Monday, September 12, 2022


 Sunday was 9/11- more than 20 years have passed since that awful day in American life when people went to work and did not return home. 

Many of the NYFD firemen who ran into the second tower after seeing the first tower collapse, did so knowing that they were most likely going to die. 

But as it was pointed out on a very compelling 60 Minutes on Sunday night, they ran into the second tower knowing that they could not live with the knowledge that they let their brothers and sisters perish without trying to save them. 

That type of bravery is what American Exceptionalism is all about. 

That type of bravery should never be forgotten. 

It will not be forgotten on this blog as long as we have strength in our fingers to type and blog. 


  1. So what did our exceptionalism do?? We started a war in Iraq. Squandered all that good will on and used that moment as a pretext to settle a family score. No doubt the worst president in history. Yet, he is remembered as a great dignified elder statesman and trump a traitor the likes of the 911 hijackers. Please don't act like New York's bravest represent America or Americans. They don't.

  2. Rumpole??? Survivor Pool results please?

  3. read the update Sunday- half the pool went down on the Titans
    I post the survivors this Sunday. You can review the post sunday and see who picked losers. I don't have the time to do all the work for you

  4. Illegitimi non carborundum
