Friday, July 14, 2023


 Actually it is the heat. Other than being a Republican and/or a Federalist Society member, the rest of the world knows that July 4, 2023 was the hottest day in the last 100,000 years. 

Remember back in 2000-2010 when all the Republicans were saying global warming was a liberal democratic hoax and were ecstatic chanting "drill baby drill" in public? What do you morons say now?  

So let us once again get on our soap box and ask WHY DO MALE LAWYERS HAVE TO WEAR A SUIT  JACKET IN COURT IN JULY AND AUGUST? 

Not that we are an Equal Protection expert, but if female or non-binary lawyers (note the historic event of Rumpole using in public for the very first time the term non-binary) were required to wear some oppressive piece of clothing, wouldn't there be an outcry and lawsuits? 

What could actually happen if a male lawyer showed up in court in just a shirt and tie sans jacket? 

Judge: Good morning counsel. And nice to see you're wearing a full suit and tie today. 

Lawyer: It's 99 degrees in Miami with 500% humidity (under his breath- But I know since you were appointed by DeSantis and are a federalist society member you cannot acknowledge the science of global warming without destroying your career.)  

Judge: What was that last part? 

Lawyer: I said glad to be here judge, in my suit and tie. 

Judge: That's correct. If you weren't wearing a suit jacket on this day when it was 99 degrees outside, the fair administration of justice would come grinding to a halt. 

Lawyer: That's right judge. If I wasn't wearing a suit jacket we might return to Plessy v. Ferguson, and no one wants that. 

Judge: Umm, what's the cite on that counsel? It's not ringing a bell for me. 

Lawyer: Never mind judge, no one wants to return to Plessy v. Ferguson anyway. Well, maybe Justices Thomas and Alito, but for now we are safe. 

Judge: Well, I'll consult my handy Federalist Society handbook and see what my position is on that. 

Rumpole says, this whole federalist society thing is getting under our skin. Especially when judges who have zero training in philosophy prostrate themselves before the federalist society just to get their endorsement. 

We hereby challenge any judge to a (semi) live/public debate on the philosophy of the federalist society.  And because it won't be pretty or close, we will give you a hint and tell you to make sure you understand (or at least have a wiki definition handy) of the terms Metaphysics and Epistemology. This will at least keep you in the game for the first five minutes. 

We're a fair blogger, but take caution: this heat is making us f'ing crazy: 


  1. Climate change is real and we must take drastic action to stop it!!!!!! Floridians can make a huge contribution with immediate results. The government must mandate the following measures:
    1. All buildings, houses, and cars cannot have AC lower that 75 degrees.
    2. Construction of new condos must stop. It amazes me that with rsing sea levels that will engulf Miami, every square inch of land is being used for 40 story buildings that will only make the problem worse.
    3. A $100 per day car tax for anyone who drive more than 75 miles a day. This will reduce carbon emission overnight.
    4. Airline travel must be regulated and only emergency travel allowed. Evenyone one else must take Amtrak. Airlines contribute to global warming more than any other industry.
    5. Third World countreis must stay that way. Economic growth in the developing world is the driving casue of climate change.
    6. And finally, seriously consider possible military action against China and India. Without their participation, fighting climate change is a mirage. There is only so much the US can do.
    This sounds drastic but we are in an existential crisis like never before and to save humanity, we must take extreme measures.

  2. In the 1905's and again in the mid-70's, the Broward County Courts had a rule providing that lawyers did not have to wear jackets and ties during July and August.

  3. @7:57

    1. The republican party needs to acknowledge that global warming / climate change is real. That is not happening.

    2. Once both parties accept that reality, we can all work on fixing it.
