Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Our alert readers were busy with their phone cameras this week. A few of their best work:

First up the side of the REGJB. 

Second up, we call this "The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same."

We call these next two, fun at civil court. We are currently re-examining our choice to decline all civil cases. Maybe, just maybe, there are some redeeming qualities to be had at 73 West Flagler... 

Just what in the name of Boogie Nights was going on here? Some "bottom" of the barrel cases going to court? Civil Assumptions gone awry? Feel free to add your best pun in the comments section. 


  1. Let 73 West Flagler have some memorable sights before it finally collapses or gets demolished.

  2. I’m not sure how I missed this last night - usually wine makes me more creative - but this was clearly a motion to seize assets.

  3. I have seen many assholes (many wearing a robe) inside 73 West Flagler but, now I see one outside too.

  4. Nice ass…and the woman is cute too
