Thursday, July 27, 2023


Florida has revamped the old (and liberal) way of looking at various historical events. For example, Florida children will be taught that slavery was beneficial to slaves in several ways. We could not make this up if we tried. Click here if you do not believe us. 

Because we live to help, here is a suggested curriculum with topics for Florida tykes hungry to learn. 

I) SLAVERY- Beneficial to everyone! 

Many slaves enjoyed a wonderful relationship with the owners of the plantation they worked on. Some were brought into the Main House and participated (by serving) in family traditions like Christmas dinner, birthdays and holidays and the slaves were looked on by their owners as members of the family. Many slaves were able to take leftover food to their own families! 

Slaves, who had been transported from Africa, also enjoyed additional benefits like: 1) A free ocean voyage; 2) training in vocations like picking cotton; 3) free housing on a southern plantation. 

All in all the owner/slave relationship was a mutually rewarding experience for many of the participants in this great American experiment. These days, many black Americans can look at pride upon southern towns and plantations knowing their ancestors played an important part in the building America (and graciously did so without being paid!). 

II) THE HOLOCAUST- a wonderful get-together. 

The Holocaust gets a bad rap. Florida Children will learn that many Jews preferred to live together and in the construction of "labor villages" ,Jews and Gypsies were able to live and work in peace  amongst their own kind, with many benefits including 1) ZERO unemployment- every Jew and Gypsie worked every day; 2) A healthy meal - many Jews arrived at the labor villages overweight. Germany helped them lose weight and become productive members of society; 3) Cutting edge medical care by Dr. Joseph Mengele- a renowned German physicians who had many innovative ideas about health care;  4) Protection from Russian pogroms- Jews in the labor villages were protected from the Russians. 

All in all, many Jews emerged from their time in German labor villages with memories that they would never forget. And with the popular trend these days of people enjoying tattoos, all Jews were tattooed in German labor villages at NO COST TO THEM. Just one of many benefits Jews and Gypsies enjoyed for free during their stay at the labor villages.  

Rumpole says: Does this frighten you? A governmental effort to teach Florida children that slavery had benefits? It should.  Let any person who seriously advances this idea become a slave for a year; be whipped; see their children sold and their wife raped, and then report back about the benefits of slavery.  Trying to teach that slavery had some benefits for the slave is like saying Oswald deserves some credit for shooting JFK in the head so he wouldn't suffer. 

It is madness. 

Now you know why we are leaving Florida and the United States? This is part of the reason why.  


  1. %:28. I was being kind. They are more than likely to be a tier 4. I find it sad that one has to spend their career in the Justice Building. And not try any civil cases, or try federal all over the Country. My housekeeper makes more than 60K a year.

  2. Rump your post is so woke. Slaves learned lots of useful trades at their Masters’ expense. Their Masters had them trained in the building trades .
    In fact George Washington had his slaves come to the District of Columbia from Virginia and have the honor to construct the President’s Mansion ( ie The White House ).
    [ Irony & Sarcasm Alert ]

  3. Is Miami really the United States ? The only place outside the United States where you could comfortably live is probably Australia. I would suggest looking at Gold Coast in Queensland.

  4. Blog brilliance as usual

  5. Poor Ron Desantis.

    He takes a perfectly reasonable MAGA type position (you know, that the coloreds weren't really doing much career wise in Africa and learned many valuable skills while being employed here in the South. So why are they bitching and not more thankful for the on the job training?).

    He takes this pretty reasonable position and gets hammered. If Trump said it, he gain 6 points in the polls. Just doesn't seem fair. Maybe an indictment is what Desantis needs for the bump in the polls.

  6. Ask Gersten how he likes Australia. He fled their to avoid prosecution here. Sounds like he is doing well and his flight was successful.

  7. LHO didn't shoot anyone. All he was was the patsy, just as he stated.

  8. Slave Benefit: One slave named Sally Hemings on a trip to Paris got to bang Thomas Jefferson and bear his children.
