Thursday, October 19, 2023


 Sydney Powell, indicted in Georgia, lawyer for former POTUS 45, plead guilty in Georgia to several misdemeanor counts including conspiracy to tell lies, conspiracy to tell stupid lies, conspiracy to tell stupid election lies while a lawyer, and aggravated sycophancy. 

Terms of her plea deal include (cue Jaws music) cooperation against co-defendants. (Cue Dragnet Music) Dum da dum dum. Dumb da dumb dumb dumb. 

The Story you about to read is true. The names were not changed because everyone knows who they are. 

This is the City, Washington DC. It was built and swamp and some say it is still is a swamp. You can come and visit the institutions built on the foundations of freedom. Congress. The Supreme Court. The Senate. There are memorials to great Americans like Lincoln, Washington, and Roosevelt. It is a city built on the principle of laws and elections and the peaceful transfer of power. Sometimes people don't want the peaceful transfer of power when they lose elections. Sometimes they tell lies about voting machine hacked by dead Venezuelan dictators. When that happens, I  go to work. I carry a badge. 

It was a Tuesday in January 2020. It was cold in DC, and the chill just wasn't in the air. Freedom was being chilled as well. I am working the day shift in Election Fraud. The Boss is Attorney General Bill Barr. My name is Friday. 

Reports were all over the Internet that Hugo Chavez, who had been dead for years, had organized the hacking of voting machines in Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia. A lawyer named Sydney Powell was claiming on Fox TV that she had incontrovertible evidence of the hacking while her partner held news conferences outside of lawncare companies in Philadelphia while hair dye ran down his face. The media was in full meltdown mode and it was time to stop the stop the steal movement. ....

For those of you DeSantis Drones born in the late 1980s/early 1990s with no idea of the cultural references we are making, here is one of the classic original Dragnet openings. It was a different era, when the federalist society didn't exist, and judges granted motions to suppress for constitutional violations, as shocking as that may seem these days. 


  1. The United States Congress is the legislature of the federal government of the United States. It is bicameral, composed of a lower body, the House of Representatives, and an upper body, the Senate. It meets in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Senators and representatives are chosen through direct election, though vacancies in the Senate may be filled by a governor's appointment. Congress has 535 voting members: 100 senators and 435 representatives.

    Meaning. You can’t say “ Congress. The Supreme Court. The Senate. ”

  2. Chesebro pleads guilty!

  3. Great News. First, Traitor Sidney 'Kraken' Powell pleads. Soon there after, in a secret vote, MAGA ass kisser Rep. Jim Jordan bows out as GOP speaker designee after losing third ballot. GOP lawmakers voted 112-86 to end Jordan's bid for the gavel after he lost additional support on the third ballot. As a lifelong Republican who despises what TFG did to the GOP, I an pleased to see significant cracks in TFG's chokehold on the GOP. Hoping to see all these POS traitors of January 6th get what is coming to them.

  4. 10:28 what do you mean that I can’t say it? I did say it.
    You meant to say that bit was incorrect and redundant to say congress and senate since the senate is part of congress. Because you think you’re smart. But you’re not. Common usage allows for the use of the terms congress and senate because no one referring to the senate by itself would use the term congress and everyone referring to both houses of congress use the terms congress and senate. Google it. The WSJ does it. So does The NY Times. So does this blog.

  5. Another one bites the dust! Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis pleads guilty to felony charges in Georgia.
