Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 For Thursday,  Broward and the Feds are closed and Miami Courts are OPEN because we do not let a little rain spoil our day. 

Judge Sayfie has urged non-essential employees to remain home and Zoom (e.g., robed readers) and we second that along with noting that it is a perfect day for your favourite ASA to stay home and get a few games of chess in, because as we all know, Miami ASAs loveeeee chess. 

Stay safe and dry. 

Oh yeah, and congrats to former Dade PD Kevin Hellman who was appointed by you know who to the County Court. He persevered and kept putting his name in and eventually the governor probably got tired of seeing it so just appointed him. Well done KH. 


  1. How you don’t give Kevin a separate congratulatory post and more properly recognize that his judicial appointment is a good thing is beyond me. But then again, it’s your blog, and as you’ve said and implied before, despite your whining you believe prosecutors make better judges. smh

  2. Hey Mr/Ms smug- cool your jewels - we had a congratulatory post set for the early morning but then the weather became an issue so I pushed the publication time to 10 am for Hellman so when people woke up and checked the blog- which is always the first thing you should do after waking up- they would see the weather issues and not head to federal court for a PTD or whatever.

    Whenever you want to apologize for being some petulant so and so, let me know.

    1. Morning stings….better than coffee. 😂

  3. Hey jerk! Don’t be rude to Rump! What have you done to help this community. Let me guess… Nothing! In case you can’t see, he is not only dealing with weather issues, he is dealing with shady issues. Next time, send him a private email instead of trying to embarrass people publicly for absolutely no good reason.

  4. Hey dummy - stop deflecting. We are happy for Kevin but we need/want to hear more of this stuff. Congrats Kevin. Sorry you were Appointed in the middle of this trash. we trust that you will be fair on the bench to both sides.
