Wednesday, November 01, 2023


 This is very disturbing, especially that it is happening in France, of all places, whose record in standing up for their Jewish citizens is abysmal. Franch citizens (except for the brave underground) stood by while their neighbors, beginning with the fall of Paris in May 1940, were rounded up and placed in cattle cars and sent to concentration camps in Germany and Poland. The French mostly did nothing. 

And now in 2023, 83 years later, Stars of David are appearing on Jewish businesses and homes in Paris. 

It can happen here. Just look who is running for President and the rise of white nationalists. 

From the social media platform X:

In Paris, Jewish stores have been labeled with Stars of David. As if 80 years have not passed. The distance between the massacre in Beeri Kibbutz and the streets of Paris is shorter than you think. Yes, the west is next. Israel is fighting radical Islamic terror on its borders. If we don’t stop this terror here and now, you’ll get these massacres in Paris, London and New York City. We have only one option: total victory.


  1. The silence is deafening.

  2. I don’t understand Naftali Bennett’s message. The point of those stars is that the ultimate threat to Jews is white Europeans. Radical Islamic Terrorists did not perpetrate the Holocaust. And Israel is killing its credibility with the people in those white European countries who in normal circumstances would have the power to quash the voices of the crazy assholes putting stars on Jewish buildings.

  3. You folks are beyond delusional thinking its whie nationalists...carry on though.

  4. The right wing republicans are more supportive to Jewish people than liberal democrats. Moreover doesn’t trump actually have blood relatives who are Jewish? It is opposite world around here ! Blacks and Jews will support trump in larger numbers this election. Just last night Biden rolled over and called for a pause in the war till the hostages are released. His lax policies lined the pockets of Iran. Wake up old timer.

  5. Pls stop. Do not try to be even handed or pretend you are accurate. You do not like any groups unless they are the underdog. And please do not think you cannot be a self hater. It exists. Since this blog is inaccurate and opinion only. Do not pretend to be even handed just do what you do best and just post your gossip and your subjective opinions- do not pretend to be an intellectual or neutral. You are not. Please work on yourself to be self aware and at least authentic, it is not too late.

  6. Naftali Bennett’s use of "total victory" reads eerily like a "final solution" to the Muslim problem. Violence begets violence.

  7. Those stars indicate a threat to European Jews, but Hamas and other radical Islamic terrorists are the ultimate threat to the state of Israel and the Jews that live there. The terrorists may not have perpetrated the Holocaust in the middle off the last century but they fully intend to achieve that goal in this century.

    What is striking is the silence of calls for Hamas to lay down arms, to give up the hostages, to turn themselves in, so that there can be a ceasefire. For years Hamas was allowed to weave itself into the threads of Gaza: above, below, and within the homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques. What greater war crime is there than to ingrain weapons of war within the civilian population and use your own people (let alone those you've kidnapped) as shields and sacrifices. It is despicable that Hamas is being let off the hook by so many, and despicable that people in the West have so quickly turned against a people for the actions of a foreign government.

    1. Listen they are bombing the place. People being bombed can’t lay down arms. People doing the bombing have to. Even when it might be really satisfying to keep hypothetically killing Hamas soldiers.

  8. The progressive liberals are worse then trump re Jewish hatred. I don’t thinks it’s close.

  9. Hahahaha. Look at Rump trying desperately to link this to Trump. The people painting these stars on jewish business are Muslims, who entered France as migrants. Rump knows it, you know it, I know it. It ain't Pierre who grew up in Lyon.

    And Trump, whatever you think of him, tried to curtail immigration to the US from Muslim countries. Everyone laughed at his "until we can figure out what's going on" line. Guarantee Rump opposed it.

    Meanwhile Biden, day one, threw out all Trump immigration restrictions, steadfastly refuses to address the fact that 10-15 million migrants crossed our border without being processed, and responds to this rise in anti-semitism by establishing... wait for it... an Islamophobia task force. Lol. Spearheaded by his VP.

    So. Which president would most likely facilitate the circumstances that muslim immigrants paint stars on jewish restaurants in the US? Honest question. Will Rump answer?

    1. Your premise is that the people painting the stars are Muslim, and treating that as proven you proceed to demonize Muslims. My advice would be to not make the logical fallacy quite so obvious.


    Sharpstein would get a laugh out of this ..

  11. 8:32 for someone who does not like what I write you have an impressive knowledge of all I have written. Perhaps you need some help. A good twelve step program. Admitting you’re powerless over your desire to consume every bit of my writing is the first step to recovery. One day at a time my friend. Good luck.

  12. Yeah you’re right. It’s probably the quakers who are sneaking out from Pennsylvania and sailing over to France and painting stars of David on Jewish businesses and homes.
    No asshole. My premise is that the French (except for an exceptional few) did nothing to protect their Jewish neighbors and countrymen in 1940 and it’s THE FRENCH who are acting cowards all over again. That’s my premise jackass. Why don’t you try reading before writing?

  13. Rump,

    It’s “your biggest fan” here again, kicking in as I do on occasion … You are the voice of a blog which I have followed from day one, and although I love and admire everything you’ve done, I’m just not sure that calling a poster an “asshole” and “ jackass” is necessarily where the great Rump wants to be, or where we want our society to be as we debate extremely emotional issues for so many of us. Just sayin’

  14. Fair comment. Dumb people bring out the worst in me at times.
