Monday, August 07, 2023


 There is a "professionalism survey" being conducted and the topic alone is fodder for a dozen blog posts. So let's just get to it, but first, DIDJA KNOW that if you're a member of a law firm and your partner files a notice of appearance for a defendant and asks you to visit the client at DCJ or any of the local jails, Miami Dade Corrections will NOT let you see the client because YOU (as opposed to your firm) are, in their considered legal opinion, not representing the client. Thanks to an alert reader who sent us this disturbing information. 

Anything anyone wants to do about this ridiculous state of affairs? 


The Miami Dade Bar Association (Motto: "Rumpole may not join") is conducting a Professionalism Survey. 

DO NOT log on and answer the questions as you think the late, great, Alex Michaels would have done so ( we already did it). 

Just answer honestly. Really, We mean it. 


And last but not least, no professionalism discussion is complete without remembering that on this date in 2007 we lost one of the all-time great REGJB lawyers and people: Sy Gaer. We miss him. 



  1. I miss Sy so very much! Thanks for keeping his memory alive.

  2. Sy was the best among the best. I definitely miss him! Sleep in peace.

  3. At in the court was an acerbic character. Out of the court, an incredibly generous and helpful man. I miss him

  4. And a Baba booey to you all!

  5. Rump what kind of name is Chutkan for a judge? Kind of sounds a bit Russian don’t you think ? Whatever happened to judges named Sam and Sally Smith or Jane Jones ? Those are the kinds of judges I APPOINTED.

    Fake judge? NOT A US CITIZEN?
    The people want to know.

    (Yes this is really me.)

    MAGA 2024!

  6. I was an early riser and so was Sy. We often had breakfast at the courthouse cafeteria when it was Au Bon Pan and earlier the Pickle Barrel.

    There was a lot to Sy. He served in the Army during the Korean War as a forward observer. He had a few stories. One was eating a Christmas dinner of pineapples and ham. He got violently ill to the extent that the mere mention of pineapple and ham made him cringe.

    Though Sy was known for his apropos [sometimes not apropos] courtroom wit and quips directed usually at young ASAs, there was a deeper side to Sy.

    I remember him speaking with fluidity about literature like "The Heart of Darkness," "Candide" and some of Shakespeare's work.

    I can speak of personal experience about his famous little black book that he had at all times and guarded with his life. I touched it once and he smartly smacked my hand....hard.

    There is a story, I believe to be true. A judge had demanded to know what was in that black book. He refused to divulge it. The judge insisted and Sy relented saying: "Your wife's phone number." If he didn't really say that, it's something Sy would say..

    Sy was one of many lovable and unique characters who are sadly no longer with us.

  7. Sy was representing Leroy Rogers in this picture. Rogers was accused of killing a German tourist during the early 90's. It was a rough time in Miami those days with so many tourists being targeted because of the telling tag plate that would identify it as a rental car.

  8. He was a wonderful advocate, more lively and colorful than most. I used to let him get ahead of me in line to watch how how he would handle a routine motion.
