Monday, October 10, 2022



Good Monday morning. As you wait for your Starbucks iced latte, bemoan the Dolphins' loss, and try to get to the front of the zoom line for your court case this morning  (court is closed), Ukraine is under a massive missile attack from Russia and their war criminal leader Putin. Missiles are striking Kiev, the capital, as well as multiple civilian centers well away from the front-line battles. This is a war crimes retaliation against innocent civilians for Ukraine blowing up the Crimean bridge and severing a strategic supply line for Russia into the Ukraine territory it has illegally annexed. 

Think of the innocent Ukrainian civilians today as you muddle through your pedantic business. 


  1. The united state of America he no place getting invoked in this region. We are placing Russia back against the wall. No bueno situation. All while Biden at the helm. never thought I would say this but I miss the megalomaniac trump. He did a much better job in his first two years. How's ur stock portfolio. Now we have wars and immigration stampedes and 7 dollar gas ( go visit la ). Two words - Biden the terrible.

  2. That's 3 words, and Joe for all is faults, is doing his job by being the anti- Trump.
    Can you imagine the state of affairs with this war under a Trump administration?? He would be leaving Ukraine and the NATO countries out to dry, all the while making nonsensical excuses for Putin.

  3. 748 the two words is a troll u got trolled

  4. 10:34 - Trump inherited a good economy from Obama. The economy has been screwed by a pandemic that Trump ignored then tried to hide from with perilous consequences to millions of Americans. Go sink your head in the sand and ignore the other things he did and what he stood for. Trump is now fueling the fire of white nationalism and that makes him a racist. He has inflated his wealth by manipulating the valuation of his properties and that makes him a liar. He steals government records and that makes him a thief. The reality is he's a con man without scruples and should never be allowed to return. Biden is not perfect, but as the Democrats before him he has weathered the storm of what his predecessor left behind (think Bush2 before Obama, Bush1 before Clinton) and the economy has begun to return. Try watching something other than Fox.

  5. What is 10:34 on October 10th smoking or drinking at that hour? Trump from day 1 was a total misfit for the job. He obviously knows nothing about history.

  6. Oct 12, 2022 @ 3:51 - you are a walking rule 3. Retire.

  7. Well said by anonymous, October 12th at 9:06 am. Could not have said it better.

  8. Trump told Putin while he was president that if he attacked Ukraine, the U.S. would defend. Putin asked if that meant militarily. Trump said Yes. So, while Trump was president, nothing happened. We had to wait for a ball-less, demented crook to show us how we could do it very expensively in terms of money and human life, because Putin feared Trump. Nobody fears Biden, and while the Pink Left loves wars, they have to pretend for a while that they do not.
