Monday, October 16, 2023


UPDATE 2:  As of Monday afternoon all is well. The building (but not necessarily the DeSantis drones therein) are all cooling off and your bond hearing schedule for Tuesday is returning to normal- or what constitutes for normal in a courthouse where one Judge today achieved notoriety for spending a majority of his time not adjudicating cases, but doing what DeSantis drones do, and focusing on nonsense - in this case upbraiding lawyers for not wearing ties on zoom. 

Here’s the thing- Judges who are confident in themselves and the job they do care not one whit how someone is dressed. They get respect by earning it through their rulings and demeanor. DeSantis Drones who have no self confidence get respect not through their rulings but by their picayune application of nonsense just so they can bloviate and hear themselves speak and order lawyers and clients around. We are sure you agree with us Judge____ , right? 

UPDATE: (and this may be a record for the quickest update to a post)

As per Judge Wolfson- an excerpt from an email "We have every reason to believe that operations at the REG will be normal today..." 

Rumpole responds: By normal we assume you mean chickens running through the hallways, protestors outside, jurors mistakenly chatting up defendants in the elevators, broken escalators, judges starting 9 am calendars at 10:15, internecine squabbles amongst the Criminal County Court Bench over petty perceived jealousies, and other such quotidian activities that comprise life in our building. 

We also assume that as to the AC a crack team of repair experts descended on the building over the weekend, replaced a few air filters, plugged in a plug that had been pulled out, and otherwise did all the things similar to the crack team that keeps the escalators running so well. 

It may again be cool to be in court today. We shall see. 

BUT THERE STILL WILL NOT BE JURORS IN THE BUILDING TODAY- which means no NGs for yours truly. 😡pp

Here's the memo floating around about where to go and how to handle your HOT Monday

Remember, no AC is no excuse for not wearing a Jacket and Tie in court for gentlemen lawyers. Tradition is tradition no matter how ridiculous it is and how much you sweat. 


Due to repairs underway in response to an emergency maintenance issue at the Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building, first appearance hearings and jail arraignments will continue to be held at the Miami-Dade Children’s Courthouse on Monday, October 16.

Please see below for additional details:

Miami-Dade Children’s Courthouse, 155 NW 3rd Street

Felony first appearance hearings Monday Oct. 16th: Courtroom 12-1 – (

Jail Arraignments and Misdemeanor first appearance hearings Monday Oct. 16th: Courtroom 12-4 – (


  1. “Where have you gone Cigar Shumie? Our courthouse turns its hot and sweaty eyes to you…”

  2. This paragraph is just not appropriate. If you have legitimate criticisms about a judge or a division, that is fine, but it should not be used as a sophomoric attempt at humor because it is not funny. As lawyers, we are supposed to support and help improve the court, not ridicule it, and particularly not when it falls flat.

    Rumpole responds: By normal we assume you mean chickens running through the hallways, protestors outside, jurors mistakenly chatting up defendants in the elevators, broken escalators, judges starting 9 am calendars at 10:15, internecine squabbles amongst the Criminal County Court Bench over petty perceived jealousies, and other such quotidian activities that comprise life in our building.

  3. I don't know Rump, I think it is okay to expect lawyers to dress in suits and ties (men) for court.

    The only exception, and I mean the only one, should be S.S....he is the only one that ever may be in anything other than a suit.

  4. Rump, the chickens roam outside the courthouse. Both the live ones and the sacrifices .

  5. I bet she taught you better

  6. My two favorite Rumpole classics in one string: "sorry mom" and "stop reading my blog." I love it.

  7. 10/16 @ 6:51 PM, lighten up Francis

  8. So sensitive. Freedom of speech unless it disagrees with your speech. Folks who watch Fox have melted brains. How about MSNBC? Obviously someone who allows their delicate egos to be pumped up by he devoted groupies should never be criticized. Maybe you should send copes of these comments to all of the judges in the courthouse and to the clients you represent who may be concerned about their cases being adversely affected by a foul-mouthed narcissist who is incapable of understanding the need to be respectful of courts. You are an embarrassment to our profession.
