new Rule? Are Judges allowing Zoom there?

    1. There’s a rule in Broward that lawyers could appear in person dressed casual so long as they wear a jacket. No suit and tie required.

  4. Power, intimidation, entitlement, ego, etc, etc, etc

  5. I like judge Pooler. And she has every opportunity to respond to this post. Zoom is here to stay for the reasons I have stated. It’s not right that of all the judges in the building she doesn’t allow zoom on certain days.
    Monday trial days. How many cases are going. ? Doesn’t she set a list after sounding ? So let’s say I have a report on Monday and not a trial. I still have to come in and cannot handle it on zoom ? Not right.

    1. I do not believe there was any intent to single pooler out if other judges are violating the rule someone needs to say something

  6. The SAO smolders while one man respected by all the Big Easy E spends his time on a remote island in Maine doing water color landscapes and running his burgeoning miami slice pizza 🍕 restaurants in New York and Boston as it goes viral on tik tok. Bring in E let him run the conviction integrity unit for a year and bring stability to the SAO. Right now KFR is like Biden - a blind eye to the sinking ship.

    1. No one knows who you are talking about?

    2. Who is E? And why do you want him to handle an integrity unit so bad?

    3. The great Elortegui.

    4. When you google this guy’s name it looks like he was arrested while he was at the DEA or ATF. If this is someone different, it will help you to at least give us a name, a full name

  7. Isn’t this because of the way the recent zoom rule was changed to only permit 30 minute or less non-evidentiary hearings?

  8. Why jump all over Judge Pooler, who is one of our best judges, and who is retiring in 6 months, over this-she has her reasons for not wanting to use Zoom every day, and instead talk about the Judges that will not grant a defense motion to suppress even after overwhelming police misconduct is shown. Or Judges who will never use their discretion to release a Defendant charged with a PBL. And BTW Rumpole- Pooler does more trials than probably any Judge except for out two back-up Judges in the building.

    1. This is stupid. No one is attacking Judge Pooler but rather calling out how she is violating the new rule. She’s still a phenomenal judge. But she’s also still violating the rule…

      Maybe she wants attorneys to file motions requesting to appear via zoom? Would she honor it then? That seems crazy to bog herself down in motions requesting an ask she isn’t permitted to deny…

  9. There was an email at SAO yesterday, she got rid of zoom Fridays. So no zoom Monday Thursday Friday. Not sure why not on Fridays.

  10. Everyone should be asking for their hearings to be reset to her zoom days. Let her see what an 80 page zoom calendar looks like when she doesn't want to work with the defense bar.

  11. I hope that all of the judges who regularly had ex parte communications with MVZ and other ASAs get reported to the JQC

  12. Who is the big easy E ??? SMH a courthouse legend. His soon they forget.
    Everything he touches turns to gold. Won the Smokehouse murder cases - three in a row and then taunted the Feds to neice his client Black Jack Whitted. R u kidding me ?

    1. it would help if you give us his name. He can’t be that much of a legend if so, many of us don’t know who you’re talking about

  13. This is not about pooler. It’s about the change in the law.

  14. Ok well, this didn’t help… you just sound like a crazy.

    1. This comment was RE the guy that keeps talking about Big Easy E

  15. Guys, there is a rule, and they are having pooler follow it. Nothing more nothing less. Who is the E guy Everyone is talking about it would be very helpful. If someone could give a name

  16. Sorry but IMHO this ZOOM issue is a passive aggressive and/or attention grabbing play by Pooler.

    She is a great, no nonsense, cut through the crap Judge. I also think she is funny as hell, very self -deprecating. Actually has a shot at being a great stand-up comic. I really enjoy being in her court.

    BUT she must have some "ISSUES" if she is persisting with this Zoom lunacy.
