Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Not exactly a love letter. 

Prediction ( we are good at these- see our Biden dropping out prediction last week two days before he did)  your State Attorney will...DO NOTHING. 

She will not respond. 

She has not done anything although one of her now former prosecutors arguably obstructed justice. 

So Rumpole has an idea. An old idea actually. 

Her office wants to investigate and arrest PDs. Let's do a SIT IN. 

Non-violent protest. Until our State Attorney agrees to address these issues, including an independent oversight board for the convictions of her office that are now suspect, criminal defense attorneys sit in her office. At both sides of the SAO blocking ingress and egress and if necessary, like other protestors before us, get arrested. If MLK and John Conyers and thousands of others did it, we can do it. Let's take it to the streets! 

We will win and she will break if swarms of us continue to sit in her office demanding action. 

Now, we are willing to put our money where our mouth is- and sit in with our colleagues, but we have a small trip coming up shortly, so we need to schedule this sit in, as we don't want to read about our colleagues in jail while sipping a Negroni in the Alps. 

Here is the FACDL's decidedly unlove letter to our State Attorney. 

Statement on the SAO's Targeting of Defense Lawyers by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd


  1. This!!!! When are you coming back?

  2. Jose Arrojo is running the place not unlike Kamala is running the place ! Jose always gets it right.

  3. I have a two year old and three days before Biden resigned, he said: "Biden will resign." Don't you have an adoring wife who is willing to blow smoke up your tail, or do you really have to do it?

  4. Well I haven’t left yet. I can do it this weekend as long as I bond out by Monday. I have a Swiss air flight Monday I need to be on.

  5. I suggested that every defendant file a motion to disqualify the SAO at arraignment. Every. Single. One. Refuse to be prosecuted by a corrupt office who refuses to address the systemic corruption.

  6. I don’t think it’s possible to sit in Kathy’s office. Unless you have an appointment.

  7. For the love of god who are the PDs and who is the ASA?

  8. Let me be serious for a moment. When I blog someone’s name it becomes the top item in a google search. The two PDs have done nothing wrong and unless they email me and tell me to do it I will not link their good name with some dumbass investigation by a shit for brains ASA who has a well known reputation for playing chess with discovery and being slimy. His day is coming I assure you. But unlike him I do not make unsubstantiated allegations.

    1. Good job Rumpy! Scary times and the SAO has to do a better job of supervising and mentoring. I like the sit in but there are a tiny few ASAs we really like and respect. They should be allowed to pass the line while we high five them! We need them!

  9. Rump every movement needs a song. As we are sitting in maybe we all sing this


    Little Bon Jovi coming at ya.


    HO HO



  10. That is a professor at the University of Miami you bash how dare you!

  11. Guys and gals, I don’t know about you but I have practiced all over the State and know for a fact that we in the defense bar have it exceptionally good here in Miami with the Miami SAO. For the most part, prosecutors are way more reasonable and cases are much easier to resolve than anywhere else by far. For everyone here constantly crying for change, remember to be careful about what you wish for. For real

    1. Yea, we have it so good we should ignore prosecutorial misconduct. Let your client sentenced to life on a case with major Brady and giglio violations know how good he has it to have had his rights violated in Miami versus Polk or Martin county. *rolls eyes*

  12. Rumpole is this a joke or are we serious?

  13. 1:04 Rump thank you for the very respectable response

  14. Lol, a very serious protest to be scheduled around your vacation.

    This group is too scared to sign their name to online comments and they’re going to do a sit in. LOL

    And that letter has real strong Gob Bluth “we demand to be taken seriously” vibes

  15. I remember (former Judge) Peter Camacho Adrien AKA Peter Sylvester Adrien. He was sued by a bunch of plaintiffs of which William Robinson, Tomas Gamba, and Rayfield McGhee were in the mix.

    Getting the "Camacho" from his mom Judith.

    The attorneys handling on behalf of the plaintiffs included the likes of Kendall Coffey and Benedict. Chief Judge Farina removed himself off the case.

    What a mess that was. At re-election, the masses came together and put him up against (now Judge) Samantha Ruiz Cohen (whose granddad was a defense attorney and her uncle had been a judge in Cuba) crushing him, and ending his re-election as he had only 30% of the vote. He probably could have ran things a bit more efficiently, been nicer to attorneys in his courtroom, and not alienated just about everyone.

    He kind of brought that all on himself.

    The Eleventh Judicial Circuit got a great tradeoff, as Judge Ruiz Cohen has been great.

    Woody Clermont

  16. Judge Ruiz Cohen is one of our gems in all respects. A former ASA, including training director, whose tenure and reputation in that role was beyond reproach. She encompasses all of the qualities of a great lawyer and leader. Come to think of it, she would be an outstanding replacement to Rundle.

  17. Keep dreaming no one is doing a sit in. Nice try. You all will get arrested for trespassing.

  18. This is great let’s do it

  19. Samantha Ruiz Cohen is pure crap. She was a crap judge in criminal and now she's a crap a judge in civil. I had no idea she beat Peter Adrien. So we went from 100% crap judge to 95% crap judge. Cmon, Woody.

  20. Cult leader Gosney is back on X. Below is latest call to his zombies and some of his zombies’ immediate dutiful response, especially’s cult’s chief propagandist Megan Fox, attacks on Herald reporter Brittany Wallman:

    From Gosney:

    A sower went out to sow.
    And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path,
    and birds came and ate it up.
    Some fell on rocky ground, where it had little soil.
    It sprang up at once because the soil was not deep,
    and when the sun rose it was scorched,
    and it withered for lack of roots.
    Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.
    But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit,
    a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.

    From some of his zombies:

    She's trying to justify using the Miami Herald to launch a mob and destroy the career of an innocent man. Don't let her get away with it. NAME WHO brought it to your attention Brittany and then maybe find out WHY. Who doesn't want the prosecutor's office reformed by a former defense attorney? That's the question you should have asked.

    You had an obligation to research Steve and point out in your article that it was a work of FICTION which is NOT representative of someone's character. You had the power to shame the book burners who were out to destroy a man they didn't know but you didn't do that. And the blood is on your hands. You are the one who made the choice to sic a mob on Steve Gosney.

    No she's not a reviewer. She got a tip that the new hire at the prosecutor's office wrote some misogynistic characters and therefore he MUST BE A MISOGYNIST so she destroyed his career. She spread calumny and hatred to have him fired.

    This guy is dangerous. He uses and manipulates social media to his benefit and to call his troops to action, which he knows translates to a barrage of attacks on his critics, including the press and people within the justice system. Sounds like anyone else you know? Rundle’s Trojan horse.

  21. Judge Ruiz Cohen is an outstanding judge. Would that we could clone her and she would make an outstandind Srate Atty. Smart, dedicated, honest, and strong.

  22. I think both sides can agree that it’’s time to talk to about Carmen Cabarga. Now she’s cherry picking which cases and attorneys appear in her division? She’s off her rocker. What the hell is she doing?

  23. Thursday @ 10:01am, are you sure your evaluation of Judge Ruiz Cohen isn't just personal and gripe-based as to her being "pure crap" in your opinion? Like maybe you have an axe to grind?

    Looking at a CABA poll from 2016?

    Number of Votes | Percentage of Voters | Exceptionally Qualified | Qualified | Unqualified | Total
    Ruiz-Cohen, Samantha | 104 | 61.54% | 52.88% | 39.42% | 7.69% | 100%

    So in 2016 (around the end of her first term), 52.88% found her exceptionally qualified. 39.42% found her qualified, and a mere 7.69% found her unqualified?

    Check out that poll, there were judges that people definitely found unqualified, and she was not one of them.

    While being an Administrative Judge doesn't necessarily make her the best, I'm tending to think the Circuit wouldn't make her one if she was absolutely a mess?

    Is she even in Civil right now? Was she transferred? Because she was made the Administrative Judge of Family in 2021?

    I can't agree with your assessment - it doesn't add up. The math isn't mathing.

    Woody Clermont

  24. His zombies are ignorant. This is about more than his book. This is about his own personal statements against women and others on his podcasts, the reckless statements of his blind followers (one wacko removed her lunatic rant supporting him and made all of her social media private), a view by some that he is creepy and inappropriate etc. The fact that he would not try to quiet his mob of coo coos could be telling.

  25. 10:01 a.m. is clearly speaking from a bad (or several) personal experience. Ruiz-Cohen is sharp, knowledgeable and fair. Anyone who calls her “crap” didn’t just lose because of a bad case, they got their ass handed to them because they were making stupid/sleazy arguments.

    Ruiz-Cohen is like Emas. They will tolerate reasonable and good faith arguments, and give you fair leeway, but the moment you start BSing them you’re done. You will not only get their intellectual wrath, but they will remember you on all future cases.

  26. Ruiz-Cohen was great in criminal, fair, smart and would even occasionally answer her chambers phone and when she found out who was calling ask how they were doing and the family-all around good judge whose only "flaw" was her federal mentality on giving continuances-very complex/serious cases had to be ready for trial in months not years. And I remember watching a former narcotics ASA get his start in there and every single case was the worst crime in the world and the perpetrator had to be severly punished-Ruiz-Cohen would just put up with the antics and rule how she thought was fair.

    And the comment on Cabarga is sheer nonesense-if I had a choice, which we don't -I would pick being in front of her rather than most of our current judges.

  27. To 8:58 AM: it seems like you did not read the comment on Cabarga - nobody said the attorneys don't want to be in front of her. The comment said that the judge herself is choosing who can and cannot have cases in her courtroom based on absolutely no cause! her plan did not work quite as she expected (shocking!!!!) as she had to leave her own division but the problem was that she thought it was acceptable in the first place. now THAT is sheer nonsense! let's hope she learned her lesson!
