Tuesday, September 20, 2022


In these decades of minimum mandatory sentences when legislators tell judges they are not to be trusted in sentencing because people who commit crimes are not redeemable, comes this remarkable and feel-good story about one man - Angel Sanchez who in 1999 was sentenced to 30 years in prison. He did 12. If the prosecutors and sentencing judge had their way, he would still be in prison. 

Except Mr. Sanchez got out, went to college and then law school, got a law degree and was recently sworn into the DC Bar by Judge De La O along with Federal Judge Kathleen Williams who has been championing Mr. Sanchez. 

As Judge De La O said- it's a feel-good story in a courthouse full of tragedy. 

Mr. Sanchez clerked for Judge De La O when he was in law school. At times Sanchez was homeless and the judge offered him a room in his home. 

Because not everyone believes in the lock-em-up and throw away the key philosophy of criminal justice. 

Just most of the prosecutors and judges in our courthouse. And that's a damn shame. 

The story is here. 


  1. I have gotten to know Angel over the last 5 years and he is truly a remarkable man. I had the privilege of handling a small part of his case when I was on the bench at REG. Angel also went to Law School with my son and future daughter in law, and whenever I saw him , he was always upbeat and is a true inspiration. Judge De La O (an amazing person and friend ) was really able to make a difference in a persons life and for the betterment of us all.
    Congratulations Angel Sanchez and Judge De La O !!! This is a beautiful story and lesson for us all.

    Martin Zilber

  2. Judge De La O is a great judge and an even better human being.

  3. Beautiful story. We NEED more good stories In the criminal Justice world.

  4. What a wonderful story. Thanks for posting.

  5. This is why this Judge will be the next Federal Judge.

  6. In case we’ve forgotten what an honorable profession this is. Thank you judge DeLao.

  7. The one thing in this inspirational and heartwarming story which exposes a serious flaw in our state’s criminal justice system is that Angel is not eligible to sit for the Bar Exam in his home state. As a former prosecutor, I would be exceedingly proud to have this young man enter the Florida Bar.

  8. Angel is an amazing human being who has dedicated himself to self-improvement and public service. None of it possible without faith in the unseen from the proverbial 'village' and most importantly from Judge De La O. So much can be said about this Judge who is humble, respectful, fair, discreet and unafraid to take principled stances and give second chances, particularly the young adults that appear before him. No doubt, his actions help restore faith in the judicial process and allow for people to redeem themselves once freed from the yolk of probation, incarceration and let's not forget the hefty economic burden of court costs, etc.
    Finding myself tired of the rest of the current judges with limited life, litigation experience, maturity and plenty of vanity, De La O is my Don Quixote. He needs to be cloned!

  9. I never met Angel Sanchez, but I have been in front of Judge de la O!!! What an awesome jurist! What an awesome human being, even BEFORE this story aired!!!! Judge de la O does his job with enthusiasm, compassion, legal mindset and most of all....humbly! I absolutely love Judge de la O. I have appeared before him maybe in 3 or 4 cases. He has always been super respectful, extremely knowledgeable and never condescending. He deserves to be elevated, but for selfish reasons I hope he isn't! Mr. Sanchez: don't waste your talent and the gift that has been dealt to you! So far, you haven't.....I want to see you in a position to do good onto others, just like Judge de la O did onto you! Go smash the Florida Bar! You have all the support to get a clemency! Go! Run! Do it! redeem yourself and show those MF that you can!

  10. Thank you for making my day. Those pictures radiated with joy and kindness.
    Many blessings to all involved.

  11. What a wonderful heartwarming story. We need more of these to mitigate all the heartbreakers we hear daily. I don’t know Angel, but i know his mentor, Judge de la O. One of the finest and most compassionate jurists on the bench today. Congrats to both Angel and Judge D.

  12. This is a great story.

    Unfortunately, I cant really see the Florida Bar allowing a convicted felon to have a law license. Especially someone having committed a violent felony and serving prison time.

  13. Bravo His honor De La O He is what a judge should be

  14. Judge De La O has always been a class act. One of the most compassionate, knowledgeable and reasonable judges in that building.

  15. Not surprised that DelaO had a hand in this situation.

  16. Dear Joe,

    It’s time for you to appoint De la O. Seriously. What are we doing with these vacancies!?

  17. My hat is off in respect to Mr. Sanchez and Judge De LA O who shows outstanding leadership in doing the right thing.
