Friday, October 21, 2022


 Maybe it is us. We are not part of this eleven-dollar $$latte Instasnapchat tweets generation  that has taken over. But is not the English language still the English language  (depsite PM Lizie's issues )? 

This cannot be right, can it? 

Protect your WHAT? You can protect your day every day, but we are not convinced you can protect your "every day". You can only protect a noun and "every day" is not a noun. 

Voter Fraud: 

Voter Fraud is rampant. And not just in Florida. Perhaps as many as six or seven people who are not eligible to vote have been caught voting throughout the United States. We know- you are shaken upon realizing the extent of the threat to American democracy.  The public is in an uproar. This fraud is much worse than, say, a president making accusations about elfs stealing votes and taking them to Venezuela where a team of techs changed the vote to McGovern in the last election. 

In any event, Judge Milt Hirsch has said enuff is enuff -and we are paraphrasing him. 

Here's an ABC story   El Herald also has some coverage of this. 

Here's the order dismissing the voter fraud case.  The prosecution has vowed an immediate appeal on the "3rd DCA Doctrine" ("No motion to dismiss in a criminal case shall be granted absent exceptionally compelling circumstances that we envision occurring once a decade or so.")  Just another example of runaway liberal judges legislating from the bench. Disgusting. We should vet judges more carefully. For  example- this should be on a judicial questionnaire: Q: Will you ever grant a motion to suppress or dismiss filed by a defendant? 

The answer, well known to a generation of federalist society members who have become judges (of which a startling number have names like.....our better angels stopped us from printing a list of feminine first names, lest we offend someone or everyone....)  is a resounding NO. 

If a search was illegal? HA that's easy- inevitable discovery. If a case doesn't state a cause of action? Pullhese...kick it to the appellate court which will find the error not preserved, not fundamental, and not worthy of their time. PCA. 

Wood Order on Mt n to Dismiss PDF by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd


Coming Monday (absent one of our robed readers doing something really dumb this weekend)
Rumpole goes UNDERCOVER- a real life tale of our exploits as an agent provocateur. 


  1. That is a great order by a great judge. East read, clear, precise and not pedantic. Terrific.

  2. Has to be one of Milt's shortest Orders.

  3. "Protect your every day."

    Verbs act upon objects. As per English Grammar Today on the Cambridge Dictionary website:

    "Objects are typically noun phrases (a noun or pronoun and any dependent words before or after it). Objects normally follow the verb in a clause:

    Everyone likes her. She knows everyone.

    They didn’t take their mountain bikes with them.

    Have you seen the car keys?

    Yes I had them earlier.

    There are direct objects and indirect objects. A direct object (in bold) is the thing or person that is affected by the action of the verb. An indirect object (underlined) is usually a person (or animal) who receives a direct object:

    They gave her a present when she left.

    Can you get me some butter?"

    So to me the question would be that if "protect" is the verb that "your every day" is a clause representing the object.

    "Your" modifies "every day", and "every" modifies "day". "Day" is a noun. "Your" and "every" are the dependent modifiers that come before it.

    If I made a comment, "Take your very best shot" would anyone claim it is poor English? "Take" would be the verb, "your", "very", and "best" would be the dependent modifiers that come before the noun "shot". As dependent modifiers they could be adjectives (words or phrases naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to nouns to modify or describe them) and adverbs (words or phrases that modifies or qualifies adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs or a word group).

    If I made a comment, "Scrutinize your every utterance", that would not sound like improper English either. Because "utterance" is the noun, "scrutinize" is the verb, "your" modifies "every utterance" and nothing seems wrong with that.

    Just my opinion, but I just think at best, the phrasing in "Protect your every day" sounds awkward, but does not violate a rule.

    Just my two bits.

  4. 2.20 had to be written by the ever-prolix Hon Milt himself. What ever happened to writing an order saying, "The motion to xxxxx is Granted." Period, all on one page.

    And J Hirsch was hoist on his own petard (er, footnote): the footnote correctly says "All politics IS local," not, as Hon. Milt said in the body of his order, "All politics ARE local."

  5. Tonight. It’s cold out. We have a fire. We had some seafood pasta and fresh baked bread and a dark red wine and homemade
    Chocolate chip cookies for dessert. We have music on and are sitting by the fire. One cat is curled up snoozing. And she says
    “you can draw a straight line from Herb Kalmbach to Don Segretti to the committee to re-elect the president and the White House and the payment of over 500,000 in illegal cash. And you know what happened ? He pled in 73 to two counts Got 180 days in jail. Lost his law license and got it back in 1977. Can you believe that ? He got his license to practice law after he subverted the constitution and nearly brought this country to collapse. Kalmbach was Nixon’s personal lawyer. He was a two bit real estate guy and when Nixon got to the White House all of the sudden he was representing United Airlines. And paying Segretti to do dirty political tricks.

    So I sigh and say “wow” and she gets up and says I don’t care about the things she cares about.

    It’s just me and the cat on the couch tonight. Can you believe this?

  6. No Mr./Ms. 3: 53:00 pm you are completely wrong. Judges should be encouraged to write orders and Milt is doing his job BETTER than most judges do their jobs. Most are too lazy and too afraid to speak out against the State. Milt has.... guts. Did you ever see Sam Slom write out an order like that one?

    This whole Desantis bullshit of arresting people when they were duped into voting reminds me of another sting years ago.

    FHP got a list of people with permanent DL suspensions for stuff like DUI manslaughter and sent them all a letter inviting them to a job fair promising good paying jobs. Yuppers, a bunch drove to the fair and yuppers, FHP pounced on them with felony DWLS charges. Yuppers, SAO dropped them all and said cut the shit. Sure they were guilty but, since when does the government trick you to get you to commit a crime. Don't we have enough crime out there right now to prosecute?

  7. @10:14pm- you idiot. Engage in the conversation with her you dofus. My gf could care less about sports but I know she makes an effort to engage and stay interested by asking questions. You almost sound like you are self sabotaging this relationship because you are scared. Do you love her? Do you want to spend the rest of the your life with her? It isn't rocket science, stop making it so complicated you moron otherwise you are going to end up being one of those overweight men in desperate need of a hair transplant and going to the gym to get rid of your beer gut all the while
    regretting the awful mistake of not marrying this girl all because she an obsession with Watergate. Get over it, you moron.

  8. 930 relax the whole thing is made up anyway.

  9. @11:13AM-- Are you sure? It seems pretty real to me. There's no way @10:14 is fake.

  10. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. If you get a chance, take it.

  11. The best book on Watergate-- The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House
    By H.R. Haldeman

    Random thought here, as Wayne Dyer would say, Life is a series of connections, there are no accidents and no coincidences

  12. Friday Oct 21 2:20PM here.

    I am actually laughing my ass off, because I'm not a judge, let alone Uncle Milty.

    I think it is hilarious to be compared to him. More often than not, I think of myself as a slacker and not very detailed, but sometimes I do analyze things with an over-the-top level of scrutiny when something draws me out of my usual absent minded state.
