Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 We've all been there. A client needs a private moment of time. The lawyer and the client huddle... and then..... 

An elbow to the face.  Link is here if the video doesn't play. 

Kudos to defense attorney who downplayed the incident and didn't sell his client out. 


Attached is the list of lawyers nominated for the vacancies from the retirements of Judges Seraphin and Hanzman. 
Judge Hanzman's seat can be filled, but he cannot be replaced. What he did with the Chapman towers cased is unmatched in recent US legal history for the management and quick legal resolution of an enormous tragedy. There are DUI cases in the open county seat that took longer to resolve than the Chapman towers case. 

Meanwhile, one name on the list of the nominees for the County Court seat has caught our eye. 
Can you guess which one? 

JNC List Announcement (Circuit and County) by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd



  1. Miesha Darrough cannot be selected for Circuit Court. She cannot even function in County let along being elevated to Circuit. Just take a look at: http://www.therobingroom.com/florida/ListingByCounty.aspx?ID=109

  2. With all due respect, that list to replace Hanzy is awful.


  3. God help us if Gamez gets to circuit court. He is as incompetent as any judge can be. He is even worse than Aponte, Rosemary Jones and others who had no business wearing a robe. He has no trial experience and in the few he sat second chair he was scolded by the trial judge for the antics he tried. He is only on the list because his wife is a big shot with the Cuban bar and she works with a large national firm. He is even less qualified that little Areces. This is why the 11th circuit bench is pitiful..

  4. Yeah, I figured it was Jay Yagoda, even without the hint.
    Greenburg Traurig to County Court.

    Such a demotion. But glad Jay is looking to serve. We need more (some?) smart Judges.

  5. Mark E just kicked butt in Broweird

  6. Kevin Hellman should get the nod, of course. Indeed, he should be elevated immediately to circuit.
    For decades, I have argued that judges need significant legal chops: trial experience, deep legal knowledge, and equally deep knowledge of the procedural rules (criminal, civil, probate, juvenile, whichever division the person is assigned to). I don't care of a judge has a lot of charm or charisma, though Kevin has often demonstrated that he has the high level of professional courtesy that are the Big Cherry on the cake. But if you don't have the legal chops when elevated, you can't get that while serving. We saw this with the late and lamented Alan R. Schwartz, who had the Harvard Law credential when it meant something, but was famously a tough cookie to face at oral argument. Later, he got somewhat "nicer," but he always had the solid qualifications to actually judge. From the comments above, the current list sent to the Gov (except for Kevin) is sadly lacking.
