Monday, January 29, 2024

ZOOM 2024

     Courtesy of the FACDL, here's an updated Zoom list. 

Zoom away.  There's a lot more to this post. Even a challenge from the Swifties #Swifties. Make sure to scroll to the end. 

ZOOM Virtual Courtroom Directory 2024 by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd

 Courtesy of The Florida Bulldog blog, the Florida Bar, which never passes up a chance to investigate a criminal defense lawyer ("We have received a complaint that you wore a blue tie with a yellow shirt and black suit. Please respond within twenty days...")  the Bar has passed up the invitation from Judge Middlebrooks to sanction the Trump lawyers in one of the 1000 or so frivolous lawsuits brought and dismissed. 
We reported on the Middlebrooks order here  and the Bulldog barks here

Initial super bowl thoughts.
Coins and dice bounce funny in Vegas. The coin toss has us worried. 

We tangled with the Swifties the other day and they immediately made their position known in the comments. We ain't ascared. We fight the US government every day. A bunch of teenage girls doesn't scare us...Much....well....maybe a little.  

85-1 are the odds that Travis Kelce proposes on national TV to you know who, (Rhymes with Drift) after being named MVP of the Super Bowl. Make the bet. 


  1. It will no doubt be the wedding of the year!! Go Taylor's Boyfriend's Team.

    The Army of Swifties


  2. San Francisco 49ers (-115) against the Kansas City Chiefs (+100).

  3. Nah, not betting on that one. Odds are on San Fran according to the Shumie.

  4. Your comment about -- A bunch of teenage girls doesn't scare us..

    What exactly are you saying? You really think teens read this blog??

    Or is it an insult to adult women who listen to Taylor Swift and you are referring to them as teenagers?

    You sir, are a cranky old fart.

  5. Well well well. A Swiftie is attacking us. When you grow up and get a vocabulary that works for more than tiksnap then you can call us a misanthropic cad. Until then your vocabulary defines your little swiftie brain.

    Btw define if you read the next few lines you would see the humor that is above you.

  6. @703--

    Well, well well, Mr. Cranky Old Fart-- lemme guess how you spend your weekends-

    probably sitting on your floral sofa which you most likely have from the seventies still, since you are too cheap to buy a new one while yelling out answers as you watch Wheel of Fortune. For dinner, you heat up a box of Mac and cheese while watching a documentary about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon.

    Having a Swiftie brain is such a huge compliment, so thank you for that.

    You are an irritable & prehistoric human being. (hows that for vocabulary?) Btw, that was a rhetorical question and in case don't know the meaning of the word "rhetorical" might I suggest something called a dictionary.

    The Army of Swifties

  7. Perhaps negative comments about music you've admitted to never listening to is unfair?

  8. You wanna throw down little girl? Email me a post and I'll put it unedited (unless you curse too much you foul mouthed little rapscallion) on the blog and we can debate.

    Tell the readers all the good things about Swift and her lyrics and I will respond. Or if you accept, I will start by shredding and I do mean absolutely ripping to shreds her simplistic lyrics and you can respond as soon as you're done with your homework.

    BTW I have an Eames chair and my sofas are from Roche Bobois and Eames.

  9. Ohh Im shaking in my boots now! I am ready to rumble, pick the time & place. You sir are a coward!

    To quote Nancy Sinatra-

    These boots are made for walkin'
    And that's just what they'll do
    One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!!!

  10. Hey Rumpy, where exactly are you planning on having this throw down? After school on the field? LOL! Listen I'm no fan of Taylor but I do admit there are a few of her songs that are pretty good...and not wanting to get into a brawl with you (I am entitled to my opinion as are you) but I have a serious dislike for The Boss. Back in the day he had it going on but these days Bruce Springsteen has a voice that sounds like a fork in a garbage disposal and provides a very unpleasant listening experience for his listeners. I get that not every vocalist sounds the same, and some people like that raw, gritty sound, but there are so many raw vocal bands and singers (Credence Clearwater Revival, John Mellencamp, Janis Joplin) that can actually carry a tune and aren't just trying to sound raw for the sake of it. My two cents.

    Go San Fransico!!

  11. Swiftees have no idea who Nancy Sinatra is.

    “Wait? Her father was a singer too? Like lol . “

  12. Actually you gave yourself away with that Nancy Sinatra comment. Stop reading my blog. It's not for you. You're not a lawyer and don't know these people and you're turning into a stalker.

  13. Your comments will no longer be posted which will stop you from reading the blog.

  14. Today marks the end of this blog. The above exchange marks and proves the point. Once dynamic and useful, the blog is now childish, petulant, and irrelevant. A pissing contest over Taylor Swift? How did we get here? Goodbye "Rumpole;" it has been fun but it's over.

  15. Well I guess that is it then. Nearly twenty years, over ten million page views, but we lost that reader so we're done. Wow that hurt me sooooooo much. There's always DOM's blog and a rousing discussion on the committee notes to the last hearing on the Jencks act.

  16. Actually Rumpole, the song by Nancy Sinatra these boots were made for walking, is in the Era Tours and there was a tic toc video that went viral, girls wearing Taylor Swift cowboy boots dancing to the song which might explain why Swifties know about the song. I don't know the background of the why song was chosen but one can assume, given Ms. Swift's dating history, it's mighr be directed at one of her many exes.

  17. "Your comments will no longer be posted which will stop you from reading the blog."

    How do you stop someone from reading this blog? You may pick and choose what comment you want to publish but to stop someone from reading?

    Confused Swifty Fan

  18. Dear Runpole, in regards to your comment 12:20pm, come on grow up! Really, you're upset because someone called you a cranky old fart? Did it touch a nerve?

    Taylor is dating a man on the team, she supports him, like any other partner should. she hasnt requested the spotlight be on her, so to all those who dislike her,including you Rumpole, you have all misplaced your anger and resentment.

    And, don't flatter yourself by thinking you have a stalker.

  19. truth be told, Rumpole is kind of cranky.

  20. truth be told, Rumpole is cranky.
